Friends and Boyfriend Meet

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I woke up cuddled to a warm body instead of a pillow. I opened my eyes to see a room that I was unfamiliar with. I quickly sat up and started studying the room.
"Everything ok?" A deep, rough, gruff, and sexy voice asked. My head looked to where the voice came from. Wade was looking at me with a worried expression.
"Uh... yeah, how did we get up here?" I asked, remembering I had fallin asleep on the couch with him and Ellie and didn't go on patrols last night.
"I carried you up." He said smiling.
"I hope you didn't mind that. Also, I thought you would be more comfortable sleeping in your boxers but I.... found out that you weren't wearing any so I left your pants on and took off your shirt." He said, starting to ramble.
"Thanks Wade, that was very nice of you." I smiled and kissed him.
"No problem." He smiled as we broke the kiss.
"Also, I took over for your patrols last night, no one got hurt." He smiled proudly.
"Thank you but you didn't have to do that, you coulda woken me up." I told him and he shrugged.
"What time is it?" I asked, looking around for his clock.
"Uh... 9:54 am, why?" He asked looking behind me at the clock then back to my eyes.
"Shit, I have to go! I'm late!" I exclaimed as I got out of bed.
"Go?" He asked sadly. He said it in such a soft voice that you would've thought I just broke a little kids heart after telling them they couldn't get a new toy or some candy from the store.
"I'm sorry Wade but I have school." I told him as I started to walk to his bathroom. When I opened the door to come back out, he was still sitting on the bed just sadly looking down at his lap.
"Wade, I'm sor-" I started but paused when I saw him sharply suck in a breath as he sniffled.
Was he crying?
"Hey hey hey, why you cryin?" I asked walking back over to him. I sat on the bed and tried to get his attention.
"Wade, please talk to me." I quietly begged as I rubbed his bare back.
"I get it." Was all he said.
Get what? Get that I need an education?
"Get what, baby?" I asked.
"I get that you don't wanna be here, you don't wanna be with me." He sobbed.
"I understand, why would you? I wouldn't wanna stay with me either." He continued, sobbing even harder.
He's so over dramatic! Don't even think about comforting this big loser!
"Wade, that's not it at all! I love you so much! I would stay all day but I have to go to school." I said as I laid back before pulling my crying boyfriend onto my chest. I rubbed his back and coddled him until I could get him to calm down.
"You really don't just wanna leave me?" He asked with swelled, red, and puffy eyes.
"Of course I don't, I would love to spend all day with you again but I have one test to make up from missing yesterday and two more for today. I have to go to take those tests. I promise, I will call or text you after school and we could do something together, sound good?" I asked, looking into his eyes. He smiled and nodded before going into a push-up position. He kissed me and I laughed as he kept doing push-ups then I pulled him onto me, kissing and rolling around while clutching to him.
"I love you, Petey." Wade said when he was laying with his back against the bed.
"I love you too, Wade." I said as I leaned down and kissed his nose. I heard him giggle and I started gently but quickly sprinkling a bunch of pecks all over his beautiful face. He kept giggling which made me happy to see he was happy.
"I gotta finish gettin ready for school." I told him and went back into the bathroom that was connected to his room. I opened the door and he was standing there holding out some of his clothes for me to wear. I smiled and graciously took them, knowing they were going to be big on me but not caring.
"Thank you." I told him before standing on my toes and kissing his cheek then heading back into the bathroom. I walked out and he laughed seeing the loose clothes hang off my slim figure. You could definitely tell that they weren't mine; my body wasn't even close to as built or as tall as Wades' was. He had a very broad, stocky, and well built figure and also was 4 inches taller than I was, which made his shirt hang lower than it should've. I, on the other hand, had a small, petite, and lanky figure that looked to have little to no muscle on my body. He looked over and stared instantly smiling.
"Awwwwwe, you look like a little kid that dressed in their parents' clothes." He said as he held his cheeks and gawked at "how adorable I looked".
"Wade, you wouldn't have anything that's a little smaller, would you?" I asked looking at how the clothes were almost falling off my body.
"The only thing that I have smaller are Ellie's clothes. I don't think those'll fit you any better though." He told me.
"Ok, I guess this'll work then, thanks again Wade." I said turning from the mirror to see him still staring at me.
"No problem, cutie." He smiled. I went to walk past him and he got up, pulling me into a hug that brought my feet off the floor. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck.
"Can I walk you to school?" He asked as I put my head against his. I kissed his nose and he smiled even bigger.
"Is that a 'yes'?" He asked.
