"Never have I ever..."

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Sit down.

Are you ready?

Okay, read on.

My white dress was completely soaked through, revealing my black underwear and bra I had stupidly worn underneath. The water chilled me to the bone, making me shiver as my face started to heat up. Hordes of students circled me, some laughing, while others watched in horror as I was completely humiliated in front of the entire sophomore class. To think I actually thought that things had been getting better this past week, to think that I thought that Adam’s friends were finally accepting me. But, no they were just preparing for this moment.

            I had never known how much they had truly hated me until I felt the water hit my skin like a bullet. Not until I saw Brock and three of his lackeys firing water at me through a Nerf gun. It was the Homecoming dance for god sakes. But, they didn’t care. They thought I wasn’t good enough for Adam. They wanted to break us up. They wanted to humiliate me.

            And as the water washed away my makeup and slid down my legs, I knew they had. The music that had been pounding out of the bass had cut off as every pair of eyes were trained on me. The chaperones stood frozen in shock, not knowing what to do in this situation. But, my eyes were only searching for salvation, for the one person that could save me. And as I met his shocked, but resigned eyes my heart squeezed uncomfortably in my chest.

            Adam stood in the midst of the crowd, watching the scene unfold before him as Brock high- fived his friends. He had a look of shock and anger on his face at first before that washed away and was replaced by resignation as he looked away.

            My heart plummeted and the tears stung my eyes. He wasn’t going to save me. He didn’t love me anymore; we had grown apart. But, this? This was too far. He was going to let his friends embarrass me and not try to stop them?

            So, I did the only thing I could do. I ran. I ran until it hurt me physically, so it could take away from the emotional pain. But, as I ran only one image clouded my mind.

            Adam’s laughing and evil face filled up my vision as he grabbed the Nerf gun and pointed it at my face, pulling the trigger and-

            I wake up with a jolt, my whole body shaking from the dream. I drag a hand down my face as the light from the sunrise pours out from my window. Rage fills me as I calm down from the nightmare. It wasn’t just a dream. It was a memory.

            That night still haunts me to this day and just fuels my hatred for Adam even more.  Adam and I had been growing apart rapidly, but I was still embarrassingly head over heels for him. So, I got extra dolled up and dragged him to the dance with me. It was actually fun before the incident, we were actually getting along for the first time in months. Brock and the rest of Adam’s friends hadn’t shown up so, Adam was acting like he always used to. So carefree and loving towards me, it was like nothing had changed and I felt like I had finally gotten Adam back. But then those bastards showed up and made a mockery of me right in front of him.

            And it was like that night had never happened, because Adam didn’t come to my rescue. He sat and watched it happen and then acted like he didn’t see it at all. Like we were never best friends. Like we never dated. Like we never shared intimate moments. He acted as if we were strangers.

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