#Five (new edition)

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Hermione found out how to send Chris back on the sixth day of his appearance, by using a dream charm.

"A dream charm is basically reversing the affects of the desire serum Harry used" Hermione explained to Blaise, Pansy, Ron and Chris.

"It acts as if Chris was merely a dream, or a wish not from our reality, once Chris vanishes, he should end back in his time and may or may not remember what happened depending on the affects"

"Does that mean I'm not real, if indeed the serum acted more as a wish component?"

Hermione put her hand on Chris' shoulder and pulled him in for a hug. Chris hugged her back, he was scared that everything he knew, might not even be real. What if everything around him, him, Lily, and even Jamie where just figments out of his dads imagination.

And that maybe he is not even from the future. He is not real.
While they where figuring this situation out Harry and Draco were m.i.a.

"Are they still avoiding each other" Hermione asked Blaise, referring to Draco and Harry.

"Yep...but its more unusual then normal" Blaise commented.

"How so"

"Well Draco the other day left the common room as the sun came up, he returned not saying a word and hasn't spoken to anyone since then he locked himself in the bathroom for three hours straight this morning, and he was crying"

"Very unusual indeed, Malfoy crying yeah not in this life time" Ron said, scoffing. Hermione punched Ron in the arm

"Ron, that's very insensitive of you, he has feelings to you know"

"Yeah buried deep deep deep within his death eater soul"

Hermione gave Ron another punch. "What an idiot you are" she sneered under her breath, she may love him, but sometimes she just wants to stupifi his damn ass.

The doors to the potions room swung open. And Harry walked in looking like the walking dead.

His hair was all over the place, clothes crumpled up and his eyes were puffy and red, they had bags under them and his face was ghostly pale.

"Oh Harry" Hermione shrieked, she walked towards Harry hugging him tightly. Chris stood there, he has never seen his father this upset. What happened

Harry hugged her back. Then started to sob against Hermione's shoulder.

"Harry what is going on with you" she asked gently.

"He kissed me, and told me he loved me"

"Then I'm confused why both of you look and smell like death" Blaise chimed in.

"I may have told him that I don't love him, that I could never love a death eater"

"A former death eater" Pansy added. "A former death eater. How could I say that to him, I know he never wanted that in the first place. Why would I hurt him" Harry slumped against a desk and out his hands in his face. "I'm horrible"


Im sorry its so short but I wanted to get a chapter out soon.

Im so great full for all my readers and voters and I have really appreciate it.

If anyone has any suggestions regarding the story please comment below.

Ill give you a shout out for the next chapter.

Hope you enjoyed.

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