Cross Academy

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This is What my male Oc looks like. It was very hard to choose what picture to use, but I thought I didn't want a complete uke boy. His shorter than the Night Class Boys and Zero and Ichiru. More details about OC will be revealed later as the story progresses. 

About the Yuki Bashing, I just think Yuki is too annoying in my opinion. I won't but so much of character because that's the point of why I don't like her. To me, I feel like she's too ignorant and doesn't really do anything besides getting in everyone's way.

I sniffed the air as I held my umbrella. The scent of the atmosphere and the feeling of the humidity tells me it's going to rain. 

I smiled lightly, I always loved the rain. I especially love the smell, it's soothing. I love the way rain drops make noise on windows, it's the only sound I tolerate besides my parents. 

Everyone else I try to block out as much as possible. 

I sighed as I looked towards the big gate, 'Why am I here? What did I do to deserve this?' I asked myself. 

I sighed again, even asking myself that question, I already knew the answer.

 It wasn't hard to know that my parents made me. I wouldn't even be near this place if it wasn't for them, but I knew they had a good valued reason. 

I was an awkward fish. I don't know how to socialize and they're worried, probably imagining me alone with 23 cats in my one bedroom apartment. 

But that would never happen..... I don't even like cats, I'm more of a dog person. So replace the cats with dogs and that was my future. Being a crazy dog man in a single apartment. 

And I'm completely fine with that. Living Alone, with my own money and having the peace I desired for years. With the electronics developing fast I can probably find an online and can buy my food on online stores. 

I could stay home, exercise at home, and be completely online with my 23 dogs.

Yes my perfect life

I waited for someone to give me a grand tour, but I get bored easily. And I didn't want to just stand there.... so I went down a random path. Now don't judge me,  you would do the same thing. 

I just walked down a straight path until I seen some flowers, they smelt nice. 

I smiled slightly, flowers were also one of my favorite scents. They smelt good though some made me sneeze, but whatever.  

I started thinking of what happen this week, 'Well first I got the news we were moving, then I discovered I'm pretty much going to a boarding school, and then my parents went to talk with the headmaster taking my bags that have all my handheld systems and also my phone, which holds my music.' I sighed again. 

I never doubt my parents being smart, but sometimes they were too smart for their own good sometimes. They pretty much telling me I have to make friends with my escort and making sure they take all my stuff so I won't be distracted. 

I shook my head, what did I get myself into to. 

I should've put on a little act, telling them I would get homesick and that I would miss them dearly or something like that. Hell, I'll add tears if it made it more believable.

I  froze hearing footsteps walking towards me. I lift my head to see a boy. He was taller than me and had this mean look on him. He stared at me, pretty much expecting me. 

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