Peter meets Wade

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11:00 pm is when my rounds start. What time is it? I looked over at the clock with red lit up numbers on my nightstand.
10:48 pm.
Why can't time go faster? I laid there for what felt like another hour then glanced back over to the clock.
10:50 pm.
Goddamn time! Why you no go faster?! I got on my phone and started looking over my newsfeed. I was in the middle of reading something when my phones alarm started going off.
"Finally!" I exclaimed while starting to put my Spider-Man suit on. I went out the window once my mask, the thing I always saved for last, was on. I went and took a trip around the city. Jumping and swinging, going from rooftop to rooftop. I stopped on one roof and waited, listening to the city's common noises of cars and whatnot. Something caught my eye. I traced a figure with my eyes until it disappeared. I sprung alive and ran after the fast figure.
I'm never gonna be able to catch up! My head screamed as I shot webs to gain some momentum. After chasing, what I learned to be a person, for 10 minutes, I was finally in front of them. I stood there and watched them slow down a bit but not come to a stop.
"Stop!" I held my hand out and he stopped as it pressed against his firm and broad chest.
"Who are you!" I stated. It was too dark to see who the suited man was.
"Don't tell me you don't recognize your sexy boyfriend." The man said. The voice was really familiar but I couldn't place it to anyone close.
"I don't have a boyfriend, I'm straight." I told him. He started walking forward, pushing my hand into his chest even more. He was extremely strong if he could push against my force AND push me with him. He walked until he was in the light of a street lamp. Deadpool?
"Deadpool?" I questioned.
"The one and only, baby." I could see him smirk under his mask.
"What are you doing?" I asked sternly.
"My job, sweetheart." He said without a second thought.
"I'm not your 'sweetheart'." I told him.
"Awe, don't be like that. You know you love me." He said as he raised his hands and was about to place them on my hips before I moved away.
"Keep your hands to yourself." I told him. I heard something a block up and looked away.
"Gotta go, sweet cheeks." He said as he took off after the sound.
You're not getting off that easy! I caught up and ran beside him until we went down an alley.
"Why are you following me?" He asked calmly as he climbed a latter to get onto a roof.
"Who are you chasing and why are you chasing them?" I asked.
"I'm saving him, it's my job!" He yelled back to me as I climbed the top rung.
"No, that's my job! You don't save people, you kill them! I'm not gonna let you kill him!" I said as I tried catching up with him again. He pulled his gun out and shot the guy in the leg and he collapsed.
"Deadpool!" I yelled as he picked the guy up.
"Look, Spidey-boy, this is MY job! You let me do my job and I'll let you do yours. Now, if you don't mind." He said as he threw the guy against the wall while still clutching his shirt.
"Deadpool, stop!" I yelled as I grabbed his arm to try and spin him around.
"Spidey, baby, I'll blow you later! This is very important." He said, not letting me get in his way of him and this guy. I grabbed a gun from his belt and aimed it at his head.
"Let. Him. Go." I said getting pissed.
"Pull the trigger." He said with an oddly serious voice.
"You and I both know that that won't kill me." He said, still in a serious voice as he turned his head the slightest bit to took at me.
"I don't wanna hurt you, just let him go." I told him.
"I can't do that." He said turning his attention back to the man. He pulled a gun from his belt and put it against the man's head.
"Give it to me." He told the man.
"I don't know what you're talking about." The injured man spat back, not even sounding phased by the 6'2 man who had the about 5'0 man off the ground high enough so they could look each other in the eyes just by looking forward.
"You know damn well what I mean!" Deadpool yelled in his face.
"I'll give you one more chance: let him go, Deadpool!" I told him.
"Where the fuck is it?!" He yelled in an even more intimidating voice, completely ignoring me.
"Tell me or you'll die a slow and painful death by bleeding out right here!" He got louder.
"Deadpool...?" I was even getting intimidated and scared by him and I wasn't even the one in his grasp with a gun to my head. What did this guy have that he wanted?
