Chapter 5: The Truth

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 The boy is Justin :)                                                                                                                                    


When Amarina lead me out of Steve's office she took me to my room in the castle and she shut the door so no one could here us talk.  I can't believe I'm the Queen. Why me? Why not Amarina because she is older and she would fit the Queen part, but why me? I laid back on my bed and started to think until Amarina sat beside me.

"I'm sorry you had to find out who you really are by Max. Just when the your mother had you she wanted you to have a life of your own. So you would never find out that you are her daugther. She never thought Jamie would get so bad, but he did and she had to find somewhere safe for you to be protected. Your mother was the sweetest person we ever knew she loved you Rose and she didn't want you to take her place because she was scared. Do you want me to tell you your mothers name?' * I wrapped my arms around her and laid my  head on her chest because I was scared and I wanted to know more about my mother. I nodded my head.* ' Well your mother's name was Josephine Thompson. You look a lot like her you know. Your father was the vampire King and his name was Darrick Thompson  and he was a very strong person. They had to go into battle with Jamie because he's been killing our clan and your mother and father wouldn't let them enslave us all. You were just a month old when all this happened. I was keeping an eye on you. Everything was going to hell until your mother came into the castle. Here is what happened." I just laid there and she started to tell me me when our war first started.


                                           The Story of the Vampire War

                                                                                                                                      (Amarina POV)

As I was watching Rose sleep her mother and father came inside and Josephine cam beside me and pick her up and she was sleeping like a rock. Rose was the perfect child in our eyes. When she gets older she's going ot look like her mother. Darrick got beside Josephine and kissed her cheek. I started to get up.

"Where you going Amarina my dear?' *  Josephine ask me and I turned around and smiled*  ' I was going to leave you and Derrick alone time without me getting in the way. Rose just want to sleep and I don't want to wake her up my lady.' * She got up and gav Rose to her father and walked towards me and we sat on the bed.* ' Why would we think your in the way Amarina? We've never said that to you before. You're part of out family now and you will never be in the way dear. If it wasn't for you who would we trust with out little girl? You've been with us since the beginning. You never left us like the others did. You stayed, besides you're Rose's godmother. If anything would to happen to me and Darrick we are going let her stay with you. She needs you Amarina, I need you. You will never get in our way I promise dear. You are family and family sticks together." * She kissed the top of my head and went back to here her child and husband was at.

I got off the bed and went to where they were and Darrick laid Rose in my arms and I couldn't help but smile. She was the most beautiful baby I've ever seen. Even though she was half vampire and half human I've never seen a baby like her. I put her back into her crib and we left her alone so she could sleep. As I was about to leave she started crying again.  I couldn't just leave her to cry so I got beside her crib and picked her up and started to sing her little lullaby. As I was singing Rose yawned a little yawn until someone grabbed new from behind and took Rose away from me.  They pinned me to the ground as I could hear her small crys echo through the room. So I tried to get away but they had me pinned down good. So I bit one if the guys who held me down and he yelled in pain and I got up and attacked the person who had Rose and I snapped his neck in half and he fell limp. I took Rose and ran as fast as I could. As I escaped I saw many more vampires fighting. I saw that the king ad queen trapped and I went towards them. I gave Josephine her daughter and I started to protect my family.

" Amarina go and leave us be. Here is Rose keep her safe and away from harm. We are at war now and she doesn't need to be raise if we're at war. Promise me you'll keep her safety and find her a better home. ' * I looked at the queen and Rose while I was fighting and tears went down my face and I grabbed Rose and looked at Josephine* ' I promise I'll be back mistress. I promise to take Rose to a safe place.... I won't let you down this time. I'll protect her with my life. I'll be back. ' *She smiled at me and kissed me on my cheek and then  gave her daughter a kiss on the forehead and gave me a nacklace and said ' Don't give this to her until it her time to fight back. Tell her how much I love her when u take her to a different family. When she's ready find her and bring her to HQ and then to her birth place. I trust u Amarina. Keep her away from harms way. Goodbye my sweet child.... Keep her safe. " She left and so did The king as I ran to save Rose's life.

                 Hour Later 
As Rose was asleep in my arms I went back to wear the Queen was bit when I got there ashes and bones every where. I searched for the Queen. Until I found her laying badly injured and the bones on her left was the king. I got beside her and grabbed her hand.

"Mistress...  I shouldn't of left you to fight alone.... ' * She looked at me and I saw the lights of her eyes beginning to dem.* ' I told....  you to leave me dear friend.... *she looks at Rose * Is she alright Amarina?' * I smiled and sat beside her and I left her hold her baby one later time. She tried to smiled but she couldn't * ' yes she is just sleeping mistress.... I told I would be back even though I knew this would happen.... I couldn't let you die alone...  I should of saved you.... I should of stayed.... ' * tears went down my face and she wiped them away and looked at me.* ' You were just following orders.... Take care of my little angel you hear me.... I love you both....  goodbye... " She closed her eyes as I picked Rose you as she disappeared into the air. Rose was still sleeping.  

         (Amarina Present )

"Rose your parents were great people. They died for you and for me. They didn't want you to grow up during the war.  They loved you with all their hearts. " I said as I felt Rose breathing slowly witch meant she was asleep.

I just laid they're beside her and let her sleep. I'll be,taking her to her birth place and to her parents graves. As soon as I laid there my eyes felt heavy and I fell asleep.                       


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