Chapter 2: Pure

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The blonded haired girl is Amarina :)

When I woke up I was in a bedroom that was all white and nothing but white. My head hurts like someone hit me across the head with a metal pole. As I stood up I felt dizzy and I fell. I don't know what is wrong with me. Whatever they put inside me was making me weak and when I am weak I can die if I don't drink blood soon. My body was aching, and my heart was racing. Wait my heart is beating, but how is that even passable? My heart hasn't worked since I was turned into a vampire. There was a sharp pain in my body and I screamed. I fell to the ground as my head started pounding and my heart started to beat faster. I was out of breathe and my eye sight was blurry. I really need blood and fast. My chest feels like it's about to explode, my head was spinning. I couldn't get up at all. How long has it been since I was out? I heard someone open a door and I heard running and I got up into a fighting pose.

"Who are you people and what did you do to me? Where am I.... How is my heart beating....' * I couldn't finish and I fell to the ground holding my chest. The person that came inside was next to me and when i looked up it was a woman. Her eyes were golden brown and her skin was paler then it normally is.I seen her before, but I can't remember where from. My head was hurting worst now and then another flashback came.


"Steve will she be alright on her own? What if she can't control herself and she kills people? How will we know she'll be alright? We can't just leave her behind.' *I could hear and see everything, but they don't know that. Steve was a beautiful and been a vampire for almost thousand years now. Amarina  was also very pretty with her golden eyes, and hr skin was bright as can be she was more like an Angel then a vampire.* ' Amarina she'll be find on her own until we go back and get her in a couple of years. If she loses control our kind will keep an eye out on her and help her through what she'll go through. We will know because either you or Dustin will keep an eye out on her. I know my dear but she'll make it though I promise. Now take her to her new home. She is very important to all of us. She's already like family.' * He got out of his seat and got beside me and kissed my cheek* ' You will be fine and when we find you again you'll be family forever. Now sleep my dear child." I fell into a deep sleep and that was all I remember and the flashback ended.

(Flashback Ends)

" Rose you're alright. We are here to help you and take care of you. You're not alone anymore I promise you this. You may not remember me, but my name is Amarina . Me and my husband  Dustin  took care of you and let you have a new life. Ever since that day we watched over you Rose. I know you are scared and everything, but we are not the bad guy. Please calm down alright.' * When she said that I started to remember them and I let my guard down and she put me into her arms holding me. I started to cry because I have never had someone like them in my life. My old family was mean and rude to me. They kicked me out when i was 19 and after Max's death.  Since then I have always been on my own.* 'Shush it's alright Rose you're not alone no more I promise you. We are going to feed you and help you. It's a good thing we found here in time because if we didn't you would of been dead.  Dustin   I found her! She's unharmed! Come on let's get out of here honey..." She picked me up and started running out of the place I was in.

 There was blood everywhere and fighting. Where was I and why am I here? Amarina  held me as tight as she could trying to get out of the fighting and blood bath. We were finally out of there I felt myself losing the fight. If I didn't get blood soon there won't be no me. She  laid me down on the ground and I couldn't keep my eyes opened. My heart was slowing down and I opened my eyes and I saw Steve beside Amarina. He gave her a bag of blood and she came toward me and put it in front of  my lips. I bit into it and started drinking it. I felt myself gain strength, but that blood didn't help as much.

"Hang in there Rose! I know you can do it! Just hang in there... I promise you'll be alright. She will be alright, Steve. Steve will she be alright? * She looked at him with tears going down her face* 'I don't know Amarina... They left her unfed for 3 weeks and you know we need blood every week. Her body is rejecting the blood. She needs a doctor' * I screamed when I felt a needle stick into the crease of my elbow. I felt something warm going into my body and all my pain was gone. I could breath a lot better, but I was still weak. Amarina looked at the boy about my age next to us.* 'Justin you came at the right moment... Will she be alright ?' * I heard Steve ask looking at Justin. It was dark to see what he looked like.* ' We won't know until we take her  back to HQ so we can take care of her. I think she'll make it. All she needs is a lot of sleep and plenty of blood. Other then that she'll be alright. If she would of strayed here any longer she would of died. Right now she can't feel any pain because I put morphine in her blood witch won't last long because we are vampires. Dustin, help me pick her up so I can take her to the infirmary.' * They picked me up and sat me down in the backseat of a car and Amarina got in the back with me as Dustin and Justin got in the driver seat and passage seat. Steve came in the back as well and was next to us. He looked at me and smiled.* ' You're safe now my dear Rose, but you need to rest. When you wake up you'll be in your new home with us. Now sleep dear one and may you dreams be pure." I smiled and sat my head on Amarina's lap and I closed my eyes and started to go into a deep sleep. For once in my life again I felt at home. Safe, warm, and loved once again.

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