Blue Cookies???

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Percy's POV

"Mooom I brought home a friend from schoool!" I shouted, excited for my mom to meet my first friend.

"Alright sweetie, I'm in the kitchen! She shouted back. I dragged Annabeth to the kitchen and sat her down immediately and took my own seat, knowing what my mom would bring out. She stepped out and in her hand, was the most holy food in the universe! BLUE COOKIEEEESSS. I scarfed a few down and left some for Annabeth to take home.

"Why is it blue?" Annabeth asked my mom.

"Well I went on a strike about blue food because my ex-husband Gabe, said food can't be blue, so I made every single food we ate blue. It lessened from that time but, we decide to keep the blue cookies." my mom explained. Annabeth made an 'o' shape with her mouth and ate some more.

"Mmmm these are really good Mrs. Jackson." Annabeth said with stars in her eyes.

"Oh please Annabeth, call me Sally." my mom said. " So you're my son's first friend huh?" my mom asked. I just sighed in frustration knowing what was gonna come next.

"I am? Well if I was, I certainly never knew thanks to a certain Seaweed Brain." Annabeth said. " But Percy over here is already the school's heartthrob."

"Well it's not my fault you didn't ask WISE girl." I said emphasizing the 'wise'. My mom just watched this in amusement.

"Already have nicknames now do we?" my mom said while wiggling her eyebrows.
Me and Annabeth just blushed and looked away from each other. I looked at the clock and it said 4:30.

"Oh well time to go now, I better get you home Annabeth. It's getting late. I'll walk you home." I offered.

"Okay. Goodbye Mrs.- Sally!" she said. My mom hugged her and waved goodbye. We went out the house and I walked her home which was right beside our house. I walked her up to the door, she took out her keys and was about to open it but, her father opened it.

"Hi sweetie, who's this?" her dad said.

"This is Percy, my best friend." she said while dragging me inside. Then she whispered to me that she just needed to introduce me to her family.

"Boys, Helen, come down, Annabeth brought a friend home!!" her dad shouted. Soon two little boys who looked identical and a woman who must be Helen. The little boys came up to me and started asking me things.

"Do you swim?"
"Do you work out?"
"What's up with your eyes?"
"Do you brush tour hair?"
"Are you dating our sister?"

That question was the question that made Annabeth stop laughing and me to finally stop them.

"Woah woah woah. First of all, yes, no, I dunno, sometimes and DEFINITELY not. We just met today!" I said. And Annabeth nodded in agreement.

"Okay boys sit down." Helen said. Then we just talked about my life and stuff for 30 mins. Then I said i need to go home. Annabeth walked me up to the door to say goodbye.

"I'll see you tomorrow, right Percy?" she said as if she was gonna lose me. I pulled her into a tight embrace then let go after a few seconds.

"Of course you will. Its not like I'm going anywhere." I said. Then I went home. I went to sleep thinking about Annabeth. I think I l-l-love her.

Percy looooves herrr
So how is the story going, good? Bad?


All rights belong to Rick Riordan except the plot line

Until next time guys byeeee

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