Chapter 7:Meeting Ms. Ashtaker

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The next morning, Destiny texted  Zachary and Casey that she had found out where Ms. Ashtaker was living, they met up and skateboarded to her house.  They arrived there in great time,the house was Victorian and two stories, they got off of their skateboards, walked up to the front door and range the doorbell.

Destiny was wearing a black t-shirt with a red and white rose on the front entwined at the stem, black pants, with pockets on both sides and blue and white gym shoes. Casey was wearing a black shirt and black pants and blue gym shoes. Zachary was wearing a dark blue hooded sweatshirt, that almost looked black, with the hood down, and black pants and gym shoes.

They needed dark clothing for what they were going to do after they had talked to Ms. Ashtaker. Just then a women answered the door, she was light skinned like her son and daughter, she was wearing a white nightgown with slippers, but what stood her out was her hair, it was fiery red like her son's and daughter's, Zachary couldn't help but think, hm, so the hair isn't dyed.

Ms. Ashtaker started at the three teens on her door and said,"yes?, May I help you?". Destiny took a deep breath, telling them was always the hardest part, " hello Ms.Ashtaker, my name is Destiny Gist, the two boys next to me are Zachary Henderson and Casey Acosta, I know this may sound weird, but I have the ability to see and talk to ghosts, and before you close the door on us, let me tell you that I am the real deal, I have seen your daughter and I have spoken with your son, my friends and I have already begun our investigation. But we've already been inside the house that your daughter has, um passsed away in, we've come to you because we thought that you could give us a little bit more info on your daughter's death, but I understand if you don't believe me or if you're mad at me, I understand completely."

Ms. Ashtaker just stood there, looking at them before finally saying,"come right in", she stepped back to let them in, the three of them walked into the house, they were instantly in the living room, Destiny, Zachary and Casey took a sit on the couch, next to each other while Ms.Ashtaker sat across from them with her hands folded in her lap.

Casey finally spoke,"Miss, can you tell us about Andy and Ariel" Ms. Ashtaker smiled and spoke in a soft voice," Ariel and Andy's were like two peas in a pod, wherever the other went, the other twin followed, they always shared a room, when they were both eighteen they moved out and got that house.

Everything was fine until, one day I got a call for Andy saying that Ariel had burned to death, the poor boy was crying, said that it felt like someone had torn out his heart and stomped on it, no one can ever feel pain, like the pain Andrew felt when his twin died, he called my house the next day and said that he couldn't handle the pain anymore, that he loved me and that he hoped I could cope with being alone, because when my husband had heard about Ariel's death he had a heart attack, when Andrew said those words to me I knew what he was talking about, I knew what he was going to do, so I wasn't surprised, I told him that I loved him and that I will always love them, the next day I got a call from a police officer saying that Andrew drove his car over a bridge, fell into the water, and drowned, I knew he was going to do it sooner or later,now what other questions do you have for me?" she lightly smiled.

Destiny had tears on her eyes but she blinked them away, "Miss, do you have any idea who would try to hurt her, like an old boyfriend or a jealous friend?" Ms. Ashtaker took a deep breath and said," you said that you're able to see ghosts  am I right?", Destiny answered,"yes, but I can only see ghosts who haven't passed on into the light,why?" Ms. Ashtaker took a breath, let it back out and said,"Because I didn't just give birth to Ariel and Andy, I didn't just give birth to twins,I gave birth to Triplets".

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