"That was very Regina George of you"

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A/N: Hello, Loves! I know I'm late on this update, but things have been hectic. Pic of Jenna on the side.  

This chapter is more like a filler/background/introducing of characters. But, it's leading up to the next chapter, which is juicy.

If you like my story please let me know. If you don't like it please let me know. And spread it around, vote, and all that good stuff!!

Annette P.O.V

I would love to go into detail about how great my first few days of senior year was. I would love to say that I was welcomed with open arms and that everyone wanted to be my friend. It would be my pleasure to say that all the teachers loved me and all my old friends were thrilled that I was back.

Yes, that would be great to say, but lets not forget that I'm Annette Simmons and my life isn't filled with rainbows and unicorns. But, honestly, life is more entertaining without all that useless crap.

So no, my first week back was not a joyous occasion.

After being stared at and gossiped about for days, you really start to feel on edge and irritated. Yeah, what a shocker. So, after seeing two underclassmen actually take out their phone to not-so- discreetly snap a picture of me, I kind of lost it.

Now, what I did next I'm not exactly proud of. I might have, maybe, walked up to them, snatched the phone out of their hands, and chucked it at the nearest wall. Very mature, I know. This managed to get the entire hallway's attention and everyone turned to stare at me in actual fear. Yeah, people were actually afraid of me -a 5' 6" female with absolutely no muscle- like I was Micheal Meyers or something.

Well, they were staring at me until I said, "Got something to say, you twats?" It might have been the fact that my voice was eerily calm when I said this that had everyone in the hallways clear out like they really do think I am axe murderer. 

But, that's not what made my day so terrible, oh no. It was right after my scene in the hallway. It is when I hear that irritatingly perky voice call my name.

"So, the rumors are true." Her voice is laced with distaste. I freeze at the sound and my breath hitches in my throat. I don't know if I'm ready to face her yet, but I somehow manage to pull my smirk back on my face, although a bit wobbly, when I turn on my heel to confront the voice. I come face to face with an arrogant, leggy blonde girl who purses her lips at my appearance.

"Ava." I breathe, after laying my eyes on my ex-best friend for the first time in two years. But, this is not a happy reunion and Ava's eyes are only filled with contempt. She gives me the same look of disapproval I have gotten from every single person today. My stomach plummets and my smirk drops, but I quickly mask it by holding my arms out as if gesturing for a hug.

"Long time no see, Ava. Well, don't just stand there. C'mon bring it in." I say patronizingly, while, flicking my wrists back and forth, as if she is an incompetent child. Ava backs away from me, her blue eyes piercing into my own, searching for something. Then she does the last thing I'd expect her to do. She laughs. The shrill sound echoing through the now deserted hallways.

"Look who grew a back bone in her time away. It's about damn time." Her voice is condescending as she takes a step closer. "Well, let me tell you something. You need to watch your back. You're not the only one who has finally gained some confidence and who can stand up for herself. And now that you're back, don't start thinking you can boss me around again and destroy our lives. Because this time, I'll destroy you." She is so close to me now, that I can actually see the freckles lining her nose and smell her cheap perfume. But, it's not the scent that has me gagging.

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