Sweet Dreams

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I rolled over and fell off the bed.

"Fuck!" I grabbed my throbbing head and watched a head poke out from the top of the bed.

"You ok, baby boy?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." I told him as I looked up into his eyes.

"You sure, sweetums?" Wade laughed.

"Yeah, just help me up." I said and he reached out his hand for me to grab. I took it and he pulled me up and into a tight embrace.

"I love you." Wade told me as he laid me on his chest. I felt his fingers gently move through my hair, soothing me while looking for a bump.

He pushed a little on one spot and I winced in pain.

"That hurt?" He asked and I nodded.

"It feels like there's a good sized lump there, champ. Want some ice or pain meds, baby boy?" He asked.

"I'll be fine, just a little pain. I'm hungry, what's for breakfast?" I asked.

"I don't know, what ya want?" Wade asked.

"Food's food, I really don't care, Mr. Chef." I told him, kissing his adams apple.

"Alright, let me up and I'll go start cookin. First, I gotta check on Ellie, see how she's doin." Wade moved me off him and onto the bed beside him.

I got up and put my shirt on before watching him walk out the door, shirtless.

"You're such a sexy man." I told him as I watched his muscles work and move as he walked.

He opened Ellie's door and saw her sitting up on her bed, eyes trained on the door.

"Hey princess, how ya feelin?" Wade asked. She immediately ran over to him.

"Daddy, I had a bad dream where a bad man came and took me. He did things to me, he hurt my private place." She cried. We both sighed, knowing it wasn't a dream.

"It's ok baby, you're safe now, daddy's got ya." Wade soothed.

Wade picked her up and she reached for her crotch. He looked at me then laid her down on the bed.

"Daddy, it hurts." She whined.

"Can I check?" Wade asked before doing anything. She looked at him with wide eyes.

"I promise I won't hurt you, daddy would never hurt you." Wade assured.

Ellie nodded and he started to remove her pants and panties. As soon as they were low enough, we both could see the bruised flesh. He lowered them more, exposing her full private area and there was a lot of torn, cut, ripped, and painful looking wounds on and inside her area.

"Oh, you poor thing." I said, feeling tears prick my eyes.

"Call Bruce, tell him that he needs to check her naughty bits out. I think some of her labia is ripped and there looks like there are other damaged parts too." Wade said.

I did as he asked and called Bruce, telling him that we were on our way.

"How we gettin there?" I asked.

"Let me see if I can get Nate." He said as he comforted Ellie.

"No, I'll call Steve." I said as I pushed his phone down and raised mine, going through my contacts again.

"After what went down yesterday?" He asked, sounding a little pissed off.

"That's why I'm calling Steve and not Tony. I know that Steve can keep Tony in line when he wants to. He won't let what happened yesterday happen again." I told him as Steve picked up.

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