Chapter Nine

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" Who's Pitch?" Rapunzel wondered.

Jack's jaw clench as old memories resurfaced he'd wished to keep buried and layered in dust.

" Someone that should have stayed where he belongs, under the bed." Jack replied curtly, and left the library swiftly.

Hiccup, Rapunzel and Merida stared after him. They shared equally puzzled looks towards one another before they began after him with brisk steps.

" North?" Jack called as he entered the main pavilion, his friends right on his heels. Toothless met them at the library doors, his tail flicking impatiently. He'd been instructed to wait outside, lest he knock over a shelf of books.  " North!"

North, who'd been previously studying the Book of Guardianship with a thorough determination, broke from his intent stupor with a vague remembrance of someone calling his name.

" Hm?" He mumbled.

" We have a problem." Jack confessed, and extended the open palm holding a clump full of black sand. " Recognise this?"

North's attention diverted towards Jack's hand. He blinked thrice and his blue-grey orbs widened in size with the dangerous realisation.

" Pitch?" North breathed, seeking out Jack's eyes for confirmation.

" Alright, stop holding out on us, who the hell is this Pitch you keep mentioning?" Merida barked, her Scottish accent thicker than usual due to her annoyance. She quietly wondered why the name felt familiar on her tongue as she awaited an answer.

" Pitch Black is the Boogieman -the one from all the stories, with all the monster under the bed fluff. He's an old enemy of ours." Jack explained briefly.

" But why would he go after Elsa?" Rapunzel demanded, her hands leaving her hips to fold across her chest. " And where would he take her?"

Hiccup nodded, adding. " It's so strange. Why would she be of any interest to him?" He wondered.

Merida very suddenly remembered why the name had seemed so familiar to her. Jack had mentioned him to her before.

" Jack, wait, didn't you already kick this Pitch guy's butt?" Merida queried inquisitively. " I thought you said that you and the other Guardians had gotten rid of him? Isn't that what you told me on the boat as it sailed for Berk?"

Jack sighed with frustration, and running his fingers through his white hair tugged on the tangled locks. " It was wishful thinking on my part." He paused, and muttered the next words more to himself. " I guess I should have known we'd never truly be rid of him."

Rapunzel's velvet-slippered foot tapped softly on the marbled floor with impatience. " Well?" She huffed, her shoulders riding and falling in exasperation. " Are we going to rescue my cousin or not?"

" Of course." North assured.

" Then what are we still doing here? Does this Pitch Black have a lair that you know of? Or perhaps even a hideout somewhere?" Rapunzel asked quite impertinently with pursed lips.

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