Netflix and Chill?

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I shut off the alarm and slowly open my eyes.
6:30 am
I groaned and was about start my morning routine when my phone went off.
"Who's texting me this early?" I groaned as I picked my phone up and took it off the charger.
Wade: Good morning baby boy. Ellie's in the shower right now and will be on the bus in an hour. Did you eat yet?
Wade? Who?..... OH! DEADPOOL!
Me: No I just got up and was gonna take a quick shower.
I looked at the other messages we sent. "XOXO Peter"?.... PETER!?! I told him my real name!?!?
Another message came in.
Wade: What? No love?
"No love?" I don't love him...... do I? What the hell happened last night?
Wade: Get your shower and have some breakfast baby boy. I'll be over a little later.
'Shower' right. I'll.... yeah... maybe that'll clear my mind....
I grabbed a towel, went in, and got my shower. I came out and got dressed before going into the kitchen and making myself breakfast. As I was standing there, cooking some sausage, it dawned on me.....
"How does Deadpool know where I live?" I asked out loud to nobody.
"Maybe he doesn't and he was just gonna ask me for my address or meet to him somewhere." I told myself as I put the rest of my food on my plate. My phone started ringing. Wade.
W- Hey baby boy, on my way.
P- How do you know where I live?
W- I've seen you come and go in through your window a couple times when I've been huntin someone down.
P- You have?
W- Yeah, you don't live that far from me.
P- Oh? I don't remember where you live.
I heard someone knocking on the door. While still on the phone with Wade, I answered it. I opened the door to see a man standing in a red and black suit.
"Mornin Petey." He said as he welcomed himself in.
"Hey Wade, why you wearing your suit?" I asked.
"I... I don't know." He said rubbing the back of his neck. His tone went from happy to... less happy.
"Well, why don't you take it off? I can give you some clothes if you want." I chuckled as he walked past me. He sat down on the couch but didn't say anything. I grabbed my plate as I walked by the kitchen and sat a cushion down from him so I could look over easier.
"Wade?" I asked, trying to gain his attention. When I couldn't, I gently lifted his chin up and turned his head towards me.
"You ok?" I asked him.
"Yeah, I just.... I don't want you to be disgusted by me." He said sadly. That broke my heart.
"Why would I be disgusted by you?" I asked, still hurt by what he said.
"Because everyone that's seen me has only been disgusted by my appearance." He said. I could tell he was hurt too. I set my plate down and hugged him tightly.
"Wade, I would never judge someone on their appearance." I told him as I rubbed his back.
"Look, baby boy, I really like you but I don't want you to see me. Like I said, everyone that's seen me had told me how ugly I am and I don't need to hear it again. They've either made fun of my scars, ran, screamed, or screamed and ran. I don't want that to happen with you too." He told me.
"It's up to you whether you want to take it off or not. I bet you're really handsome though." I told him.
"How much you wanna bet?" He asked.
"Wade." I pulled away from the hug. "I promise I won't make fun of you, or scream, or run. Wade, I like you." I looked up to where his eyes would be. He sighed.
"I guess you were gonna see one time or another." He huffed and look his mask off, not looking over at me. He held it in his lap and looked the other way. I smiled and gently cupped his face with one hand while I ran my thumb over some of the scars. His eyes slowly started to look my way and he hesitantly turned his head towards me. I just smiled even more as I could see his beautiful blue-gray eyes.
"You're still here.... and smiling?" I said with a confused tone.
"Yep, and you're even more handsome than I thought." I said getting onto his lap so we could be face to face.
"I don't understand. You're not afraid of the way I look..... of my scars?" He said shaking his head.
"Every scar is just another story from your past that hasn't been told yet." I leaned in and kissed him gently.
"Looks like you have a lot of stories to tell me." I smiled and reconnected our lips. I could tell that it took a lot of pressure off his chest. He actually looked genuinely happy.
