#Three (new edition)

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Its been three days since Chris showed up and three days since Harry and Draco last spoke. Though that tend to happen a lot. But this time, it was different and everyone could feel it. After Harry admitted that he was the reason for Chris showing up, Harry ran outta the classroom, and hasn't been seen by the slytherine trio since.

But Draco, as retaliation, started doing the same thing. If Harry was in the cafeteria, Draco would excuse himself, if Draco happened to run into the trio, there was no snark remark, no humiliation, from either side. It was tense, though no one knew what happened, they knew something was up between those two.

Blaise and Pansy have been trying to figure out, with the help of Hermione and Ron of course, how to take Chris back to his original time. They have tried the time turner, spells, anything, but it was no use. Chris who was hiding in the griffindor common room, was getting a little anxious, the worst part of it all, his parents who were not only ignoring each other, were always ignoring him. He felt alone. He felt sad. He just wanted to go home.

On the fourth day Harry hid in the library, trying to avoid Draco as much as possible, but he just happened to walk in, either he was trying to hide as well, or was stalking him, Harry had no clue, and wasn't eager to find out. He was in the library for so long that he was the last on there until Draco walked in.

"Uh Potter, didn't know, uh...how are you"

Harry, was just about to leave when he was startled by Draco's voice. Guess the silent treatment is over? Harry looked up to meet Draco's eyes, and wow!

Draco wore black skinny jeans, a blue shirt, and a leather jacket.

And instead of jelling his hair backwards, which looked ridiculous, in a cute way, it was wet, and messy, and his hair fell into his eyes.

Harry hates to admit that Draco looked hot. But he just shook his head at the idea and looked again up at Draco. The feelings he had, it wasn't easy to deal with, and that was the worst part of all.

"Malfoy what are you doing here" He asked.

"Its a public library Potter, don't you have one in the muggle world"

"Right, that's not what I meant. It's late"

Draco raised his eyebrow "So I can't be here because it's late?"

"No I meant it's late, I should get going. Chris is back in the common room, should get back to him"

Harry pointed towards the doors awkwardly. "I can't help but notice you didn't check out a book" Harry looked down at his empty hands "Very observant Malfoy, you should be a detective"

"A what, never mind that, uh Blaise told me that Ron told him, that you where possibly, you know, maybe...might me..."

"Draco get to the point"

"Hiding from me. Wait did you just call me Draco?"

"Hiding? From you? Why, why would, would I do that?" Harry asked.

"I don't know"

"Also, sorry, didn't mean to call you that, Malfoy"

"Don't be sorry..." Harry look confused as Draco continued nervously.

"I don't mind you calling me, uh, Draco, I like the way it sounds"

"You like the way your own name sounds? Narcissistic much" Harry laughed a little, he didn't mean to, but Draco was being so cute, to cute for his own good. He'd never tell Draco that, his ego would jump straight through the roof and onto the moon.

"Harry, I like the way you say my name"

If Harry was gonna faint, now would be the best time, his breath was literally caught and he just starred at Draco, and he couldn't look away. And the way he said his name! Harry felt butterflies in his stomach and the most nervous laughter came out of his mouth.

"I really need to go, Chris needs to go home, I haven't been helping much, been a little busy.."

"Busy? With what?"

"Avoiding life, hiding, the usual"

"Hiding from me?" Draco asked

"No, no...maybe...yeah"

Harry mentally kicked himself for how stupid he sounded, can't he be normal.

"Oh...I've been doing the same"

Harry wanted to leave ages ago, he still does, but now is conflicted with staying at his spot and having this painfully slow conversation with Draco. It was honestly just to stare him for a little longer before Draco had to wear his uniform again.

"So the game was good yesterday wasn't it"

"Ron fell of his broom and broke his arm, some kid threw up on the field, and I swallowed the snitch, again, but yeah good game?"

Draco starred at Harry and laughed, Harry confused just listened to it, the laugh. Draco can laugh. That's new. Maybe someone put a spell on him, Harry thought.

"Sorry, it was a terrible game, I just don't know how to talk, I mean I know how to talk, I'm talking right now duh, uh what I mean is I don't know how to talk to you, like I am talking to you, but...you know I'm gonna stop"

"You laughed" Draco walked closer to Harry "what do you mean I laughed? Am I not allowed to?"

Harry, who unintentionally stepped back when Draco moved closer looked at Draco and said "No, I mean yes, of course you can laugh, not at others of course, no what I'm trying to say is, I never heard you laugh, like that, it was nice to hear"

Draco smiled and Harry for sure thought he was gonna faint now, how does he do that, smile like that. Making Harry weak in the knees. Making Harry wanna kiss him. The moment he thought that, he shook his head, Harry never thought of that, of kissing Draco, ever.

"Anyways I really need to go" Harry said in a rush.


Without thinking Harry blurted out "Because if I don't, I might kiss you! Goodnight Draco"

Harry turned around rapidly and left the library leaving a stunned Draco.


Thank you for reading

Hope your quarantine is going well, if you are still in quarantine! Hope you keep yourself entertained by reading!

I changed the book as you can see, I hope you like! Please stop reading here, if u never read the book, I still have to edit the next chapters to come, but feel free to, unlike the last chapter these line up haha

Anyways please comment if you like it so far, need some encouragement to continue!!

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