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A/N Guess who's back? Me!!!

And Pokemon apparently ¯_(ツ)_/¯

9 Months later

Marina was laying down on the couch of her stepfather's house in LA watching TV, not really watching since she wasn't paying any attention to it, she was crying, without even noticing it, that seemed to be the only thing she would do consistently for a while now, cry over everything she had lost, cry regretting that she wasn't on the best terms with her mother when she passed away.

Charlie would still text her sometimes, not as often now, but he would every now and then, to ask how was everything, she would lie and say it was okay and everything was going fine and well for her in LA, Marina would do the same and ask about his life, never more than some idle chat between them, like all the friendship and intimacy they had had been gone now. Chuck had called her once a few days after she left, trying to reason with her and asking Marina to come back, but it didn't work, she had nothing to go back to in New York.

And Lana, she was just a distant memory now, they hadn't called or texted each other since the day Marina decided to leave, and on the first few days Marina was thankful for it, because it meant she was going to be able to move on with her life, to put her affair with her stepsister finally behind her, but that was easier said than done, she thought about Lana so much, not much about Lana herself, she but she often wondered if Lana was thinking about her, probably not, she probably had move done, that's what people do right?

They move on...

And that's what Marina wanted for herself, to move on from Lana, but she had been alone for the past few months, no one could get pass her walls enough to be close to her, and Marina told herself it was or the best, she had time now, to dedicated to school and think about her future, but that was just another life, because she was a few weeks away from her graduation and still had no idea of what she was going to with her life from now on...

Literally the only good thing on her life was the fact that she was mostly alone around the house, considering her dad and his crazy girlfriend were almost always out spending Rob's money around.

So she could enjoy some moments of peace like this one, where she could just lay down and cry, without her father or her stepmother to bother her in any way they could, Marina used herself for even thinking for a moment, moving back in with her father could be a solution to her. It was laughable, the only thing he cared about was collecting Rob's checks, in fact, her father wasn't even around the house much, he was always out, leaving her with his stupid wife, Brianna.

The moment Marina heard the front door opening, she got up shutting off the TV and getting ready to go to her room, it was her step mom, coming in with some grocery bags.

"Ugh... You're crying? Again?" Brianna asked, rolling her eyes at Marina, the younger girl didn't really are to answer, she was making her way to her room when she said it again. "Hey! Why instead of moping around all day, you start doing some work around here?"

"You know what Brianna? I hope that you never loose anyone dear to you, if you have any that is..." Marina simply said, before getting up and going to her room, slamming and locking the door, she threw herself on the bed.

Marina picked her phone and went to Lana's number on her contact list, she never deleted it, and in time like this she wanted to badly to call her, Marina wasn't sure why, since Lana was never big on being supportive, but still, it felt good to have her there and to be with her; and now she regretted, she regretted asking Lana to stay away, because she missed her so much.


Lana tried to make some light of the huge irony her life had turned into, months ago she wanted nothing more than to be on the head of the company, she would gone over anyone that tried to keep her from it, and now she barely cared about it, she did most things on automatic mode and didn't really enjoy it as much as she thought she would.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2016 ⏰

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Ultraviolence (Larina) Marina Diamandis and Lana Del ReyWhere stories live. Discover now