"Of course! Sense I'm already late, maybe we can grab some food or somethin on the way, I'm starvin!" I looked into his bright blue-gray eyes, which were now more blue than gray. He started walking while still holding me. Normally, I would squirm or fight to get out of whoever's arms I was in but..... something told me... something told me not to. I didn't fight, didn't tighten my grip, didn't get mad or aggressive that he was walking (now down the stairs) while holding onto me.
Because you trust him. You know he won't let you fall. You know he won't hurt you. You know he wouldn't let anything bad happen to you just by judging on what he had cried about earlier; how he was acting about you leaving for school. You learned to trust a good man. A man who would stand up and fight for the ones he loves. A man who's an affectionate father, who loves his daughter with all his heart. A man who-
A man who murders innocent people for a living. A mercenary. He gets paid for breaking up families. He kills people that he doesn't even know because he was told to and, without a second thought, listens and does it just for the money while we go around and try to help people. Y'know how much we get paid? Close to nothing for it. We've saved how many lives and got paid how much? Well, he does the opposite of what we're doing and gets paid hundreds of thousands, if not millions,of dollars for it. We live in a shitty apartment and he owns a big ass nice house! We make around $50,000 a year and he can make that on one job, if not more. He's a dangerous guy! He's literally insane! Plus haven't you seen how he looks? Are you blind? He's HIDEOUS! He's VILE! He's DISGUSTING! He's a mutant, no...... he's a monster. Do you really want to be with someone like that!? Earth to Peter, he could snap at any moment and who knows what the hell he could or will do!
"He's not a monster." I growled quietly, hopefully quietly enough that Wade wouldn't notice.... he did.
"Whose not a monster?" He questioned, stopping on the stairs as he looked down at me curiously.
Should I tell him? Should I make up a lie? What do I do?!?
"You. People always say you're bad and you're a monster when you're actually such a nice, sweet, gentle, and caring guy. People misunderstand you; they judge you before they get to know you. And, I'm not gonna lie, I used to too but then I saw how much Ellie meant to you and I immediately knew that you weren't a bad guy. You saved your little girl and did what most parents wouldn't, or rather couldn't, do: you removed the object from her arm by cutting out, leaving a chunk of her flesh gone but healing it almost instantly. I couldn't do that even if I had to! I would have to have someone else do it for me or else I'd puke." I explained to him and he listened intently.
"You're not only a good boyfriend and a good father, you're a sweet and kind hearted person. I just wish people wouldn't judge you so hard on your work or how you don't shut up or how you basically flirt with EVERYBODY. I wish people could see the person that I saw last night or the person that is holding me almost 5 feet off the ground. By the way, if it wasn't you holding me, I would be fighting soooooo much. I hate when people pick me up or lift me off the ground. Coming from someone that swings from webs hundreds of feet off the ground, I hate not being on the ground when I'm not Spider-Man." I finished after realizing I was ranting.
"Why d'ya gotta be so sweet?" He asked, smiling down at me. I pulled myself up and french kissed him. He started walking again and we got to the door when I asked him to put me down.
"Why? I like holding you." He smiled and hugged me tighter before doing as I asked and putting me down.
"Thanks Wade." I pecked his cheek. He took my hand as we walked to Taco Bell and got some food on the way to school. We finished our food as we got to my school and I heard the bell ring for classes to switch.
"Thanks for walking me, it was nice having someone to walk with." I said, looking into his eyes. We started leaning in to kiss until I heard my name.
"Peter! Hey, I thought you weren't gonna show up today!" I heard someone call out.
"I'll let you get to class, text me later. Love you, baby boy." He said, gently holding my hips and kissing my head.
"Love you too, I'll text you during lunch." I smiled and he let me go. He started walking away, back to his house I'd assume. I turned to see one of my friends.
"Hey, MJ, what's up?" I asked.
"Nothin, who's that?" She asked she asked grinning and wiggling her eyebrows. I laughed at how enthusiast she was. MJ's been on me to find a "perfect match" and if I couldn't do it myself, she would find one for me.
"Looked to me like you two were gonna kiss but instead he kissed your forehead. I thought Mr. Parker was 'nothing but straight'?" She giggled.
"Yeah, I did too." I said rubbing the back of my neck while smiling.
"Sooooo, are you...?" She asked as she linked her hands together. I smiled and nodded as she jumped and giggled excitedly. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and pulled it out.
Wade - When is your lunch? Are you allowed to leave campus for lunch?
I texted him back as MJ and I started walking to our class.
Me - Yeah we can leave. My lunch is at noon.
XOXO Peter
"So his name's 'Wade', hu?" She said as she looked over at my phone.
"Yeah." I smiled, not paying much attention to her.
Wade - Good! What would you like for lunch baby boy?
I smiled and texted him back as I sat in my seat.
Me - Ummmmmm pizza?
XOXO Peter

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