Hey there! Sorry I know I haven't updated this for a LLLLOOONNGG time, but please pardon me coz I just moved to a new country and am still in the process of settling in. Anyway thanks for sticking with this story, HAPPY READING!
Chapter 4 The Mines of Moria Part 2: Cave Trolls
Our journey took us to trekking up dark steeping hills and staircases, with dangerous looking spikes protruding from the ceiling. The air was musty and tensions ran high with the eeriness of the mines.
As we climbed higher and higher up the steep dusty stairs, Pippin's foot slid, causing the rest to snap up sharply, our minds ever alert. "Pippin!" Merry hissed in annoyance as he steadied his friend. The others breathed a sigh of relief.
We continued on until we reached the top, large boulders and rocks aligned the stairs that led to a platform with the fatal choice of three arched doorways.
Gandalf, who was leading the way stopped all of a sudden. He paused and stared, "I have no memory of this place," in a bare whisper but loud enough for the rest of the fellowship to hear.
And that is how we found ourselves scattered around the top of the stairs, gathered around a small fire for a impromptu break. Boromir sat next to a smoking Aragorn and I wrinkled my nose at the smell.
Honestly, why in the world do these... barbarian like humans like the smell of a smoke that could possibly kill you and pollute the air. AND nearly choke people to death.
Sensing my thoughts Aragorn turned to look at me and grinned knowingly. I huffed, irritated and turned away.
Other than the restless and admittedly, annoying questions and comments from Pippin, it was relatively quiet as the fellowship mused over the journey so far and the journey ahead.
I ignored the constant, heated stares of blue grey eyes burning holes into my head.
I sat away from the others and stared at our surroundings.
Suddenly, jumps of movement caught my eye. I stared at a grey creature in the distance, which was acting rather frog like, jumping from rock to rock down the steeping hill behind us. My eyes widened in fear and I stumbled back and tripped over myself to Gandalf.
"There's something down there!", I said breathlessly, in a panic. Gandalf barely glanced at me, "It's Gollum."
"Gollum?", I frowned, the wretched creature who previously held the ring in his possession before Bilbo.
Gandalf nodded slightly, "He's been following us for three days." I stared at him in confusion. "He escaped the dungeons of Barad Dur?" I inquired in disbelief.
"He either escaped the dungeons of Barad Dur after being tortured by the Dark Lords orcs for the location of the ring or... he was set loose."
"He hates and loves the ring.. as he hates and loves himself.. He will never be rid of his need for it," Gandalf scoffed as he continued.
Frodo frowned in disgust at the creature, "It's a pity Bilbo didn't kill him when he had the chance."
Gandalf eyes snapped up to look at him,"Pity?"
Frodo turned to look at him, his blue eyes bursting with curiosity.
“It is pity that stayed Bilbo’s hand,” the wizard nodded sagely.
“Many that live deserve death. Some that die deserve life,” Gandalf looked kindly at Frodo, his wise blue eyes held wisdom and challenge.
“Can you give it to them, Frodo?” Gandalf questioned.“Do not be too eager to deal out death and judgement… even the very wise cannot see all ends. My heart tells me that Gollum has some part to play yet for good or ill, before this is over. The pity of Bilbo may rule the fate of many.”

Falling In Love All Over Again - LOTR Legolas FanFiction
FanfictionAmira once fell in love with Legolas but after a misunderstanding she vowed never to see him again. Until she is called to the Council of Elrond to decide what to do with the ring that would change the course of the future for good or for evil. She...