Insects and Dance Lessons

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Once Jennifer got to the dance studio, she was face to face with Selena.

            “Hey Blondie.” She said, and Jennifer nodded her hello and crossed the room, to the door that led to another, smaller dance studio. Before she could get to it, Selena stopped her. “Why don’t you wanna be in the same room with me? That’s very rude, you know.”

            “Well… because apparently, us being in the same room together means trouble for both of us. And I don’t want any trouble.” Jennifer said to the floor.

            “Well if you would stop talking crap about me, maybe we could be friends.” Selena replied, walking off to the middle of the dance studio, and Jennifer stared at her in disbelief. What could possibly be going through this girl’s head??? Jennifer thought. Instead of saying anything, however, Jennifer took the ten small steps to the door.

            Jennifer closed the door and crossed the room to the stereo system and started playing her music on shuffle. She spread her legs and easily touched her toes to stretch her muscles and relax. As she leaned down to continue stretching her legs, she brought her arms behind her neck and pulled until she felt the familiar stretch of her upper arms.

            As soon as she was done stretching, Jennifer played All Around the World by Justin Bieber and tried to get a feel of the beat. Scrunching her eyebrows together, she tried to keep up to the complicated beat. It seemed to her that the beat would be better if it were a partner dance. To Jennifer, it was more like partner dancing than anything else.

            “I’m gonna have to bring that up with Justin.” she muttered to herself.

            “Bring what up with Justin?” she heard from the other side of the room, causing her to start with a gasp.

            “I… well… I was just thinking… that All Around the World… would be better choreographed… if it were a partner dance…” Jennifer said to the floor.

            “Well… I don’t think any of the other dancers know anything on pair dancing, unless it’s hip hop. Do you have any ideas?” he asked. Jennifer quickly shook her head. “Oh come on, I know you do.” He probed with a smile.

            “Well… I was thinking… I don’t know.” She admitted, not wanting to look foolish.

            “Why are you always so weird around me?” he demanded, getting frustrated.

            “The same reason you’re always so hot and cold with me.” She mumbled, then gasped at her forwardness and looked up to his shocked face. “I-I'm sorry.” She said, and started to walk away, but Justin caught her by the wrist, turning her around.

            “No, you were just being honest. I'm… sorry for the way I've been treating you.” He said. She nodded at the floor and he lifted her face up by her chin, making her pull away instinctively. Instead of getting angry again, he simply said, “So what exactly did you have in mind? I can run it by Scooter.”

            “Well… the beat has sort of a… I don’t know, salsa-y feel to it? But it could work with practically anything.” she said, and moved away from Justin, who got startled at her sudden movement. She moved over to her phone and switched the song back to the beginning. “Come here.” She ordered, and Justin moved over to her.

            “Follow my lead.” She said, and they linked arms, one of Jennifer’s hand on Justin’s shoulder, and the other holding his. She placed his hand on her waist, making her feel uncomfortable with the sudden closeness. As soon as the beat hit, Jennifer counted the eight step of the salsa and Justin struggled to keep up with her.

            “This is really hard.” He said, after a bit of struggling and stepping on Jennifer’s toes for the tenth time. Jennifer smiled at the floor.

            “It’s really hard when you first learn it. I'm not a very good teacher, but I can show you what I know…” she said as they took a break.

            “Where did you learn how to dance? I mean… you’re an amazing dancer.” Justin replied, causing Jennifer to blush.

            “I’m not that great.” She said quietly, and looked down at the floor.

            “Yeah, you are. You should give me dance lessons.” He said. Jennifer laughed in exasperation.

            “Get in line. I have to show Alex lifts.” She said, and blushed again. Justin laughed.

            “Yeah, I caught that. Maybe you could show us at the same time.” He said. Jennifer blushed as he got closer to her, too close for comfort, but didn’t move away. Then, Jennifer got an idea. She looked up at the ceiling, already forming a plan, and bit her lip.

            “I think I can get that set up.” She said. “Now come on, let’s practice some more.” And with that, they got up and Jennifer started All Around the World again.

            Neither of the two noticed Selena at the doorway, angry and plotting her own plan. Jennifer was dangerous. Like a poisonous insect: she needed to be squashed immediately.

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