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Jade's P.O.V

I woke up at 5:30 to get ready for school. Bridget was still sleeping but that wasn't surprising she's not a morning person. I grabbed my lace tank top, some high waste shorts and my black flats. I said goodbye to Bridget but I really don't think she heard me. On the way to school I stopped at Starbucks. When I arrived at school everyone was running into the school trying to get to class on time. I just took my time. When I walked into my class room everyone was talking and laughing but when they saw me they stopped... "Jade where were you?" Mr. Lander said giving me a glare. "Mr. Lander, why are you so obsessed with her!" My best friend Adeline screamed out! Everyone burst out laughing but apparently Mr. Lander didn't think it was funny. "That's a detention for you Adeline" You could tell it didn't bother her; she's had so many detentions she's used to them by now. The rest of the day was boring as usual but when the bell to go home rang I met Adeline and I drove her home. We said our goodbyes. It was very emotional. When I got home I changed into my sweat pants and my sweatshirt. I wanted to get comfortable for my flight we weren't leaving until 7:00 P.M but I wanted to change early. Bridget and I just talked about One Direction the whole time. She loves Niall she never shuts up about him. Soon enough we were at the airport and my Aunt Sandy and Bridget came to the airport with us. I'm going to miss my aunt so much she's like my second mother and Bridget is like my sister I never had. It's hard to move so far away from them. They called our flight and we had to go. I told them I love them and that I would be back in 2 weeks. The plane was nice but I hate flying I've only been one other time and let's just say planes and I aren't best friends. Finally we arrived in California. The air was musty and you could smell the city. I miss the smell of London already.

-- 2 Weeks Later --

Today is the day I go back to England! I'm so happy I get to see my Aunt, Bridget and Adeline! Adeline is staying at my aunts this week. My aunt says she has a surprise for me and I'm dying to know what it is! I got on my flight and fell asleep. When we landed I got off the plane got my luggage and ran to my aunt. "I miss you so much!" she said as she embraced me in a hug. As we made our way to the car I heard the car blaring "Last First Kiss" by One Direction. I got in the car and hugged Adeline and Bridget who were in the car. Even though I was only in LA for 2 weeks I still missed the smell of London. I'm so happy to be back! They asked me about school and if I had any friends and to tell the truth school was awful and nobody liked me. They thought I was just some British girl that dresses weird.

Adeline's P.O.V

I'm so happy Jade is back! She is going to love her surprise I can't wait to tell her!

Jade's P.O.V

We were on our way out of London when my Aunt slammed on her breaks and turns down the music. The whole street was filled with screaming girls. We were honestly scared, there were many girls! My aunt saw someone guiding cars and stopped to ask him what was going on. "One Direction is back in town" he replied "ONE DIRECTION!" Bridget screamed at the top of her lungs. "SHUT UP BRIDGET!" Adeline yelled. "Girls stop screaming so I can concentrate and get out of here." My aunt said with a worry in her voice. We finally got out of that mess and made it to my Aunts house in Doncaster. Adeline and Bridget jumped out of the car ran inside and came running back out with a video camera and an envelope before I could even get out of the car. Adeline handed me the envelope that said "Beware you will die if you open this." I chuckled a bit because knowing them they were probably serious. I opened the envelope and became wide eyed instantly I examined what was inside carefully making sure this wasn't a trick. This wasn't a trick these were really One Direction tickets, 4 tickets to see One Direction, I was having trouble taking this all in. Row A, Seats 6, 7, 8, and 9. 8 is my lucky number! I looked up at my aunt and became very teary eyed. I ran up to her and gave her a big hug and whispered "Thank You." I looked to Bridget who was still recording and went up to the camera and screamed I'm GOING TO SEE ONE DIRECTION!!

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