I'm The New Kid

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Percy's POV

I was in the middle of a forest. I heard rustling in the bushes and waited for it to come out. Suprisingly, I saw a girl about my age and she was wearing a dress like something a princess would wear. But she had no face. Suddenly, i said," Annabeth, come here."

Then she did what I said and came closer to me until she was right in front of me. Then what I did next surprised me! I held her cheek in my palm and leaned in, then...


Ugh, I wanted to know what was next . Whatever. I slammed my alarm clock and turned it off.

"Percy, breakfast is ready!" my mom, Sally said.

"Okay mom, I'll be right down!" I replied. Then I did my morning routine and rushed downstairs to eat. I kissed my mom on the cheek and scarfed down my blue pancakes. I kissed my mom on the cheek and grabbed my backpack.

"Have a good day at school, sweetie!" she said.

"I will mom! Oh wait, where's Paul?" I asked.

"He's already at Goode." she answered. Then after that, I left my house and walked to my new school, Goode high. I know what you're thinking. Why are you going to a new school on the middle of a school year? Well, it's because I was kicked out of my old school because... Well it's best not to tell. I went to the office to get my schedule.

"Excuse me, miss..."i said.

"I'm Ms. Wendy, you must be the new student Percy Jackson?" she asked.

"Uhhh yeah I'm here to get my schedule and my locker?" I asked. Then she handed me a piece of paper with my schedule and my locker combination.

"Have a goode day!" she exclaimed. Then I put my things in my locker and took a look at my schedule.

7:20-8:40 Mathematics

8:40-9:50 History

9:50-10:10 Break

10:10-11:20 Science

11:20-12:30 Elective: Swimming

12:30-1:10 Lunch

1:10-2:20 Gym

2:20-3:30 Art

3:30 Dissmissal

Okay, I guess I have Math first. I went up to someone who looked nice.

"Excuse me do you know where room R11 is?" I asked.

"Oh hey, you must be the new student! My name's Matt and room R11 is just straight down that hall. Good luck on your first day of school!" he said. I waved good bye and headed down to where he pointed at and on my way there I heard gossip about the new kid, which is me.

"OMG there he is!! He is sooo hawt."

"I'm gonna go up to him later and ask him out."

And then i tuned out after that. Suddenly a girl came up to me with brown eyes and hair who was showing waaaay too much cleavage and reaaallly short shorts. She held my chest and went waaaay too close to me.

"Hey babe, you wanna go to my house later and have fun?" she asked seductively but failed because of her face that was btw CAKED in make-up. This action made me, uncomfortable.

"U-um n-no th-thank you. I h-have o-other plans." I stuttered. Then i pushed her off of me gently and ran to my math class just in time cuz the teacher came in and told me to stay beside him.

Okay class, settle down! We have a new student here today!his name is Percy Jackson, so be nice to him!" Prof. Steve said." You can take a seat over there beside Miss Chase" he said while pointing at a pretty blonde girl with intimidating grey eyes. I walked up to the seat next to her and sat down. I held out my hand and said,"Hey, I'm Percy Jackson. What's your name?"

She shook my hand and said,"Annabeth, Annabeth Chase."

"Cool, but i better listen to the teacher." I said. I said that even though I was actually thinking to myself. 'Annabeth, why does that name sound familiar? Oh well, better stop thinking and save my brain cells.' I thought. I felt someone looking at me but, I just ignored it.

=======LINE BREAK======

I went up in line and got my food but, I saw one of the girl's that went up to me earlier and pushed Annabeth causing her food to fall. Me, feeling bad sat next to her but she seemed shocked...

Chapter done guys!! Woohooo. Sorry if its short I didn't have enough time.
Meh i decided not to do the comment thing. So ill just do it on the next one

All right belong to Rick Riordan except the story line.

Until next time guys byeeeeee

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