Remember Your Loyalty

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Mikasa's P.O.V

I've been healed but not even half way since it has been only several days. Out of everything, my heart bared the most pain of all. I had a chance to rescue the Hokage, the man who took his life for the sake of mines and the village, but I was too weak. 

It was the day of his funeral, I already had informed Kakashi his last wishes. 

Instead of wearing my normal pastel attire I had one in black to wear today. I even got him white roses to place on his grave. I heard that everyone in the village was going to pay their respects, even some important people from other villages. We even made peace with everything that happened. 

I locked my house, remembering how the Hokage had it rent free for me as a token of being generous and kind. 

On my way walking there I heard someone calling out to me. "Mikasa." I turned to see Neji.

"Oh hello Neji." I greeted. 

"I'll join you walking there." He kindly offered and we walked in silence. 

At the grave it was already my turn to go up and pay my respects as it rained that day.

I placed my roses on the grave and said some words to myself. The rain covering my tears, it was so rare for me to cry like this...

It's been a few weeks since that day and the day Naruto left with Jaraiya to go retrieve Tsunade. I knew the Akatsuki was going to snatch Naruto, I broke the promise of going and instead stayed in Konoha. I was going to get severe punishment once I get back but it was okay, I...yearned(?) stay here. 

"Mikasa, Naruto is back with Tsunade-sama!" Sakura shouted in my hospital room, yes I was still in need of medical attention. Only was I allowed to leave for the funeral. Sasuke was there too. 

"Good, someone can finally heal Lee's wounds." I said and looked outside. 

"Sakura you go first, I'll help her out." Sasuke said and she seemed a bit jealous but left. 

"I don't need help, Sasuke." 

"I know, I just wanted to talk to you."


"Fight me. I want to test my strength." There was a different tone to him.

I frowned. "I'm not 100% recovered, go get someone else to fight you."

"No, I want you to be the one. I NEED to be stronger." Sasuke lashed out.

"Sasuke stop, I vowed never to hurt you but to protect you." 

"You wouldn't need to protect me if you just teach me to get stronger!" He commanded and even pinned me to the wall.

I yelped a bit from the pain still there, Sasuke immediately let go his eyes widened slightly. "Mikasa, go men.." He stormed off hiding his face in his hair.

'The mark has gotten to him.'

It's been a few hours and I heard people arguing and sensed powerful surges of chakra.

"Stop!" I heard Sakura scream.

I teleported to the roof, I saw Sasuke and Naruto trying to kill each other. The level that chidori and rasengan was at killing potential.

As an instinct I pulled Sakura back, landing on an unexpected Kakashi that tried to come here and stop them as well.

"Both of you stop!" I yelled but by the time they realized I was in the middle it was too late.

The Akatsuki's Prodigy (Part I)Where stories live. Discover now