Chapter 4: Max's Story

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The boy is Max :)                                                                                                                                       

                                                                                                                                                Max POV

Me and Rose let each other go and sat on the couch were I was talking to Amarina. I've known her since they brought me into this life. She kinda reminded me of Rose when she was younger. Rose grabbed my hand like she did that night and smiled at me. I never thought I would see her again and to know she's still alive that relaxed me.

"Max what happened since the night when you know left me? I was so heart broken to see you die in my arms like that I would always have nightmares about that. When I went home with mom and dad they threw me into my room locked me in there until we buired you three days after you were shot. Then they put me in foster care and I stayed there util my birthday and that's when I was attacked by a couple of bad vamps. When were you turned? Where did you get the tattoos because I have the same ones? How long have you've been a vampire? Max every single night I would cry myself to sleep......' * I stopped her and I picked up her chin so s would look at me. Tears were going down her  face and so I wiped them away.* ' I was about to tell you all that just wait. When I heard Steve telling Amarina that you were weak and badly hurt I wanted to go into your room and waited for you to wake  up, but Amarina told me I couldn't see you bcause you had blood all over you because they beat you pretty bad. You had cuts all over your body, you were almost gone until Justin saved you. You were out for a week Rose I was so proud to finally see you again. So you want know how I am still alive Here it goes. When I was shot and I saw your face on last time my heart did stop and when they took me to the morge my heart sarted beating again.

(Max's Story)

As I opened my eyes there was a sheet over me, but all I could remember was Rose looking down at me with tears going down her face. I sat up and the sheet slide off of me, but I laid back down because my eyes started to close again and I saw a shadow beside me and lend down to my ear. The person said, ' Don't be scared Max I am here to save your life. My name is Steve and you don't have much time left my boy. You will feel pain in a few seconds, but you won't and you will close your eyes and sleep until you are buried. Please forgive me Max." He bit into my neck and he covered my mouth so I wouldn't yell and the pain started.

I closed my eyes like he said and the pain would not stop. I felt like I was fighting myself to stay alive. It felt like my vains were on fire and my skin buring with it. I kept seeing red and more red. I wanted to get out of this hell and back to my sister because I couldn't leave her not now she needs me. I kept fighting and fighting the pain and my heart was beating faster and faster evey second that it felt like it would explode in my chest. I could see my life leaving my body. After a while with the pain my heart started to slow down and I felt some warm liquid running in my vains and into my heart until my heart stopped and so did my fight. I was in th darkness with no one around just plain blackness. I couldn't feel no pain, no emtion and I wasn't moving. I was just still, every time I would try I couldn't move. I slowly started to open my eyes and it was really dark and I was laying on a soft bed. When I tried to sit up I couldn't and I couldn't even move my arms it was like I was in a box, but then I remembered I was dead and so I knew what I was in. I was in a coffin. I could hear people crying and a pritcher talking there was one cry I hear from all th others and it was Rose's crying. I wanted to jump out of this thing and hold her, but I couldn't because I was dead. The last thing I heard was Rose saying this: * I Love you Max and I am so sorry for everything. I wish this would of never happened. I am so.... Sorry..." Then she left a Rose on my coffin and walked away. After that I was seated under the ground and they started to bury me. When I moved my head to the left I sawa picture of me and Rose from Monday when I was back home and she was so short, but I loved her. I just laid  there thinking for hours until I felt my coffin being rasied to the surface and someone opened it. I sat up and it was a woman with blode and golden eyes. So I got out of the coffin and I saw Steve shut it and started to lower it down again and then he started to put the dirt back over my grave.

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