#One (new edition!)

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After the battle, destruction and Voldemort's defeat at Hogwarts, Harry, Ron and Hermione joined a new class of 7th year students, along with their fellow classmates who's graduation year went a little sideways. Fortunately their classes consisted of only those who missed out the year before, making the transition a little easier.

Harry was sitting in his potions class with Hermione and Ron. Two months in and he his still bummed out that Snape isn't there to teach the class or to snap him out of his daydreams. He may have not been the kindest person to him, or anyone for that matter but nothing was the same since Dumbledore and Snape's death. But Mirneva being headmistress makes up for that.

He wasn't really concentrating, as per usual, so without knowing it, he put a wrong ingredient into his potion. Eight years in and potions is still not his best subject. Naturally the potion blew up in his face and the room was filled with black smoke. The new professor looked at Harry in shock, shook his head and walked out of class. Probably to get the headmistress. 'Don't blame him' Harry thought as he looked at his over boiled, black bubbly filled tar of a potion. That was defiantly not supposed to happen. Or was it? Nope definitely wasn't supposed to happen.

"Nice going Potter" he heard the snarl of Malfoy. The room finally cleared after some minutes past by. Hermione took a stick and stuck it into the tar. "Harry, what exactly did you put in, because this.."
She held it up as the tar dripped from the stick, to the table onto the floor "..is complete and utter garbage"

She pointed at her potion, a blue greenish, liquid substance that smelled of roses, oranges, and lavender. "This is what we where supposed to make, a perfume or scent like liquid of our favorite smells, something easy to start us of with, and you decided black tar was the way to go, really, since when is burned tar your favorite smell?"

Harry and Ron looked at each other. "Mione, I honestly got no idea what happened, and no, burned tar is not even a smell. I wasn't paying attention, probably my first mistake. But what was the smoke about. It couldn't have possibly created a new kind of potion, could it?" Hermione shrugged her shoulders as she glanced at the tar and around the room. "Potter, not paying attention. What else is new" Malfoy said, as he looked at Blaise and Pansy laughing. "If I where you I wouldn't laugh, since the only reason you are here.." Ron looked at Pansy and Blaise "..is because through the entire battle you two where locked up in the dungeon for betraying the school, and Harry, and you Malfoy, for being a filthy pure blood death eater"

By now everyone cleared the room. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Draco, Pansy and Blaise stood behind to 'chat'. "I didn't want to be death eater" Malfoy said quietly, his voice laced with sadness, the laughter in his face disappearing.

Harry looked at him and something in him was sad for him, he never admitted it, but when Malfoy was sad, so was he. And right now  he was sad. Harry forgot that he messed up and said "We know, Ron just gets overprotective sometimes, so does Mione, you know how they are" Malfoy looked at him, and gave him a smile, it was shy, quick and barely noticeable, but Harry, he noticed. He always noticed, him. Draco, with those grey eyes, Draco with that smirk, and Draco, just everything Draco. 'Forget Draco for a second'  Harry thought.

"Well, uh sorry, I didn't mean that, hope we cool" Ron gave Draco a nervous laugh "... you know at least everything seems to be normal around here..."he looked around and something caught his eye, "...that is defiantly not"

Ron pointed at a ten year old boy huddled at the back of the room, looking as confused as the rest of the gang. The boy looked at them and slowly walked closer looking around the room. He was searching for something familiar, but once he was close enough and his eyes fell on Harry, his eyes suddenly cloaked with fear.
"This...this is not good...how did I get here"

Hermione kneeled in front of the boy "Hey, hey you are okay, you are safe here, do you know how you got here or where you are"
"leave it to Granger to take care of a child" Malfoy sneered under his breath.

Harry glared at him and said "Malfoy don't even start, its not like you can do any better..."
"I know where I am, but I don't know when I am, or how I got here"

They looked at him with confusion and Ron scratched is head and asked "What do you mean with •when•, who are you, if you know where you are, how come we never saw you here before?"

"Maybe a 1st year" Hermione stated. The boy looked up at them and sighed, for a ten year old he sure seems to act older then he is.

"I'm not a 1st year, I will be in a couple months though. My name is Christopher James Malfoy-P..." He stopped when he realized something and decided not to continue. Harry saw the look he gave everyone, but couldn't figure out why.

"Did he just say Malfoy" Ron whispered to Harry who nodded back as he looked at Draco.

"He was about to say something after that though, that I am sure of" he whispered back to Ron. "Christopher, how old are you"
"Ten. And you?" Chris asked.

"Most of us are 18" Harry answered.
The boy looked at his fingers and started counting. "Yep. Definitely. Im definitely from...the future" Chris said carefully. "Future, what do you mean future" Hermione sat down on her chair as she looked at this boy who looked like a Malfoy, but didn't. "How far from the future?" she asked
"Not that far...like 12 years give or take" he answered. "So you'd be born next year give or take, if that's true"

"I will be born next year around December, that is, if I don't mess with my own timeline. My dads always told me time travel is a tricky thing, but only one of them ever did that"


"What you mean Dads, who's kid are you?" Chris looked up at Draco "Yours, reason for Christopher Malfoy, uh shouldn't have said to much"

The group fell silent and looked at the two. "Hows that possible...Why would I get a girl pregnant at the age of 19, who's your mom?" Draco asked. "I don't have one, what part of Dads didn't you get, are you paying attention to what I am sayin at all?"
Chris looked over at Harry and noticed him eyeing him.

He quickly averted his eyes back to Draco.
"Its nice see all of you guys so young, in the future Dad here has brown hair, no more bleach blond..."
he put his hand over his mouth and whispered "...apparently it's not his natural hair color, but shh, don't tell him I told you" Chris cracked a smile at the end as he turned his head back to his dad. Well one of them.

"So you know all of us" Harry asked in confusion.
"Of course, Uncle Ron and Aunt Mione, Uncle Blaise and Aunt Pansy, Dad obviously and..." Chris pointed at Harry and his smile faded "...and Harry, the famous boy who lived for longer then he should've"

"Wait, hold on, you are telling me, you are my son, and those people over there, are your Aunts and Uncles, I'm not even friends with those three"
"Well not yet you're not"
"Great now I'm friends with you too, what else kinda nightmare is this year gonna be" Draco whose head was spinning from all the information he just got in less then forty minutes, slumped against the desk and looked at Harry. Harry, looking at him, calmed Draco down. He knew why, but never said it, and never will.

"Actually Harry, he is not your friend"
"Oh" Draco almost sounded upset "then I'm still confused"

"He's your husband" Draco and Harry's head snapped up to look at each other, the world seemed to have slowed down as their eyes met, Draco tried to avoid him by slowly turning his head to Chris.

"I wanna say confusion over, but huh" Ron said.

"Futuristic son say what"


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(New edition, sorry if there are spelling mistakes)

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