"I will never tell you." The guy told him then spat in his face. Deadpool growled and took him off the wall then threw him hard back against it.
"You're just making this harder on yourself." He growled as he shot the guys other leg. The, already injured, man moaned in pain. The guy and Deadpool fought like that for another minute or two before the man finally gave in.
"It's taped to my leg beside my dick and the bottle's in my pocket." The guy slowly got out. Deadpool took the gun away from his head and put it back in the holster. He grabbed a knife from another one of his pockets and sliced the guys pants before ripping a syringe, that was taped to his inner thigh, off. Deadpool examined the contents in the bottle, that he got from the pocket on the same side, and put both into his pocket with the knife. Then, pulled the gun out and aimed it at the guys head.
"Deadpool, don-!"
"Thanks for your time." He said before blowing the guys brains out.
"What the hell?! He gave you what you wanted! Why was that necessary? And why did you need that stuff so bad? What is it?" I asked.
"Look, stop pestering me with questions! I know I'm not one to say that but I need to get back to someone." He took off and I followed hot on his tracks until we were side by side.
"Yes, it was necessary. Yes, I did have to kill him. If I didn't, someone that I'm not willing to let go would've died! I'm sure you have someone like that. If she didn't get this medicine, she would've died." He said as we were running.
"I'm not trying to be mean but who is that special to you?" I asked, hoping that it didn't come out too mean.
"Just let it go. Look, I know you have someone really close to you, what would you do for them? Would do ANYTHING to save them?" He asked as he looked over while still running. I thought about it.
"Of course I would." I told him, thinking about my aunt.
"Well, this person is my world. If she dies, there won't be a reason for me to live anymore." He said. I could hear the fear in his voice. I could tell he was actually scared for whoever he got that medicine for's life.
"Get on." I yelled to him.
"What?" He asked.
"Get on my back. I'll take you to where you need to go faster than you can run." I said looking over at him. We stopped and he got on. He told me the way I was supposed to go without giving a specific address or anything that I could've remembered on how to get here again.
"Go in through that window!" He said as I got closer to a house. I did as he told me to and he immediately go off my back as my feet hit the floor and took off down a hall.
"You're welcome!" I yelled as I followed. He burst open a door and went over to a little girl that was on a bed. There was a family around the bed and Deadpool sat down before pulling the little girl into his lap. He look the syringe and bottle from one pocket then took the cap off the needle. He quickly filled the syringe with a weird colored fluid and injected the said fluid into the girls arm. She cringed in pain as the needle entered her delicate-looking skin.
"Ow daddy, that hurts!" She said weakly. Daddy?
"I know princess but it'll help you; it'll make you feel better." He told her.
"'Daddy'?" I asked. He ignored me, again.
"Preston, can you get me a wet towel and a dry one?" He asked the woman beside the bed.
"Sure, Wade." She said walking towards me. She smiled and walked past me.
"Hey, are you Spider-Man?" The little girl in Deadpool's arms asked. I nodded and that's when he looked up. Did he not notice me before? The woman came back in and handed the wet towel to Deadpool.
"Hey Spidey, can you keep her attention?" He asked as he took a knife out of his belt.
"What are you gonna do?" I asked.
"Spidey, trust me, I know what I'm doing. Please, keep her attention." He said more stern than the previous time. I talked to her while he sliced and cut something out of her arm then bandaged her tiny arm up. She looked over at him and he smiled from under the mask.
"Daddy, why do you still have your mask on?" She asked.
"I just haven't taken it off yet." He told her.
"Can I take it off?" She asked.
"Not yet baby." He said sadly.
"Do you have to go back to work?" She asked.
"Sadly, yes. I promise though, I'll be back to get you on the bus in the morning, ok?" He said as he got off the bed and laid her under the covers. She nodded and he pulled up his mask and kissed her forehead then pulled it back over his face before I could see.
"I love you." She said.
