I'm Back

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Percy's POV

Today's the day that I go back to mom and Paul. The day the Tyson meets my parents. I'm so excited, I actually fixed my stuff! With Annabeth's help, of course. We also helped Tyson pack some of his stuff and controlled the mist to make him look normal. But, thankfully he understands why. We piled in the van then told Argus where to take us. We waved to the camp and drove off.

========TIME SKIP=======

We finally arrived. The car stopped and we got out of the car and knocked on the door of my house. Wow. It feels like it's been forever since I've been here.(Only a few people will get this: WALANG FOREVER) I heard footsteps near the door, it opened. And standing there was my mom. I hugged her while she was sobbing.

"Oh Percy, I missed you so much. Where have you been?" she sobbed. I broke the hug and lead her inside. I carried Tyson and held Annabeth's hand. I sat down and so did Annabeth and my mom. Tyosn burried his face in my chest, which made me chuckle.

"Mom, this is my half-brother, Tyson. Tyson meet my mom, Sally." I said while handing him over to my mom. She held him and hugged him. I squeezed Annabeth's hand and she smiled at me. Tyson returned the embrace and started sobbing.

"C-can I c-call you m-mommy?" he said with a scared face. My mom just laughed and nodded.

"Yay! I have a mommy!" Tyson shouted. We all just laughed. We explained what happened and stuff. Then, I remembered Annabeth's parents!

"Mom we gotta go! Tyson are you coming with us?" I asked. He just shook his head no. I grabbed Annabeth's hand and dragged her to her house. We knocked on the door and waited for it to open. The door opened, and there was Bobby and Matthew with birthday hats. They ran to Annabeth and hugged her. They started crying into her hair.

"Annabeth, we missed you so much. Where did you go? Did anybody hurt you?" they sobbed. She just laughed.

"Sorry for not being there for you guys, I was busy saving Percy." she replied.

"It's okay. At least you made it for our birthday! Now you don't need to give us a birthday present. Its enought that you're here. And now we can go to the beach like you said, with Percy!" they shouted excitedly. I was confused.

"When did we plan on going to the beach?" I asked.

"Oh I told them that. Before I left to find you." she explained. Oh. I had a mischievous look and I carried Bobby and Matthew on my shoulders and ran inside the house.

"We're baaaaack!!" I shouted. Fredrick and Helen ran to Annabeth and hugged her. We all went to the kitchen to explain everything that happened. Thankfully, they understood.

=====THE NEXT DAY======

To the beach! Me and Annabeth invited both of our families and some of the campers like Jason, Piper, Leo, Clarisse, the Stolls. I'm having second thoughts about the Stolls though. I think they could influence Bobby and Matthew.

Sorry its short I have to go swim now. Comment for requests.


All rights belong to Rick Riordan except the plot line

Until next time guys byeeee

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