I'll be your Aussieman

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When we arrived at Melissa's station she was excited to help with Jess. Jess got a pink streak in her hair and curled it. Her and Cody were so cute together.



Then Cody ran on stage and started strumming his guitar to paradise Jess and I sang along to All of the songs. Right before Cody started playing angel I wheeled Jess backstage. "What are you doing?" She asked. "You'll see," I answered. I rolled her up the stage ramp and the doors opened revealing the arena. "My angel how'd you get to be so fly?" Cody sang. Yep Jess is Cody's angel tonight.

I walked off stage and stood with Karen. "You know Jess really looks up to you. I'm happy she has a good role model," Karen said. "I'm honoured that she looks up to me," I said. "She's only got a few months left in her," Karen said. I looked at her and couldn't believe what I had just heard.

Angel ended and Karen looked at me, "don't mention it around her please. She's trying to be posture about it," I nodded and met up with Jess. She was crying and freaking out that Cody sang to her. We danced the rest of the time then made our way to the meet and greet. I took lots of pics with Jess and posted them on twitter And made one my icon on Instagram.

Jess and I were hanging out in Cody's dressing room while the meet and greet was ending. We were dancing to one direction since she loved them. (#TWFanmily.) we made a video of us dancing and goofing off. Then save you tonight came on as Cody walked in. He sang, "I can't be no superman but for you id be Aussieman!" I busted out laughing and hugged Cody. "Alright Jess it's time," her mom said. "But mom!!!!!"Jess said. "No buts! They have to leave and head to Texas," Karen said. "Don't worry Jess cos we'll see each other again. I promise," I said. "Okay. Today was amazeballs!" Jess yelled. "One more picture?" I asked. "Heck yes," Jess said. Me and Cody took one last picture with Jess. I have Jess one last hug and said goodbye.

There goes my angel.


Cody sat next to me outside on the ground. "So how's it going orange park?" He asked. I looked at him and rolled my eyes. "It's goin great Gold Coast," I answered. Cody wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close. "This is the first time that we are fully alone since the whole dressing room thing," he said. I laughed and shook my head, "Lets forget about that okay?" "Well you know we never finished," Cody said leaning in. I put my finger over his lips. He looked at me confused. "Not out in the open Aussieman," I said, "someone will catch us." "What if I wanna get caught?" Cody asked with my fingers still on his mouth. I sighed and laughed at him. He was so cute when he gave me puppy dog eyes. I removed my fingers And gave a light peck. Then I jumped up and ran. "Hey there! That wasn't a proper kiss!" He yelled after me. "You're gonna have to catch me to get one," I said while running away.

Cody picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. "Ahh I'm being kidnapped!" I yelled. "Ooo I got American woman," Cody said in a Russian accent. He put me down and cornered me. "Now miss Punsky I thing you owe me something," he said. "I have no idea what you're taking about sir," I said. He laughed and Stepped closer closing what little space was between us. My breathing quickened and I was getting butterflies. Cody towered over me and picked my chin up with his hand. I stared into his blue eyes and damn was he cute. He leaned down and kissed me. It was innocent and passionate at the same time. I took the opportunity to wrap my hands in that gorgeous blond quiff. I'm living the dream people!

Cody pulled away leaving me breathless. He took both of my hands on his whole resting his forehead on mine. I was standing on my tippy toes since I'm 5'1. "I missed you so much," Cody said. "I missed you too," I answered. Cody's phone started ringing and he answered. "Yea dad we're coming back. Kaitlynn lost her bracelet so we were looking for it," he said as he winked at me. I grabbed his hand and walked with my Aussieman to the bus. Onward to Texas. ONWARD WITH VICTORY!

AN: really short I know but I has to get this chapter over with so they can head to Texas. Gonna be a twist soon... Here's a hint... #Tribal3.

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