Ch.1 Planning

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Hey guys, here's the sequel to 'Girl Meets London' based off of FRIENDS, enjoy :)

3 AM the clock read in Riley's room, and Riley was still awake. Just then she heard a knock on her bay window, she turned and saw Lucas waving at her. She smiled as she opened the window and let him in.

"Hey" they whispered as they started to kiss on the bay window.

Every since London, Riley and Lucas have been secretly dating, fearing that it would ruin all of their friendship if they told anyone. But as they continued to kiss, they suddenly heard footsteps coming towards the room.

"Quick hide!" Riley whispered as Lucas hid in her closet and she quickly went to her bed.

At that point 12 year old Auggie came in with a sleepy look.

"Auggie why are you up?" Riley asked.

"I can't sleep" he said "I was wondering if I can take one of your sleeping pills".

"Sorry Auggie but I'm all out, just go back to bed and try to think of something peaceful".

"Ok" Auggie mumbled as he left and closed the door.

Riley then went to her closet and let Lucas out.

"You know I'm really getting tired of sneaking in here and almost getting caught" Lucas confessed.

"Yeah me too" Riley agreed "Hey how about this, what if tomorrow we go somewhere, just the two of us, and we have a little fun together with no interruptions, and uh, and we can go swimming together".

Lucas gave a smile.

"Well that depends" he grinned "Will you wear your bikini?"

"You bet" Riley smiled.

"But what about the others? Wont they get suspicious?"

"Um, oh how about this? I say that I'm going to a science museum and you're going to uh, a cowboy museum".

"Oh I've always wanted to go to this Western museum in Tennessee" Lucas smiled.

"Yeah and you're not" Riley put in with a smile as he shrugged.

"Well then I'm in".


"So uh, you wanna get back to you..." she put her hands on his shoulders with a flirty smile.

"You bet" he smiled as they started to kiss again.

The next morning, Maya, Farkle, Zay, Lucas, and Josh were hanging out in Riley's living room when Riley entered from her room.

"Hey guys" she said "Guess where I'm going today?"

"Canada?" Zay guessed.

"No, I'm going to this science museum downtown".

"Oh that's weird" Maya said "Lucas just told us he's going to a cowboy museum downtown".

Riley looked at Lucas with a fake smile.

"Huh" she said "It seems that Lucas could've gone up north instead".

"Well I'm not in charge where the museum is" Lucas said as he tried to hide his guilt "What do you guys think it's a fake museum?"

He gave a fake laugh as everyone looked at him with a confused look.

"Um, Lucas" Riley said "Can I talk to you alone for a moment?"

She then turned to the others.

"Get out" she ordered.

"Fine" they all sighed.

"We'll go in your room" Josh said as they headed towards Riley's room.

"Don't go through my underwear drawer!" Riley said.

After making sure they were gone, Riley sat next to Lucas on the couch.

"You seriously couldn't of said you were going up north?" she asked with a frown.

"Sorry I wasn't thinking" Lucas confessed with an embarrassed look.

Meanwhile, in Riley's room, Josh had his ear against the door as he tried to listen to what Riley and Lucas were saying.

"Do you hear anything?" Maya asked.

"Yeah" Josh said "Someone just said 'Do you hear anything?'"

Maya smirked as she then noticed Farkle looking under Riley's bed.

"Hey" she said "Farkle's ass, what are you doing?"

At that point Farkle pulled out a box and set it on the bed.

"Well remember that time Riley and Lucas were arguing and we were all stuck in here all night with no food and anything?" he said "Well I figured that it might happen again so I his this here".

He opened the box revealing a bunch of items.

"Oo candy bars" Maya pulled out some candy bars "Crossword puzzles".

"Oo Madlibs" Zay pulled out a Madlibs book "Mine!"

Josh looked in the box and turned to Farkle with a weird look.

"Condoms?" he said.

"Hey you don't know how long we're gonna be in here" Farkle said "We may have to repopulate the Earth".

"And condoms are the way to do that?" Josh asked with sarcasm.

"And considering that I'm the only girl in here" Maya put in.


"So I found this really cool pool downtown at a community center where they have this really big slide" Riley said "We have to go there".

"Nice" Lucas commented with a smile "I'm in".

"Great, I can't wait to see you shirtless again" she smiled.

"Well I can't wait to see you in your bathing suit" he smiled back.

"Well we should get ready".

"K, I'll see you later".

"Ok" Riley said as they gave a quick kiss "Love you".

"Love you too" he smiled as he left her apartment.

At that point everyone came out from Riley's room.

"So what did you guys talk about?" Maya asked.

"Oh, just stuff" Riley said as she went into her room.

"Doesn't seem that they were fighting" Zay said.

"Then what were they talking about?" Josh wondered.

"Uh" Riley said as she came out of her room with a condom in her hand "Why was there a condom on my bed?"

Everyone looked at Farkle.

"Uh, yeah Josh!" Farkle blamed Josh as she ran out of the apartment.

Riley then looked at the others as they all ran out too. Riley then gave a smirk.

"Farkle and Smackle are so doing it" she smirked as she went back into her room.

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