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Hello my few readers, here's part V, please vote and comment ;)

Marina's system seemed to be fail proof so far, she would sneak out with Lana at night, tell Charlie she was with her married man, and Charlie would tell everyone she was with Calvin, it wasn't easy to keep on those lies, one on top of the other, but she had been making an effort, especially after Lana also made her effort, well, maybe more than that since she bought a freaking house for them.

Things had been much better now, now Calvin seemed to be the only reason they ever fought about, while Lana argued Marina needed to stop seeing him, Marina insisted it wouldn't be so easy for her to sneak around without him.

"I wish I didn't have to go to school..." Marina said, as they lay in bed together in the morning. "Then don't." Lana answered. "You know I can't do that."

Lana pulled her a little closer. "No, listen we'll both do it, you skip school I skip work, we spend the day together." Lana started kissing her neck, trailing up to her ear, Marina let out a moan. "C'mon, we stay here, won't even leave the bedroom, hell, won't even leave the bed, what do you say?"

"Your plan sounds amazing, but I can't seriously, I can't skip school, first of all you father will know if I did, and second... Calvin's gonna wanna know where I was." Lana rolled her eyes at the mention of his name.

Lana sighed and got out of bed, making a point of rolling her eyes. "Oh can you please shut up about Kevin." She rolled her eyes and went in the bathroom.

Marinaa stayed in bed until she heard the shower turning on, she got up went to join Lana in the bathroom. "Don't be rude." Marina said as she got in the shower with Lana, pulling the older girl to hug her.

"I'm not being rude, I'm being jealous... It's not like you see me mentioning Ellie every five seconds is it?"

"Lana, please, I don't bring him up every five seconds ok, I only said anything because you asked." Marina kissed her, and ran her hands from her neck to her waist, smiling as Lana moaned. "Besides we had a great weekend, let's not ruin it, please..."

Marina smirked, kissing Lana's neck; she pushed her against the wall, running her hands up to Lana's breasts, cupping them and hearing her step sister moan, Marina smiled and continued playing with them.

"Quit teasing me..." Lana said, puling Marina closer to her. "And what should I do instead?"

"Lick my pussy and make cum in your mouth, how about that?"

"Well, since we're in the shower, I think it's only fair to get you really dirty, before you get clean..." Marina smirked and got down to her knees, the hot shower water, making things even better; she placed both hands on the wall, and gave a tentative lick on Lana's pussy, smiling as Lana quivered at her touch.

Lana didn't resist much and put both of her hands on the back of Marina's head, pulling her closer. "God, baby you're so wet..." Marina leaned forward and licked again, using her hands to get better access to Lana's pussy, she loved nothing more than to hear Lana moaning for her.

"Fuck, Marina, don't stop." Lana begged, she seemed to momentarily lose control over her legs and struggled to keep her balance, Marina smiled at this, and continued, she pulled back a little using her tongue to flick Lana's clit, that seemed to drive the older girl over the edge.

Lana grabbed a fistful of her hair, holding Marina's head in place. "Don't stop, don't you dare to stop." She whined.

Lana came with a wail, her body pressed against the wall, as she came down from her high, Marina got off her knees and stood at her face level again, watching with a smile as Lana was still shivering from her orgasm.

Ultraviolence (Larina) Marina Diamandis and Lana Del ReyWhere stories live. Discover now