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It was finally the day when Sasuke and Naruto had accomplished their training, we all headed with Tazuna for him to complete the bridge. Well Naruto stayed in bed due to his overuse in chakra yesterday.

I felt Zabuza's and some other chakra. 

"Kakashi-sensei, look everyone here is all passed out!" Sakura exclaimed out the very obvious.

Zabuza and another figure came to view. 


Kakashi and Zabuza had a head on head heated argument. It was going to go down and I wanted Haku no part of this, he was special. 

"Mikasa?" Haku said in shock, like he remembered me. 

I can feel the baring eyes of Kakashi staring now, he absolutely doesn't trust me.


"Haku, it's been long." I responded, knowing I had to make up a bullshit explanation afterwards to Kakashi.

"Haku can handle your kids, why don't I just kill you Kakashi?" Zabuza darkly chuckled.

Sasuke and I were trapped in Haku's ice spear while Sakura was watching worriedly protecting the bridge builder.

"Katon: Fireball no Justu!" Sasuke had performed his clan's special jutsu but nothing seemed to have scathed the ice dome.

Haku laughed slightly. "A weak jutsu like that will never break this ice dome."

I can tell Haku had no intention of killing but to please his master Zabuza, he had to at least try. He was too gentle of a soul. 

I felt Haku's presence coming out from the ice mirror behind Sasuke, about to throw another rain of senbon needles.

Swiftly, I ran there and spun my small sword, blocking the senbon needles from hurting Sasuke and I.

Haku was moving faster, he wanted to bring out my potential. I was going to have to do something to prevent that. 

I could predict his moves though, I had to be on the same teamwork as Sasuke. Haku was going faster than how I normally trained. In speed we were evenly matched.

"Sasuke, use that jutsu once more. Only this time I shall combine mines too." 

He nodded and performed the fireball jutsu.

At the same time, "Katon: Fireball no jutsu."

Only mines of blue flames due to my experience and blue flames were hotter. 

Sasuke's eyes widened shortly, a small amount of Haku's ice sphere was slowly cracking.

This alerted Haku as he threw heavy raining amounts of senbon.

'Shit, he's gotten faster than me.' 

I grunted a little as I tried to defend Sasuke and I from the senbon, he tried as hard as he could too.

It's been more than 10 minutes and we both were covered in senbon, looking like porcupines. 

"I'm here to save the day!" Naruto exclaimed crashing through the top of the ice sphere. 

"Baka! You should've sneaked an attack!" Sasuke barked as Naruto sweat dropped.

More Haku had attacked at top notch speed, he started to throw in icicles.

I had to block Naruto more and more from them because I knew Sasuke could handle himself.

They breathed hard, I was on the verge of it.

The Akatsuki's Prodigy (Part I)Where stories live. Discover now