"Now, where did I put my nun costume"

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A/N: hehehe hi. Don't kill me. I know this update is late. 2 months late. I've had a lot of personal issues so updating hasn't been a priority as of late. 

This chapter is more on a serious note, than a funny one. It does have a setup for the rest of the chapters and is a lot juicier. A.K.A more Adam and Annette. And more info on their past.

Adam P.O.V 

My arms pump by my sides as my feet hit the pavement as fast as my legs can manage. I can hear their footfalls behind me as I round the corner, hoping to find a teacher before I get pummeled. Just my luck though, as soon as I turn the corner, I feel a pair of grubby little hands pull me back.

"Stop running, Calhoun! It's all your dad's fault my parents are so angry, so now we're gonna teach you a lesson you're dad won't forget." Chuck Stevens threatens as his two friends nod their heads along. I usually wouldn't be this afraid about being beaten up; it's something I've gotten used to considering my dad's position at the local processing plant where most of the adults in town were employed. He has to decide who gets to stay and who gets kicked to the curb. Making his son, me, not very well liked. 

So, like I said, it's the usual. But, Chuck Stevens is not someone you want to corner you on the playground. He stands at about 4'6" and weighs around 70 pounds, which let me tell you, is pretty massive for a 9 year old. While, I had the stature of a five year old. So, it is like comparing an ant to a rhino.

So, when he swings his arm back, readying himself to rearrange my face I  pray that my unborn baby sister doesn't get my room when I die. I clench my jaw and wait for the blow, but it never comes. When I crack open my eyes all I see is a short brunette girl I recognize as Annette. She stands in front of me with her hands on her hips.

"Actually, Chuck, I'm pretty sure you're dad was fired because he was stealing. Or am I wrong?" She crosses her arms and gives him a questioning look.

"Th-that's not true! Take that back!" He stutters, his vein pulsing from his neck. She just sighs, as if bored by the entire conversation.

"It's all over town, so why don't you stop picking on the wim- I mean Adam, and spend time with daddy before he gets sent away." I can't help but gape at her. For a nine year old she sure knew how to belittle someone. Chuck, on the other hand, is fuming. He starts to charge at her, uncannily resembling a bull. But, before he can even get near her she steps forward and knees him in his undeveloped balls. He drops to floor like a pile of bricks while the others try to drag him away, looking at Annette in horror. Annette just watches, chuckling. She literally chuckled at almost breaking Chuck's balls. Even back then she was sadistic. Then she rounds on me, rolls her eyes and offers me her hand.

Don't get me wrong, Annette and I have known each other since birth, but we are not friends. 

1. Because she is a girl and 

2. She likes the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles more than the Power Rangers.

Both, obviously major deciding factors for friendship.

So, the fact that she stood up for me and hurt Chuck is definitely out of the blue. Especially since she is known for being the most timid girl in the third grade. So, I ask her a pressing question to determine if I should let her help me.

"You still think Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is better than Power Rangers?" I ask raising an eyebrow. She blinks at me a couple of times before her mouth forms into a small smile.

"Power Rangers has grown on me." She replies, her smile turning into a full blown grin, showcasing her 2 missing teeth. I return the smile and finally take hold of her hand as she pulls me up. And that's how our friendship really began.

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