Could this be true love?

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Jake's pov
I woke up a little earlier then Sam the clock said 7:45am I looked at my phone and I got like 100 missed calls and texts from my mom freaking out and yelled "shiitttttt!!!!! I forgot to tell her!!!". Sam shot right up worried and I said I forgot to tell my mom I was with you he kissed me and said " you should go baby and tell her what happened. I love you"
"Ok I love you too babe, see you later".
I went home after i kissed sam good bye. And went and told my mom everything and all i could here was "ahhhh" "awwww" "i hope you used protection" then i yelled back " seriously mom" and heard a faint "sorry". I texted sam but he didnt reply until a few hours later and didnt seem to wanna talk so i just stopped texting and he didn't seem to care.
I went over to taylor's house to go say hi and talk to him but he wasnt home so i decided to see what was wrong with sam.
"Hey what's wrong why won't you talk to me?" We were sitting on his bed his arms wrapped around me and then the one thing I wish I didn't have to hear he said.
"Babe I'm sorry I just have a lot on my mind. My mom is sick again and my dad is being an abusive drunk again and I just don't wanna be here". He sheds a tear and I wipe it away kissing his cheek and I tell him " I'm sorry baby hang on I'll call my mom and tell her what's happening and see if you can stay with us". Before he can talk me out of it I'm already on the phone with my mom. "Hey mom Sam needs somewhere to stay he doesn't wanna be at home anymore his mom is in the hospital sick and his dad has turned into an abusive drunk can he come stay with us I don't want him hurt". My mom takes awhile to reply I can hear her voice trying hard not to crack "sure hunny get him out as fast as you can" "thanks mom" and then I hang up.
We get to my house and Taylor is there waiting for me up in my room. I tell Sam to go to the guest bedroom or the living room and I'll look for him in a minute.

Taylor's pov
I hear him walk into the house with Sam seeing them together kills me I can't take it any longer I need to tell him how I feel about him. He walks to his room and sees me and smiles I see the twinkle in his eye does he feel the same way about me? He send Sam into the guest bedroom and tells him when he's finished to go to the living room and he will be right there he just needs to talk to me and then he comes into his room and comes to the bed and sits beside me and looks at me. There's a moment of silence before I talk and tell him everything hoping he feels the same way.
"Hey, there's something I need to tell you" he looked at me so cute his eyes were gorgeous and I was gonna tell him and I don't care of Sam could hear he's my best friend and I'm in love with him.
"I know we have been best friends forever and I don't want this to ruin us" he looked at me so confused so I just made it come out quick. "I think.... I know I'm in love with you. I have been for awhile and seeing you with Sam kills me. I should've told you sooner because I wanted us to be together". He started blushing and smiled and that's when I knew he felt the same way or so I thought. "I love you too but I'm with Sam now your a little too late. And if we started dating and broke up for some reason I wouldn't wanna ruin our friendship" that seriously killed me and tear came down my face and he wiped it away. I just got into the mood and I pushed him on to the bed and started making out with him my legs on either side of him. His hands went to my neck. My hands going up his shirt and on to his sides and my tongue wanting to go inside of his mouth. It took him awhile and then he finally gave in. He let out the cutest moan ever and then i moaned because he was so dang gorgeous "your so dang gorgeous Jakey" I had to tell him he blushed and continued to kiss me. And that's when he saw Sam standing there and running down to the living room. He tried to push me off but I pinned him down. Haha try and get to him now. I hope your relationship is over I need you. He finally got me off and went running downstairs. I felt slightly amused and just smiled looking at his cute butt as he went running to Sam.

Jakes pov
I walked into my room and sat down beside Taylor he then said " I know we have been best friends forever and I don't want this to ruin us" he stopped for a minute omg is he gonna say what I think he's gonna say please just say it OMG. "I think.... I know I'm in love with you. I have been for awhile and seeing you with Sam kills me. I should've told you sooner because I wanted us to be together" I blushed and smiled I felt the same way obviously but I was with Sam there wasn't anything I could do about it Sam needed me right now even though I really wanted Taylor so I told him what I thought I should say. "I love you too but I'm with Sam now your a little too late. And if we started dating and broke up for some reason I wouldn't wanna ruin our friendship" I felt like running away and just going somewhere and crying. I tried to hide the tear that was coming. Instead a tear came down his face and I wiped it I guess he got into the mood because he pushed me on to the bed and straddled me and put his legs on either side of me. We started passionately making out. His hands went up my shirt and on my sides I thought he was gonna lift me up so I was sitting on him but he didn't mine went to his neck. And then his tongue tried to get into my mouth but I thought I'd play hard to get then I finally let him in. I couldn't help it I couldn't stop it I wanted this and it felt so good that I let out a moan. He smirked and let out the sexiest moan ever. Then he stopped kissing me and said "your so dang gorgeous Jakey" I blushed and continued to kiss him. That's when I saw Sam standing there and I was like oh shit I shouldn't have let this happen Sam went running downstairs to the living room and I tried to get off Tay but he wouldn't let me he pinned me to the bed and kept kissing me. I finally got him off and went to go see Sam hoping he'd break up with me so I can be with my Taylor even though he really needs me. I'll try and make it up to him. I'll sleep in his bed tonight this maybe the last night we cuddle and kiss each other. I'm kind of hoping it is. Because I'm sure everyone else is hoping me and Tay get together once we are there gonna say I knew this would happen you guys were just too close. But I guess I'll find out. I went downstairs and Sam was sitting on the couch with his legs up his head in his knees crying and I came and sat beside him and kissed him and then said "I'm so sorry I hurt you Sammy" Tay was right there when I kissed him hopefully he doesn't get too jealous the way he looks at me is just say dang yummy I just wanna jump him right now.

Taylor's pov
I went down slowly to follow Jakey to hear what he was saying to Sam who had his head in his knees crying. He kissed him which made me really jealous and kinda hurt me but he said he was sorry for hurting him. And then he looked at me and that look he had like he wanted to jump me I had that same look too I so wanted to jump him and kiss him so badly.

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