"The night everything changed" Part 2

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 srsly, comment and vote. it makes me feel warm and fuzzy

Two years ago

Adam POV

            The bitter liquid slid down my throat and scorched the inner walls. My nose scrunched in disgust, but I kept going. Sip after sip of the mind numbing alcohol. The room was beginning to spin and my mind welcomed the fuzzy feeling that took over my brain. My legs were finding it hard to keep the rest of me up and I had to sit on the couch to keep from falling. It was becoming harder and harder for me to keep my shit together. And it all led back to the same girl.


            God, I loved her. I really did, but I was such an asshole. She was such an asshole. I don’t know where it all went wrong. High school; I supposed changed everything, but we did not ‘go our separate ways.’ I hated that term. We aren’t separate, we’re together like we always have been.  We’ve just become distant the past couple of years.

            It was my fault mostly, I’ll own up to that. But, it takes two to tango.

            I admit, that once I was recruited to the soccer team and started to become friends with the guys, I pushed Annette away. I didn’t have as much time for her. And then when she started to party too much, and I was the one having to clean up after her, it was disappointing and hard to watch.

            Then, when she showed up to my brother’s wedding stoned and caused a chaotic scene, I was straight up embarrassed. Everyone could tell that she was blitzed by the way she basically swallowed the buffet table full and told the bride, “You look like a marshmallow.”

            We are always fighting. About girls, and soccer, and her friends, and other pointless shit. The guys started to hound on me even more about breaking up with her, because we had ‘grown apart.’ I tried not to listen to them, I really did. I didn’t want to break up with her. She was all I ever had.

            And then homecoming came. God, I was an idiot. I let my friends humiliate her in front of half the school and just stood there and watched. I actually felt relieved when they sprayed her. Payback for my humiliation at the wedding. But, once I saw the pure betrayal in her face I felt like a total douche.

            Her partying got worse and the guys are now unbearable to handle. So, I said some things I shouldn’t have. We were all drinking and having a good time and they asked me why I was really still with Annette.

            “Because she’s wild in bed,” was my amazing reply. I was kidding of course, but I still felt like a pig. They asked for details, but I wouldn’t really tell them about our sex life.

            So, here I was at some party with people I barely tolerate, binge drinking as an escape from my doomed relationship. I just really don’t know what to do, everything is so fucked up. I love her, so goddamn much that it hurts. I always have, but I just can’t go through this anymore. The pressure is beginning to get to me.

            Instead of facing my problems I decided to grab another bottle of rum and make my way to the living room. I had already lost count of how much I had to drink since the party had started. All I know was that everyone at this party looked like they had a twin.

            A hazy layer of smoke filled the room and the stench of marijuana and sweat hung in the air. Numerous bodies swayed to the rap music that blared from the speakers, making the whole room pulse. I stumbled my way through the crowd, not sure where I was headed until I felt a pair of arms circle around my neck. A musky Caribbean scent wafted from the person and it took a while for my eyes to focus on the stranger.

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