Date Night... January 11, 2014

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Sophia Bush's POV


I have 6 hours until my 'date' with Jesse. I am so nervous and I have no idea why, is it really even a date? I mean we are just working out, how romantic can it get? I think I'll be okay, we will just workout and hang out not too difficult but fun and I can get to know him. This will be good. Okay, I'm calm. 

Jesse Lee Soffer's POV


Why would I make our first date a training date? That is not romantic at all, how can I even make it romantic? Maybe I could take her out to dinner afterward? No, because she won't want to go out in her workout stuff, shit this was a mistake. 

Sophia's POV

5:45 pm

Okay I should probably get going. I don't want him to be waiting on me. I'm wearing my nice yoga pants, and a little bit of makeup. I don't want him to think that I am not trying, but we are working out, okay I'm ready so I should leave now so that I can have time to freak out in my car before I go in. 

Jesse's POV

5:50 pm

I see her in her car, and it seems like she's on the phone... maybe she's talking to her friends about me? That would be a good thing right? Shit I don't even know. Okay, well here goes nothing...just walk in, pretend you don't see her because that would make everything very awkward...

Okay I made it into the gym, I am just going to wait for her to come and then we can just workout, no big deal..........

Sophia's POV

5:55 pm

He just walked past and looked so hot in his basketball shorts and T shirt, it's going to be hard to focus on working out tonight, but I should probably go in now, because I think he saw me in the car... here goes nothing........


Jesse's POV

She walks in and takes my breath away, she has on a skin tight tank top, her hair is up in a pony tail with a free curls falling around her face. Those legendary yoga pants that show off all her good parts..........................................................her calves, obviously.

She walks toward me with a big smile and she puts down her keys and water bottle. I walk over like an awkward idiot... "hey, how's it going".... immediately regretting everything. 

"great, so what are we going to do first?"

"I was think we could do some of the running stuff that we did on Tuesday? And then do some of the gun training?"

"Oh, I don't really need to work on my gun training..."

"Yeah I realized that yesterday when you hit the guys chin with all 4 bullets" I say with a laugh now that I'm feeling a little bit more comfortable. "I was hoping that you could help me, I didn't even hit the guys head with my 4 bullets" admitting embarrassed. 

She looks up with a huge smile, "I would be happy to, as long as you help me with the precision driving we were doing yesterday...I haven't quite nailed that yet."

"Of course" I reply simply. This is going well so far, I'm excited


We had been working out for about 2 hours and we were both getting a little tired, so after I took a sip of my water bottle I said "okay, I think that is enough, my legs can't take much more..."

She laughed and nodded her head in agreement but then looked at me and said "So....I will just see you on Monday for the next training?" she said this with such apprehension I assumed that she wanted it to continue, so I stepped up...

"Unless....." I looked down at my feet as I got more nervous to say my thoughts. "I mean, we could grab some food and go back to my place? That would make this more of a date than a training session." I immediately regret that last sentence, but I have to go with it. 

She looks up with a smile and nods her head as she finishes her sip of water, "I'd love that."


We get into my car, a nice black sports car.....I'm very proud of my car selection right about now as I look over at the awed face pasted on Sophia. I'm glad that I can impress her, it makes me feel a little less pathetic. 

"So" she starts, "what are we getting to eat?"

"I was thinking I would let you where would you like to get food from?"

She places her perfect hand underneath her chin and makes an exaggerated thinking face. "I'm thinking Chinese?" She smiles waiting for my reaction

"That sounds delicious let's go." I put the car in drive and let her pick the music station. 


We have the food and we are at my apartment, we walk in and I remember that I forgot to clean up! I wasn't expecting anyone, so there are blankets and beer bottles everywhere! She looks around and smiles, "so this is the natural habitat of Jesse Lee Soffer...interesting." I have no idea if that is a good thing or a bad thing. 

I guess she saw the worry on my face because she stands in front of me, very close to me, and says "I like it..." and then makes herself comfortable on the pile of blankets on the couch. She is an incredible girl, really amazing. 

As I stand there in awe she looks over and says, "we just worked out for 2 hours, are you going to grab some beers and bring that food over here? I'm a little starving" she adds with a laugh, which makes me laugh as I put down the food and get some beers from the fridge. 

All night we watched different movies and drank beer, it was a perfect night. She laid her head on my shoulder, and after a little while she fell asleep. She is so innocent and perfect when she is sleeping, her hair was carelessly thrown across her face and it moved in and out with the rhythm of her steady breath. She's perfect, but this world is not. How am I going to be able to date a costar? Our faces will be on every magazine out there. 

I like her too much to give up on this though, so I will push on and just admire her beauty for right now. 

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