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“So, Jen…” Justin asked a week later, but Jennifer couldn’t hear, for she had her headphones in. “Hey, Jen. Jen!” he pulled out one of her headphones, and she flinched in surprise.

            “What’s up?” she asked. Jennifer was sitting on the bed, reading a book, and Justin was laying next to her, watching her read and bob her head to the music.

            “Nothing. I just wanted to talk to you.” Justin said simply. Jennifer put her put on the nightstand table and took out her other headphone. She stretched her legs out in front of her, and leaned on her side, facing Justin, resting her head against her palm, which was propped up by her elbow.

            “Okay, what’d you wanna talk about?” Jennifer asked softy, smiling. She’d finally begun to let herself be happy again, and she was loving it.

            “I don’t know, what do you want to talk about?” Justin asked, avoiding the question, for the topic he wanted to discuss had to be brought up at the perfect time, in the perfect setting.

            “You’re the one that wanted to talk, what’d you wanna talk about?” Jennifer said, giggling slightly. Justin chuckled.

            “Wanna go to the dance studio?” Justin asked, and Jennifer looked at the time on her phone, and saw that it was well past dark, her favorite time to dance.

            “Sure.” Jennifer said, and they both stood up, and headed out the door. Justin took her hand in his as they started walking and admired her puple floral skirt, with a matching purple tank top and white-knit cardigan. He watched as she threw her hair up in a messy bun and relaxed her neck muscles.

            “You sure love dance, don’t you?” Justin asked, and Jennifer smiled.

            “I love it more than anything in the world.” She replied, and Justin smiled down at her.

            “I can tell. You’re really passionate about it.” He said, and Jennifer nodded as they boarded the elevator, and headed down to the lobby.

            “I love it. Music can make you… feel like you’re dancing on the clouds, it can make you feel just like a flamingo, just chilling in a pond, as graceful as a gazelle, running across a field.” Jennifer started lifting her legs to her chest as they walked, crossing her legs with every step she took, and Justin chuckled.

            They reached the studio doors and opened them, laughing as the automatic motion-detector light came on, lighting the dance studio with its bright fluorescents.

            “Well, do the flamingos and gazelles have willing partners to spin them around like this?” Justin asked as he picked Jennifer up bridal style and started spinning her around in circles, causing her to start laughing.

            “I’m not sure, you’d have to ask them.” Jennifer said, giggling.

            “Well you’re a flamingo, chilling in a pond, you’re a graceful gazelle, running across a field, and you’re as beautiful as a freshly bloomed rose.” Justin said quietly, as he set Jennifer back down on her feet, blushing profusely.

            “Please don’t.” Jennifer whispered, pulling herself away from Justin’s arms, which were rested at her waist, to plug her phone into the stereo system quietly. She sat on the floor and started on her leg stretches, but Justin had something else in mind.

            He crossed the room to where Jennifer was, and guided her up by her hands.

            “What are you doing?” Jennifer asked quietly, but Justin ignored her as he pulled her closer to him.

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