Chapter 1:Arrival

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My p.o.v
I was sitting in the limo,listening to my favourite song in my earphones,while looking out the window. The view was breathtaking, the wind blowing and the leaves rustling,the birds chirping happily flying in the clear blue sky,creating a perfect melody. From far ahead, a mansion stood on top of the hill,the place where I will be living, a place where I will meet my new brothers and the sacrificial bride,Yui. The limo stopped in front of the iron gates,the aura surrounding the place making it feel like I was going to live in a ghost mansion or a graveyard,but in my case, six sadistic vampire brothers and a 'masochistic' human girl. The driver opened the door for me and I stepped out, my eyes still glued to the creepy mansion and its surroundings, "This place needs to brighten up..."I thought to myself, the driver placed the luggage by my side, took a bow and drove away. I stopped listening to the music and slowly walked towards the gigantic wooden doors, taking in my surroundings. I stopped in front of the door, knocking twice and stepping back three steps as the loud knock echoed through the mansion. After a few seconds, the door opened with a slight creak, I walked inside, observing the hallway, feeling numerous eyes on me. The feeling was gone when a girl who looked seventeen came down from the staircase and greeted me, she looked pale and exhausted, biting scars were visible on both sides of her neck. "Good afternoon, how may I help you?"asked the girl.
"Good afternoon, I was told to live here by my father. I presume you are Yui,am I right?"I said with a monotone.
"Yes, but please leave while you can, you don't know what you've gotten yourself into, entering this mansion."
Yui said with fear reflected in her big round eyes, I sighted. "*ahem It is rude to hide yourselves from your guests."I said while darting my eyes throughout the hallway.Suddenly, someone popped up behind me," Sorry for my rudeness, but we rarely have guests visiting us, especially untold. But please, do follow me to the living room and meet with the others, miss." Said butler boy who looked eighteen,which is Reiji, my second eldest brother. I slightly nod my head and followed him to the living room, with Yui following us from behind. Reiji still took precautions while walking me to the living room, his steps slow and steady, his body prepared for a fight, I don't blame him for acting like that, because that was what I was doing too. After we arrived at the living room, I was greeted by Laito, my fifth eldest brother and an open pervert, from what I've heard."nfufu~what do we have here?Another bitch-chan?""Laito,watch you tongue. This isn't what you should say to a lady you just met."Reiji said while adjusting his glasses."Please,have a sit."Reiji said while gesturing for me to sit beside Mr.Big Pervert, Laito. I grunted and sat down, with Laito on my left and creepy doll, Kanato on my right."Why can't I hear her heartbeat and smell her scent,yet she's warm to the touch?I don't like it.Nee,teddy~"said Kanato with a annoyed face looking at me while touching my hand.
"nfufufu~you're right,Kanato.*sniffs I wonder about you let me have a taste?"Mr. Pervy said while getting closer to me while sticking out his tougue. "Hands off, Laito. Ore-sama gets to taste her first." said Mr. No. 1, Ayato with a grin and closing in on me. "Tsk, you are all interrupting my sleep!!!" Mr. Tsundere, Subaru said while punching the wall creating a big hole. "Ah~Subaru, you're here."said Laito with a wink making a vein pop out on Subaru's face. I ignored the stupid commotion and looked around searching for Shu,my eldest brother and the person Oto-san told me to give the letter to, while they keep on arguing. "You're too noisy...." came a voice from the farthest corner of the living room, I immediately looked towards that corner. "Shu, where have you been? " asked Reiji. "Sleeping,obviously."said Ayato while snickering, I sighed and walked towards Shu, a.k.a Mr. Sleepy head, while the others looked at me, I stood in front of Shu and stared at him. After a few seconds,he opened one of his eyes, looking at me, while sitting up, "mmm...what do you want?" he asked with a emotionless face. I remained eye contact with him while pulling out the envelope from my backpack, written by Oto-san to him, "A letter for you from Oto-san , Shu-nii." I said with a small smile, which in return received a 'how do you know my name and what's with Shu-nii' face. He slowly took the letter and opened it, reading it and sighted, "Sit here and put these on." He said while pulling out his ear buds and put it in my hands. I sat down and put the ear buds in my ears, peaceful and calm music filled my ears and I drifted to sleep.

3rd person p.o.v
As Yoshi drifted to sleep, Shu lay her head on his lap and he caressed her hair. He sighted again and spoke, "Reiji, read this to everyone.". Reiji took the letter from his hand and begin reading,

Dear sons,
You will be having a new sister from today onwards. Here is here profile.
Name:Yoshi Sakamaki 良し・逆巻
Birthday:12 November 2001
Race: Dhampir(half human,half vampire)
Blood type:AB+
School year: 1st year in Ryoutei Academy
Favourite food: Sushi
Hated food: All spicy and bitter food
Favourite drinks: Milk or anything with milk
Hated drink: Black coffee or anything bitter
Abilities: Control over air and sound ,healing blood only

Angry when:you wake her up been too noisy,family or friends hurt/insulted, does something that makes her mad.
Ways to calm her:drink milk,listening to classical music(normally results in sleeping)
Please make sure she is asleep when you are all reading this. Also you have my permission to drink her blood, but DO NOT KILL HER,OTHERWISE,YOU WILL BE PUNISHED.Also, never ask of her mother.
Your truly,
After reading the letter, everyone stared at Yoshi,who was peacefully sleeping on Shu's lap. There was a long silence before they screamed."Ehh?!?Imouto?!?!"(Ayato)"nfufufu~a cute sister?I can live with that!"(Laito)"Teddy, what do you think about that?"(Kanato)"What's the meaning of this?!?!"(Subaru)"That person...tsk"(Reiji)"shhh...don't wake her!"Shu said while looking at the now almost awake Yoshi who doesn't look happy. The room fell silent once again and the little sleepy head slept peacefully again."I'll go prepare her room."Reiji said while teleporting out. Laito teleported beside Shu and asked:"Shu,do you think she's for the project too?" "I don't think so,she isn't demon related."replied Shu. "Half vampire,half human,huh?I wonder who's her mother..."asked Ayato while looking up the ceiling. The room fell silent once again."I'm gonna take her to bed."said Shu while carrying Yoshi bridal style. He teleported to her room which Reiji had just finish preparing seconds ago and laid her on the cosy bed. As Shu was preparing to leave, Yoshi groaned and he turned to look at her."Heh....Don't want me to leave?"asked Shu smirking ,Yoshi didn't answer. Shu kissed her forehead and teleported out after saying "Sleep tight,princess..."

So.....this is my first fanfic,how was it?pls tell if you liked the first chapter in the comment box.

EXTRA INFO,Yoshi's hair is white and length is until her hips,her eyes are crimson red,she is 158cm tall and weights 44kg.thx

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