"The only way to resolve it is to attack each other"

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Annette P.O.V.

          I usually loved the rain. I always loved the calming pitter patter as it rolled down my window or pounded on my roof. I loved how it could turn the sky from a cloudless blue into a mass of gray gloom. It could be calming and sure, wild and ferocious, or as light as a breeze; so unobtrusive you almost don’t realize that it’s there.

          I found an odd comfort in rain; it always seemed to wash away my nerves and calm my ferocious heart. Rain symbolizes rebirth and life, and every time it rained it felt as if I was being baptized; as if all my sins were being washed away.

          Rain was white noise to me while staying at my uncle’s. I was always alone and the alienation made me feel so empty, but sometimes the rain would pay me a visit and fill me with white noise. It was still quiet all around me, but the silence wasn’t empty.

          Rain is consistent, harsh, and unrelenting. But, it is also calming, it connects earth and sky, and becomes a drum line to mundane life.

          But, in this moment -with the rain pounding down on the windshield and the sound washing out our angry breaths- The rain did not calm me. It did not make me feel safe and sure. It was just the background noise to our mutual anger.

          I am soaking wet; the bitter rain melding my shirt to my body and freezing me in the process. I am furious; my wrist still aching from Adam’s harsh grip; a painful reminder of his brazen attitude and actions. I am completely and utterly confused; Adam showing up on my date, punching tanner in the jaw, and tossing me in his truck all had me very confused as to what set him off.

          The minute that Adam’s tires screeched against the curb in front of his house and he turns to pull out his backpack from his seat I bolt from the car. I don’t know what thing he has to settle with me, but I honestly can’t take any more of this back and forth.

          With the rain pouring down on my back, I walk as fast as I can across his lawn towards my house. My shoes sink into the mud and the rain falls into my eyes, blurring my vision. And before I can get away I feel that familiar hand around my forearm once again. I let out a groan of frustration before ripping my arm from his grasp and whipping around.

          “Don’t touch me,” I warn, my teeth barred together, but Adam only rolls his eyes before taking hold of my arm again and begins to drag me through the muddy earth, “What is your problem, Adam?!”

          Adam either doesn’t hear me over the unrelenting shower, or he chooses to ignore my statement because he flings open his front door and all but tosses me inside. The second that the door locks behind me Adam begins to pace the foyer and run his hands through this hair, the water droplets shaking off the tips.

          His shirt melds to his body like a second skin; revealing each muscle and crevice on his arms and torso. His black jeans ride low from the weight of the water and the ends drip down onto the tile, but Adam doesn’t even seem to notice and continues his march.

          I continue to stand on the door step –still in a rage, but more concerned now as I observe what seems to be a breakdown.

          “Is it true?” Adam finally speaks, his words sound forced and his anger is barely concealed. He doesn’t falter in his continued pacing, but his eyes meet mine for a brief second. They are almost black with rage.

          “Is what true, Adam? What are you talking about?! You can’t just kidnap me from my date and punch Tanner in the face!” The moment the words leave my mouth, Adam is right in front of my face.

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