Chapter 8: The Blood of the Monster

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As I woke up my head was pounding and I felt like total shit and as I got up I got light headed and I threw up on the floor. I lay back down, but I was in a different room then my own and I started to freak out. I got up from the bed and I found myself locked in a solid concrete cell. The only opening was three bars were a door was. I looked though it and I smelt vampires everywhere. I reached for my swords but they were gone, so I went for my dagger and it was gone too. All my weapons were gone and I was defenseless. I felt the monster inside me. My vampire side was stronger than before and all I really wanted was blood. Damn it my mouth was watering so much. It hasn't done that in four years now. It felt like my body was burning up and pains were all over my body. I curl up in a ball trying to calm down.


"Why are you fighting me Rose? You know you want to; you know what your destiny is because Steve already told you. You won't be able to fight me much longer. Sooner or later you will give in and we will join Jamie and be in his clan. You won't win this fight and even if you did fight him you are weak without me. Your heart is already giving in and soon you'll be a full formed vampire. No hasn't seen what we look like in thousand of years. You will give in soon, I just know."


That voice that wasn't my voice that was a demonic voice, what was going on? My heart was faster than normal and I took my shirt off and clutched my chest to make the pain go away, but it was only getting worst. I screamed with agony and my mind started to go blank. What was going on? Why do I feel angry al of a sudden?

I tired to remember Max, , Steve, Ryan and Justin but I couldn't remember who they were I did but at the same time I didn't. It was like they're disappearing from my mind like getting eased. No I can't let this monster win I just can't. God the pain wouldn't go away I was crying and screaming for help, but no one came. No I can't leave this world not when I finally met people who actually care about me. "Please I beg of you don't leave me…Don't leave Max… Don't leave any of us child… Fight it…I know you can Rose… Now fight it!!! I believe in you my child! Fight this monster that has form inside you! We can help you…Just please don't leave us…PLEASE ROSE FIGHT IT!"  Her words kept repeating in my head, but who was she. My head is spinning and my body is aching.  "DAMN IT! MAKE THIS PAIN GO AWAY! SOMEONE ANYONE SAVE ME!!!!!" I screamed and screamed but no on was coming. Tears formed in my eyes. I just laid there and let the tears just fall, and my heart was hurting and all I could remember was that voice, Amarina's voice. "ROSE FIGHT IT!"  I couldn't move or even talk all I could do was cry. Than I heard someone behind me and I attacked them and threw him into the wall with my hands around his neck.


"Rose, it's me Justin. Remember?" He said scared and his eyes were red and made it look like he was crying.


"Justin, did they get you too?"


"Yes they did, but the rest escaped. I was the only one they took. What's going on with Rose? Why are your eyes red?" I started to remember and I backed away him and sat in a corner by myself to stay away from him.


"Don't touch me Justin… I am not safe to be around right now… I need to be by myself… Justin, kill me….Please just kill me… I don't know how much longer I can keep myself this way… Please I beg of you kill me… I don't want to hurt anyone ever…" I said in front of him and put his hands around my neck so he could choke me to death.

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