A Little Crush

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(Author's Note: I am going to skip the long and over repeated Chuunin Part One of the Exams. Sorry guys. Well also on this note is that I won't be going directly along with the original story plot, but I won't go all crazy with it as well so relax and enjoy! :D)

We heard screams in the Forest of Death, where the second part of the exams were being held. I remember back to when we took the first part. The questions that it was impossible for regular genin to answer. Luckily it didn't count because Naruto's paper was all blank. Sakura wouldn't at least answered one right. Then I think back to when I was leaving, I caught a glimpse of Mikasa's paper. She was done with it so quickly and had it all down perfectly. I wonder how she cheated...or if she even cheated at all..


There was an explosion. 'Shit.' 

I quickly recovered and searched for everyone else. 'Sneak attack.'

"Sasuke-kun!" I heard Sakura behind me.

"Sakura where are the two others?" I asked her as she was semi covered with debri as well.

She looked confused, "I thought they were with you."

"Sasuke, Sakura." Mikasa's voice called over to us. She was on the ground and I rushed over to her as Sakura followed close behind.

She punched the tree with mega force that it crumbled off her leg.

Sakura just looked in amazement. 

'She's strong, no wonder she caught Lee's kick before.'

"Where is Naruto?" She asked brushing herself off.

"We don't kn-" Sakura started.

"I'm here guys." We heard Naruto's voice.

I saw Mikasa immediately rush over to him and grabbed him in a choke hold.

"Mikasa, what are you doing?! That's Naruto!" Sakura complained, but I knew as well that wasn't Naruto. 

"Sakura this isn't Naruto, look at where his weapon holster is. Naruto is right handed not left." I informed her. 

"I can sense Naruto nearby, I'll grab him. You guys deal with this impostor." Mikasa told us as I grabbed the guy from her grip.

The guy's neck was so tangled that he had Mikasa's hand print. 'Was she pissed or is this her real strength?' The guy who imposed as Naruto fell to the floor unconscious from the lack of oxygen. 

"We should get going before his teammate or others come along." I said when Mikasa came to view helping out Naruto.

We traveled a good few miles in distance. Until out of nowhere a giant snake propelled and swallowed Naruto.

"Sakura, go help him!" I hear Mikasa shout. 

For the first time ever, I heard her...scared?

Sakura dashed after the snake and Naruto, it was me and Mikasa vs. that lady man who was strong enough to summon that giant snake. 

"Orochimaru." I heard Mikasa growl, I stood there wobbling in fear too. For this person had such a menacing chakra that even I, a non-sensory type, could feel greatly. It was worse than Gaara. 

"Ku ku ku, now what a true surprise. Now I get a chance at both the only people I want." The woman chuckled snake like.

Mikasa's P.O.V

I can tell Sasuke was scared to his bones, I couldn't blame him. Orochimaru at his full potential is even stronger than most of the Akatsuki, and right now he was at his full power. He already consumed the life force out of that woman he's imposing as.

The Akatsuki's Prodigy (Part I)Where stories live. Discover now