"No one's ever been that nice to me, no one's ever told me anything like that. No one's ever accepted me like you did." He said as he held the sides of my face as he looked into my eyes, his eyes started watering.
"Thank you." He finished.
"You don't have to thank me, you just have to agree to one thing." I said. I gave me a confused look and slightly turned his head.
"You'll you be my boyfriend." I asked. The smile shot back onto his face and he immediately pulled me in for a kiss. When we broke it I asked:
"So is that a 'yes'?" I giggled as I asked. He nodded and told me:
"Only I'd you'll be mine." I wrapped my arms tighter around his neck and hugged him.
"Of course I will." He spread soft kisses all over my neck as I rested my head on his shoulder. For a mercenary, he was oddly gentle.
"Yeah Wade?"
"I love you."
Do I?
"I love you too, Wade." I kissed one of his scars before shutting my eyes and taking in what just happened.
What happened to you being straight? I thought nothing was gonna change that.
Yeah well, something came up.
I got off his lap and sat beside him. I grabbed my plate and started to finish the rest of my food.
"You eat with your daughter?" I asked as I sloppily piled another bite into my mouth.
"Yeah. So I was thinkin.... maybe we could do somethin?" He said. I bit a piece of bacon and raised the rest of the strip up to his mouth. He graciously took it with his teeth and ate it as I spoke.
"Like what?" I asked.
"I don't know, Netflix and chill?" He asked.
Not yet.
"Don't ya think it's too early to 'Netflix and chill'?" I asked, seeing that it was only quarter after 8 am.
"We don't have to do anything like that if you don't want to. I ment, just watch movies or somethin. Not go full teenage Netflix and chill." He clarified. He's gonna try and make a move on you, say no!
"Yeah, that sounds cool." I smiled as I took another bite. I handed him the remote and he pulled up my Netflix.
"Any movies you have in mind?" He asked as he scanned the screen.
"Let's watch a horror movie." I told him. I watched his face light up as he clicked on the horror category.
"How 'horror' we talkin bout, babe?" He asked as he looked over.
'Babe'? Eww, pet names.
"You decide." I said as I took my empty plate to the kitchen and shut the blinds, the only source of light in my apartment (besides the TV) cause I never turned on the lamp. I went back over and sat beside him on the couch and he started a movie.
"What's this one?" I asked.
"One of my favorites, I think you'll like it." He said as he laid back into the couch. I pushed a button and the couch turned into a bed. I threw him a pillow and I laid beside him, not touching or laying on him. The movie was called "Stephen King's: It", it was a long, but good, movie. When the clown shows its jagged teeth, it scared the hell out of me. I jumped and wrapped my arms around him. He laughed and put his arm under me before pulling me closer, causing me to cuddle up to his chest.
"If this's too scary for ya Spidey, I can turn it off and put a tamer movie on. Maybe perhaps, "Arachniphobia'?" He said.
"Shut the hell up." I said aggressively.
"Just askin." He laughed to himself. We finished the movie and it was my turn to pick. I put on: "Orphan". I know, not that scary of a movie but he didn't need to know that! I needed a movie that would bring my edge off and make me less paranoid.
"You seen this movie before?" I asked.
"Is this the one about the 'little girl' who turns out to be a woman?" He asked.
"Yeah, you've seen it?" I asked.
"Yeah, it's kinda boring, don't ya think?" He asked as he raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah, I guess you're right. What about this one?" I asked clicking on another movie.
"Who hasn't seen the 'Chucky' movies?" He chuckled.
"Well, what's one that you haven't seen?" I asked starting to get irritated.
"What about this one?" He asked, clicking on a different movie.
"'8 mile'? That's not a horror movie..." I said. Say yes!
"I know, I've heard it's good but never watched it all the way through. Man, I love Eminem!" Wade practically yelled.
"Really? I thought you liked metal?" I said.
"I do, I love metal and hard rock but I have a soft spot for Eminem." He said smiling.
"Ok, that's cool with me." I said as I put the movie on.

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