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Annabeth's POV

A few weeks after Percy came to Goode, poeple have stopped bullying me. So, that's good. But, I've been spending more time with him, and my feelings have been growing very deeply and now I'm pretty sure I love him. I keep thinking wether or not I should confess. The talent show is coming up though. So, I and Percy are really excited. Melanie and her army haven't been bothering us though.

It's lunch time now though. I went out of the classroom to wait for Percy then he came out with a nervous look on his face. *sigh* Only 1 month left til school starts, til I leave Percy, til I hurt him. We walked to the cafeteria in silence. We sat down and I have to admit, it was an awkward silence this time.

"I have something to te-" we both said at the same time. We laughed until it died down.

"You go first." I said. He nodded and sat up straight.

"Wait maybe we should go somewhere private." I
nodded and we went to the lockers.

"I've been meaning to tell you something for a while now, but I couldn't get enough courage to tell you. Look Annabeth, I love you. I loved you ever since I met you, I know that sounds cheesy but its true. So, Annabeth will you be my girlfriend?" he asked with a hopeful smile. Then thats when I broke down into sobs. Percy hugged me.

"Hey hey hey why are you crying?" he asked with worry

"I-its b-because I h-have t-to l-leave y-you." I said.

"What? Why?" he asked.

"I have to leave because-"


Sorry if its short I didnt have enough time.


All rights belong to Rick Riordan except the plot line.

Until next time guys byeee

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