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Annabeth's POV

We were all called to the dining hall by Leo. He also stopped the Argo 2 for some reason and I'm gonna find out. I looked aroumd and saw everyone here including Leo.

"Why did you stop the ship Leo, aren't we almost there?" I asked. He just smirked at me.

"Get ready to go down people, because we have reached out final destination!" he announced. I ran out the room and looked down. He was right. There is a camp down there. I ran back into the room, jumping like a little kid.


"Alright alright sheesh. Just step back from my precious Valdez ears." he said while rubbing his ears. I apologized and ran to my bunk to change my clothes and take a bath. I went out and stayed in the dining hall, waiting for everyone else. They FINALLY came out. Leo started landing on a green, wide, empty field. I ran out of the ship and looked around for a familiar face, but to no avail. I just saw their leader, a praetor, no doubt. I went up to her.

"Do you know a Percy Jackson around here?" I asked nicely.

"What is your business here? And why are you looking for him?" she also asked. Injust sighed.

"We are here to bring him back to our camp and... He knows me. Ask him." I said with confidence.

"Very well. You shall meet my fellow praetor." she said. I was calm outside, but freaking out on the inside. I saw Leo flirting with the girls and get rejected. I just rolled my eyes at him. " However, we will need a replacement for him, since he is a praetor around here." she said. I just sighed, knowing this was coming. She led me to a building that looked like a roman version of our big house. She lead us inside and I saw him. Right there. In front of me. He turned around and his eyes widened. We locked eyes and froze until, I came back to my senses and ran to him. I started sobbing and I hugged him. He returned the hug and started crying too. The others left to give us some privacy.

"Shh. It's okay Annabeth. You found me. We're together again." he cooed into my ear. I finally stopped crying and kissed him. He kissed back with passion and love. We broke apart for air. He said three words. Three words that made my heart melt. Three words that I missed. Three words I've been waiting for.

"I love you." he said.

"I love you too." I replied. " You are coming with us right?" I asked with worry. He just laughed and nodded. "We should go outside and meet your brother. But don't be shocked okay? He isn't half human. Like us. So don't be too harsh." I said while holding his hand and dragging him out. He just nodded. I let go of Percy's hand and went to Tyson and told him to meet his big brother. (Btw in this story Tyson is like 5 yrs. Old) I grabbed his free hand since he was holding a gift for Percy. I carried him up so he could see his big brother.

"Tyson, meet your big brother, Percy." I said while handing him over to Percy. Percy held him in shock, but he hugged him.

"Hi Tyson, I'm Percy, your big brother!" he said with tears in his eyes. Tyson cried and then hugged Percy back.

"I have a big bwother! I have famiwy now!" he said between sobs. He pulled away and gave Percy a gift. He opened it and saw a pen. He removed the cap and it turned into a sword. Riptide. Percy hugged Tyson and put him down and held his hand, pen in his pocket. He held my hand and we all made our way up to the Argo 2. We told him about everything. I helped about some of his memories. Then we all went home. To Camp Half-Blood.

Percy's back! Woohoo! This is probably the last chapter unless comments say otherwise or if you want a sequel.


All rights belong to Rick Riordan except the plot line

Until next time guys byeeee

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