Rose: Vampire Hunter

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Hello guys xX Jade1699xX here and I hope you like the video on the right because it's the trailer for this story. I worked hard on it and I am so glad people are loving this story. The last one I did on this was a lot better but I had to delete it bc I didn't know something wrong but I now know not to make that mistake again. Also sorry I spell wrong my keyboard is messed up so yeah. Also, I might not be on for a little while because I am moving but please leave comments :) night

There was blood everywhere I looked. Bodies on the floor dry from all their blood and lifeless. I didn't know what was happening all I wanted to do was get out of this place, but I couldn't because those things were blocking the door. I hoped they don't find me. I was hiding in a closet and I had it creak opened so I could see what was going on. There was only one more person left and it was a little girl. She was scared, afraid and crying she was maybe just 8 years old and she watched them kill her mother. What are they going to do to her? Was my question.

One of the robbers went up to the little girl and grabbed her neck and he started examing her like a piece of meat. My heart was beating faster than normal and I tried to calm down but I just couldn't. The guy started to squeeze the girls neck as hard as he could and she just stopped moving and he bit into her neck and not one sound came from the child. He dropped the girl's lifeless body and blood was going down his lips. I had to stop myself from screaming because if I didn't he would have heard me and find me then kill me. That poor girl. I moved backward and a broom and pan fell to the floor. I looked through the creak and one of the men moved from his post and another one followed him. I knew I was going to die I just knew it. They opened the door and I just ran out and towards the doors, but they were blocked. I was surrounded and I backed up into a corner. The guy that killed the little girl started walking towards me and he smiled and I saw he had fangs. It can't be... They're not real.... or are they? Are vampires real? Two of his fellow members grabbed me from behind my arms and made me get on my knees and I tried to get away, but I couldn't because they were so much stronger than me.

"Looks like we missed on boys and she's a really pretty lady too. How old are you my dear?' *He got on his knees and traced my neck with his finger and I just looked away and froze.* ' Why does..... it matter? Who or what are you guys?' * I looked up with a brave face, but he gripped his hands around my throat and I couldn't breathe. ' That is not what I asked you, woman. How old are you?' * He let his grip go and he made me look at him.* ' I'm 20' *He smiled and laughed* ' Really now. Well, you look younger but your blood smells so sweet. I am going to enjoy killing you, my dear."

His friends picked me up off the floor and onto the table and pinned me down. I couldn't move at all they were too strong. The guy moved my head sideways so he could get a good look at my neck veins and he bit into my neck and I screamed. The pain was so intense, but something happened. He stopped drinking my blood and took his fangs out then fell to the ground and burned into ashes. I put pressure on my neck and started to get up and ran, but I fell. I was in so much and before I closed my eyes I saw two figures looking down at me and I closed my eyes.

Rose: Vampire HunterWhere stories live. Discover now