Chpater 5 Layla P.O.V

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I woke up the next morning thinking about my whole life. Why my mama didn't come save me from almost loosing my innocence. "Good morning beautiful. I brought you some breakfast." Mario said as he walked in the room knocking me out of my thoughts.

"Morning and thank you."

"So, how did you sleep?" He asked.

"Mmm, I slept okay. What about you?" I asked.

"pretty good. When you finish eating, we need to talk."

I was hoping that he didn't need to talk about what happened with me but instead it was because as soon as I finished eating, he got straight to it.

"Layla, did he rape you? You don't have to lie to me. I wanted to kill him yesterday but I didn't want you to be a witness." His pretty brown eyes we're now stone cold black.

"No." I saw bowing my head. Tears we're starting to form in my eyes and before you knew it, I couldn't stop them from flowing.

"Well, Layla why are you crying." He asked. I could tell by his tone that he sympathized for me.

"Because, my mother didn't come for me. She doesn't love me anymore." I said in between sobs. If my mom doesn't care for me then why does he? I wondered.

"Layla she does love you. Trust me. She does!" he said as he embraced my petite body.

"No she do not! Because if she loved me she would've came when I called for her. She left me for dead. Do you understand that? She don't give a damn about me. No one does, except for my dad and he's dead! She don't give a damn about me losing my innocence. It seems like that's the only thing I have left. All I have is myself. I've never did any wrong to anyone and I get treated like shit. I'm fucking tired of it all. I give up. if i die today, then I think ill be happy. Atleast i'll be with my father." I shouted. My feelings we're all over the place. I felt distructed. I honestly just wanted to give up on life right now because I could truly give two fucks less.

"You got me and im sorry for your lost, i understand where your coming from about losing a loved one Mario said. "Huh?" confused on why he just said, i got him. "You said all you have is yourself." I honestly dont remember half of the shit I said. It surprised me that he was actually listening. "Mario." I said in a soft tone. "Whats up ma?" I hated when he reffered to me as ma. I feel like thats the name that these niggas be calling these females who dont have much respect for his self. But i just shrugged it off because i really wasnt in the mood to correct him. "Why do you front like you care about me?" i wondered. "For one, I dont front like I care about you because i do care about you. There's no catch to it. Your unique in your own way. You dont take no shit. I can see where your heart is. Your just a lonely girl thats lost in this big old world with no one to help guide you in the right direction. But Layla to tell you the truth, I got mad feelings for you, I know its early as hell but its the truth. Dont think that just because i didnt say anything in class or just because you didnt see me around school that i didnt watch you and start forming feelings for you. No stalker shit though. He stated. Honestly, in my mind i was second thinking what about he said. But now I believe him, for some reason. I couldnt help but chuckle at the last part. "oh shit now, i done made her crack a smile." he joked.

"Boy shut up." I said while sucking up my sniffles. "But Thank you for being here for me. Your the first one,well besides my father. Seems like every since my dad died, I have no one. But Thank you." I said.


i apologize to all of my readers for taking so long. but if you like it, then give more comments and votes, thank you to everyone who showed my book some love.

let your people know about my book. please excuse my mistakes. constructive critism is need, dont be a silent reader..... let me know something. you fiz-ni-ezz me? ya heard me (mama dee voice) okay byeeeeee, well ttyl .. hope you enjoyed.

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