"I am Moses and they are the Red Sea"

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Fort Bragg is a small town on the southern coast of California, hidden away and extremely boring. It was originally just a military base, but is now full of trees, beaches, and cougars (both kinds, really).

Population: 5,604.

High school population: 2,403.

My senior class population: 574.

Fort Bragg only has three elementary schools, two middle schools, and one high school. Which means we all practically grew up together and know almost everything about everyone. Which is ultimately pretty unfortunate. There are absolutely no secrets, which means there is absolutely no fun.

So, naturally the news of my reappearance spreads like wildfire. As soon as I park my bike in a handicap space near the commons of the school (because, let's be honest, I am way too lazy to walk any farther) and grab my bag I can practically feel every eye burn into my skull and hear the gossip mill turning.

Oh, Mount View, you really haven't changed since I've been gone.

Making sure my signature smirk is plastered on my face, I pass by two blonde bimbos gawking at me and send them a wink, leaving them to turn away from me in horror. They probably think i'm going to come up behind them and shank them from all the rumors they've been hearing. Trying to stifle a laugh at that I let my eyes scan the crowds of people and the school I know all too well.

I could remember sitting on those same steps laughing with my group of friends while they stuck carrots up their noses, not really caring if anyone gave us weird looks. I remember sitting under that elm tree with Adam, completely oblivious to the playful winks he was sending to some random cheerleaders. I remember smoking at the 'stoner pit' next to that old rusty dumpster, sometimes with my friends, but most of the time alone.

All of these memories are so vivid in my mind almost as if they are playing out in front of me. I can plainly see the truth hidden under all the lies that I couldn't see before. Thinking back, I can now see all the warning signs the dorky and naive old me never saw. But, that was why the memories were good, because I couldn't see the true nature of my friends. I was blind. Too naive and oblivious. And it came to back to bite me on the ass.

But, things are different now; I'm different now. I'm not that insecure little girl anymore. Now, instead of my old friends being there, there are a new group of students sitting on the steps chatting away. There are new lovebirds gazing at each other under the tree's shade, while others pretend to gag at their PDA. Now, there are new strung-out teens passing along a joint and laughing at nothing in particular.

And I genuinely feel sorry for them, and I hope they are as blindly happy as I was. Because, eventually, that happiness will end, and they will realize the ugly truth beneath their pretty lies. The fake smiles their friends make now is just a mask waiting to be pulled off, and they will realize the whole time they were fooled. The whole time... 

A football narrowly missing my shoulder shakes me from my reverie and I realize I had just been standing in the front of the school with a blank look on my face for a good couple of minutes. Pull yourself together, Annette! Those years are behind you!

Holding my head high I begin to mount the steps as more and more students begin to recognize me. I had quite the reputation, it seemed. The girls mostly stared at me with a mixture of jealousy and disgust, to which I promptly responded by flipping them the bird and laughing at their reactions. The guys, on the other hand, stare at me with lust and wonder.

I could almost laugh or vomit at the irony of it all. The same Neanderthals that were currently undressing me with their eyes were the same jocks that used to practically beg Adam to break up with me on a daily basis. These were the same zit-faced teens that attacked me with water guns at homecoming, completely soaking through my white dress, making my underwear clearly visible. Of course, during this whole debacle Adam just stood behind me and watched it unfold. It truly is a wonder as to why he didn't break up with me then and there.

With this memory now refreshed in my mind I continue to walk towards the doors until I spot the man behind all those pranks freshman and sophmore year. 'Brock the Jock.'

He is surrounded by a group of gorillas disguised as teenagers wearing letterman jackets, but Brock isn't paying attention. He's staring at me. My smirk is practically taking up my whole face at this point. So, hitching my bag up my shoulder and swaying my hips with a purpose I saunter up to Brock and his friends and shoot Brock a playful smirk.

"See anything interesting Brock?" I ask, cocking my head to the side and crossing my arms. If it was possible to catch on fire from people staring at you then I would be in the pits of Hell at this point. Everyone of Brock's friends giving me the up-down makes my skin crawl, but I keep my mask on my face. Brock just stands there blinking at me, as if trying to figure something out. He lowers his eyes down my face to my chest -lingering there a bit longer than necessary- until continuing their journey. By the time his eyes meet mine again they are filled with realization, shock, and hunger.

And I want to claw that expression right off his face.

"A-Annette Simmons?! Is that you?!" He shouts, his eyes almost bugging out of his skull. With a heavy sigh, I pop my hip out and place my hand there. 

"No shit, Sherlock. I think the only thing that hasn't grown over the years is your brain." I state. Which is completely true, by the way. Either the guy takes steroids for breakfast or lives at the gym.

His jaw drops at my words because little old Annette would never cuss, or say such a mean remark. I can also hear light snickers from the crowd that has gathered behind me. Wanting to continue the show, I take a slight step towards him and place my hand on his chest.

"Would you mind showing me to my classes? I would really hate to get lost." I practically whisper into his ear as my fingers unconsciously play with the fabric of his shirt. Brock just gulps and slightly bobs his head. Sending him a wink, I walk into the school, knowing with out having to look back that he would follow. 

It gave me an odd sense of satisfaction to see the man that used to despise practically trip over himself in order to follow me. This could be fun.


I had to ditch Brock long before the bell rang, signaling the beginning of class. Frankly, because he was giving me the creeps. Usually when guys check me out I'm all for it, but the fact that it was Brock of all people made me want to jab my eyes out. Especially considering the way he couldn't take his eyes off my ass. It made me a little queasy and a lot irritated.

To be honest, with one glance at my schedule I already knew where all my classes were. Keep in mind, I did go here once upon a time.

I quickly stuff my entire bag in my locker, only bothering to grab a pencil before slamming it shut. I mean, let's be honest here, I couldn't give less of a shit about school. I used to be that girl. You know the one. The one that tries extra hard in school and won't let you copy off her work. The one all the teachers loved, and you just knew she'd become valedictorian. Yeah, I was her. And then I got involved in the wrong crowd and things just spiraled downhill from there . But, now  I'm only here to get a flimsy piece of paper that gives me my freedom and then I'm getting the hell out of dodge.

Maneuvering my way down the halls proves to be a much easier feat than originally anticipated. Only because everyone in the hallway literally jumps out of my way as I walk down the hall, as if I am Moses and they are the Red Sea. Well, in my case, they probably think I would murder them if they didn't move.

This only made my smirk widen as I found myself reaching the right hallway, just as the late bell rings.

At first I was nervous to walk into the classroom late, all eyes on me, but that was quickly replaced with excitement.

Excitement to finally stir up some trouble again in this small lifeless town.

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