A Start

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Mikasa's P.O.V

It's been about 10 minutes since the departure of Itachi and Kisame for the midway point.

I can't believe the strains of misery that I've been bound with from the Akatsuki. I just worry about the rest of the bunch and how else I would get stronger. I needed to master my powers and abilities.

After a few more minutes, I decided to hide my Akatsuki cloak in my pouch. That's when I heard a twig snap very faintly, only one with good hearing could hear. Which I was trained to do.

I shook my head. 'I already knew this person was from the Leaf from the close distance to Konoha.' I rolled my eyes. I had to keep my cover so I wondered around aimlessly until they were convinced that I was just a normal kid, well almost.

"Who are you?" I heard a guy's voice and immediately knew it was Sarutobi Asuma, we've encountered once but not face to face. I was on an individual assignment to assassinate a man in my Bingo book, that was how we earned our own salary. It was when Asuma had fought with the man, due to his dangerous level Asuma had won easily, but also gave me the chance to observe some of his fighting skills and techniques. I soon took the man out after he was a good distance away. Lucky that day was.

Even though he was the only one to talk, I sensed two more Jounin elite non to accompany him. I turned around. "Gomen, I need to seek medical intention.." I lied perfectly with my limp I  had in the beginning, I then fell into small black out by hitting my head falling on a rock. 

It was a perfect plan considering that I already got wounds from being beaten, my story was already planned. 

I woke up in bright daylight in a hospital room and to a few faces.

"Welcome to Konoha little lady, we managed to get you patched up and fixed a bit. Can you tell us what had gone down?" An old man asked me, the Third Hokage. 

I sat up on the bed, "I don't remember much but I remember being beaten by some people and they had taken some things." I replied but no emotion by it. I never had emotions by the time I was able to speak, it was killed completely off by the Akatsuki, even if I forced myself I couldn't because all I could copy was facial expressions which is totally not believable so I'd rather not.

The Hokage and the Jounin's and some ANBU officers had a small discussion and turned to me after a while.

"Sorry this had to happen, what was your name?" He asked gently.

"It's alright, I only want to learn how to defend myself and for people who I..care for." It took me few seconds to say care for, the words felt weird to say. "My name is Mikasa, I don't know of my surname." 

I saw for a split fast second his eyes widen and two other nin in the room. 


"Would you like to attend an academy here dear child? We can also be of service to your shelter." He offered kindly.

I nodded, "Arigato." I thanked.

It has been three weeks since I've started at the Academy and lived here. My presence was kept at a minimal but I can tell I was the new topic of discussion amongst students and parents. I guess due to how I looked like. I looked very different compared to a regular human. I didn't care what they had to say, I was just here until my time has come. It was hard to talk to people so I mostly kept to myself. Academy work wise was way below beginner level stuff, but Uchiha Sasuke had peeked my interest. 

I knew what had happened and that was why Itachi was in the Akatsuki to begin with. Though I'm pretty sure Sasuke has no other source of information besides the fact the Uchiha clan was murdered. 

There was four people I was really intrigued in knowing as I made myself just shadow around. Uchiha Sasuke for one because he had top scores and of course big potential later on in his life, Uzumaki Naruto because he was the Jinchuriki and amazingly the nine tails was still in the slumber state, then there was Hyuuga Neiji because he was way stronger than any of his leveled kin and even if he wasn't part of the main Hyuuga branch he was stronger than the two girls that were. Lastly was an ANBU captain that the Hokage had entrusted to observe me for the time that I've been here. He was special and talented but he kept himself to the minimum unless his skills were in need. 

Today as I sat down in my chair at the academy, I realized it was the day of group assignment to those who had passed the graduation test. I calculated myself based on chakra signatures and thought how they'd assign people. I was pleased to know I had some chance to observe two people. 

Names were said and I awaited patently for my name to be called. 

"Team 7 will consist of Haruno Sakura, Uchiha Sasuke, and Mikasa." It was weird to have different amount of mates in a team but the Hokage had made sure to have one team consists of people he worried about and to have at least a medical based nin, which was Sakura. Of course which would have us all under the one Jounin he trusts more than his own kid, Asuma, was Hatake Kakashi.

We've waited for hours until Kakashi had finally showed up. During which I could tell Sasuke staring at me but low-key, nobody to notice. Even the great emo Sasuke had been interested in why I looked like this. 

I had an unusual look. I was of pale, near to almost white skin with pure white hair, my eyes were the colors of beautiful icicles of the coldest winters, I looked like a damn snow princess. My hair was of to shoulder length and straight. I had worn my own pastel colors of clothing, similar to a robe due to the comfort of it when in battle. It was weird..but some people considered me either beautiful or an alien. 

"I am Uzumaki Naruto! I like to eat ramen..uh..something that I dislike are the 3 minutes that you have to wait to eat the ramen. My goal in life is to become Hokage one day!" Naruto exclaimed loudly to make a strong statement and grinned widely.

Sakura had went but things she said, or rather not really say we utterly not appropriate for our age so it was weird. Though Sasuke's was very dark. Even if he didn't say the name of who he wanted dead, I already knew it was about Itachi, it seemed like his sole purpose to even life his life was to become strong enough to kill him.

"Now how about you, you look interesting." Kakashi said to me.

"I'm Mikasa, I like.." I had to think for a few minutes and came up with something, "..training to become a strong female shinobi, what I dislike.." again I had to make something up, "..are weak people, and I don't have a goal or whatever in life." I answered. I now thought and reflected on what I had said, if I had nothing to live for, why am I alive?

"Well it seems to me that you guys are an interesting bunch, well see you guys tomorrow for a small test." He turned to leave and we all got up until her turned to say something.

"Oh and don't eat breakfast before you come to meet at 5 in the morning." He said cunningly.

"What? Why?" Both Naruto and Sakura asked in sync.

"Because you'll throw up." He close eyed smiled and left leaving weird faces on them both.

Well it's a start.

The Akatsuki's Prodigy (Part I)Where stories live. Discover now