"Love you too, Sweetums." He said as he waited for her to start to fall asleep. He turned and walked away from her bed and towards me. I looked over at her and her arm was fully healed and she was almost asleep. He walked past me and grabbed my arm on the way, pulling me along with him outside.
"I didn't know you had a daughter." Was the only thing that came out of my mouth.
"Yeah, I thought you were just gonna leave after dropping me off." He said, not in his normal happy tone.
"I'm sorry if that made you mad, I was just gonna leave but I-" He cut me off.
"It's fine, thank you for helping me." He said as he met where my eyes were on my suit.
"You're welcome." I told him. Before I could react, he hugged me tightly. I was gonna force him off but he spoke through a wavering voice.
"If it wasn't for you, my world would be destroyed." He said as he squeezed me tighter. Just his voice told me that he wasn't lying.
One of the strongest guys that I've ever met, was about to cry.
I gave in and hugged him back as he started crying.
"Thank you." He whispered through breathy tears.
"You don't have to thank me, I could tell she means the world to you." I told him as I held him tighter. I hugged him and told him how great of a father he was until he stopped crying. He lifted his head up and looked at me, both of us still had our masks on.
"If you need anything, I mean anything, don't hesitate to ask. You saved my little girl, that definitely deserves something. Just let me know and it's yours." He said, still holding me close. I scanned his body (without moving my head so he couldn't tell what I was doing) and nodded. He lifted me up and gave me one last hug before putting me down and dropping his arms to his sides.
"Uh, sorry." He chuckled softly. Sorry for what?
"I didn't mean to get you heated." He said as he looked away, or at least turned his head away. I caught on and looked down to find I had a hard on from rubbing against his body when he hugged me. Fuck!
"It's fine." I quickly said as I felt my face getting hot and turned around yo face away from him.
"Y'know, I can fix that if you want me to." He said. What he said didn't startle me, he was always calling me pet names and making sexual lunges (hugging and stuff like that to make people uncomfortable) at a lot of people but he never ment them. I felt his arms snake around me and push his body against mine.
"Were you being serious? Do you actually.... like me?" I asked as I turned my head to the side.
"You are pretty damn hot." He said, slowly starting to move his hands up and down my abs but not going low.
"We can go to my place if you actually want." I told him. I heard him chuckle and he turned me to face him. I heard his phone ring and he answered it, still clinging to my waist with one hand.
"I'm sorry, I gotta go." He said as he ended the call. I immediately took his phone, before he could turn the screen off (just in case he had a lock on it), and put my number in and texted myself so I would have his number.
"Call me after you get her on the bus. Maybe we could work something out." I told him as I started walking away from him.
"Done." He said. He sounded kinda happy again, maybe that got his mind off it... I turned to look back at him and he was gone. After finishing my patrols for the night, I went home.
"Definitely not going to school in the morning but I should still set my alarm." I said to myself out loud as I slipped out of my suit and crawled into bed, only in my underwear. I couple minutes went by and I heard my phone go off. I picked it up and was blinded my the light. I turned the screen down and saw that I got a message from an unknown number. I opened it and say it was from Deadpool.
Goodnight baby boy see ya in the morning
I smiled at the cute message and realized that I did have some sort of feelings for him. Maybe I didn't get that accidental boner from rubbing against him. Maybe it actually had a meaning behind it. Do I really have a thing for an antihero, a mercenary, that gets paid to kill people without a second thought? Do I really like Deadpool, someone that I've never seen out of his suit? Do I?
Goodnight Wade, hope everything goes good tonight with whatever you had to leave to do and with your daughter. See u in the morning.
What do I call myself? Spidey? Or should I tell him my real name? I don't really want anyone knowing why real identify.... Should I trust the "merc with a mouth" with something I've never told even my closest friends? Should I?
XOXO Peter
Send. I put him in my phone as "Wade" before setting my alarm and going to sleep with a smile on my face.


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