Chapter 3 The Mines of Moria Part 1: Into the Mines of Moria
Amira's POV
We trekked through the ankle deep snow. I could tell the hobbits were finding it harder and harder to walk through the snow without tripping or stumbling over themselves.
We went in a relatively routine single file manner, with Gandalf at the front, Legolas behind him, and Gimli stood in front of me and the hobbits along with Earane and Sam's pony Bill. Boromir and Frodo stood behind us with Aragorn at the back.
Sometime passed before I heard the sound of Frodo stumble. The fellowship halted and we turned around. Frodo had rolled down the steep snow capped mountain but was thankfully caught by Aragorn.
Frodo's hand instinctively went to his neck to ensure the rings safety. But it was not there.
I spotted it a few feet away, its silver chain half buried in the snow but the gleaming gold band was shining in the sun. Boromir approached it and picked it up by its silver chain. He stared at it, mesmerised. Everyone stared at him.
Then, I felt the rings hold and power over him, his greed not being able to let it go. Aragorn looked at him warily, "Boromir." But Boromir paid no heed, "It is a strange fate that we should suffer so much fear and doubt over so small a thing... such a little thing."
Everything slowed as his hand reached up to touch it until - "BOROMIR! Give the ring to Frodo."
Boromir's eyes snapped up to look at Aragorn. He walked over to them and said, "As you wish." He placed it in Frodo's hands, "I care not." He smiled and ruffled Frodo's dark curls, feigning nonchalance.
I saw Aragorn discreetly remove his hand from the hilt of his sword. Boromir turned around and hauled his large shield over his back.
The fellowship continued its path but the little incident was not forgotten.
3rd person
Saruman the wise who had betrayed the forces of good was in his underground lair as the Crebaine came to report their findings. "So Gandalf, you tried to lead them over the path of Caradhras... and if that fails what then? Where then will you go? If the mountain defeats you, will you risk a more dangerous road?"
We were now trekking up through a blizzard, the snow making it hard to see our way. The hobbits, Gandalf, Aragorn, Boromir and Gimli were waist deep in snow. Whereas I and Legolas, due to our heightened skills, walked on top of the snow.
I smirked at Aragorn as he glared at me from ploughing through the snow. I followed further behind Legolas as we stepped lightly over the blanket of ice, Earane followed closely behind me seemingly not bothered by the cold.
Legolas suddenly came to a halt, causing me to slam into him. He turned around, his grey eyes filled with concern. I shook him off and said in a monotone voice,"What is it?" He gave me a lasting look and said faintly, "There is a fell voice in the air." I frowned and listened.
"IT'S SARUMAN!" Gandalf yelled.
The sound of rock breaking off from the mountain was heard from above. A pile of rocks tumbled down, everyone ducked into the shelter of the mountain. I slammed against the rock hard wall as Aragorn shouted over the loud rumbling, "He"s trying to bring down the mountain! Gandalf! We must turn back!"
"NO!" Gandalf shouted, shaking his head vigorously. He pulled himself out of the snow and stood next to Legolas and I. He began to shout against Saruman's chanting. It was like a shouting competition -

Falling In Love All Over Again - LOTR Legolas FanFiction
FanfictionAmira once fell in love with Legolas but after a misunderstanding she vowed never to see him again. Until she is called to the Council of Elrond to decide what to do with the ring that would change the course of the future for good or for evil. She...