Chapter 5:The Ball

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My p.o.v
"Relex, Rei-nii. I promise I'll be on my best manners at the ball, ok?" I said with puppy dog eyes. "*sighs How can I relax? You have been acting like a monkey ever since you've came here, who knows how you'll act at the ball." Said Reiji while reading his chemistry book. " least I'm better than Aya-nii, right?"I said and earned a grunt from Mr. Takoyaki. "*sights Dance lesson, 2 p.m tomorrow. Any objections?"asked Reiji again while slamming his book shut looking at me with a raised eyebrow."No thanks, that won't be necessary. I'm sure I won't be dancing at tomorrow night's ball." I said while smirking. Rei-nii gave me a questioned face, "What did that person wrote to you in the letter you just threw into the fireplace?" Asked Reiji with an eyebrow raised. "Nothing.... It just says that there will be a show tomorrow...... an exciting one." I replied while crossing my arms over my head supporting it while walking back to my room with my brothers looking at me suspiciously. I smirked again when I closed the door using my abilities(control over air=air pressure to close the door). My footsteps echoed throughout the hallway as I walked down it laughing creepily, "Ah, I better rest now. A long day rests ahead for me...Ahh~So exciting, Father said I get to slice him up in 6 parts. A death sentence for trying to steal the Red Ruby(a powerful ruby containing the magic of an ancient witch) from him, hehe~" I said to myself while laughing maniacally.

3rd person p.o.v
Back to the living room...
"What's wrong with her?" Ayato asked while sweat dropping as he watched his little sister leave the room. "She looks kinda creepy, nee?"Laito fake laughed while sweat dropping. "A exciting one...what does that mean?"asked Subaru looking at the door. "Who cares? It doesn't involve us, that's for sure." Said Shu while lying on the couch lazily as always. "It involves the whole vampire kingdom, actually..."Said Reiji while looking at Shu. "Reiji, what do you mean?" Asked Ayato, who is now sitting on the armchair like a boss XD, Reiji adjusted his glasses and said "I've done some research on Yoshi, after she got here..."
"And?" Ayato asked impatiently.
"And I found some interesting things about Yoshi. For example, she has been trained by that person to kill, although her strength is weaker than ours. Also, she can change from being an innocent little girl into a sadistic nightmare killer in just a blink of an eye. Other then that, Yoshi is actually not related to us..."said Reiji but was interrupted by Ayato. "What do you mean?!? "asked Ayato. "It means she's adopted by that person. From the information written, it appears to me that she was adopted by that person because he found a 'liking' towards her. Also, that person casted a spell on her to prevent her from killing herself."continued Reiji." "Oh, it also says that her real name is Yoshi Yoshimi."continued Reiji. "So, the show she meant will be someone getting killed by her?" asked Shu who was now sitting on the couch with both eyes open. "I'm afraid it is."replied Reiji. The whole room fell silent.

~timeskip to One hour before ball starts~
In Yoshi's room
3rd person p.o.v
"No way I'm gonna wear this to the ball!"yelled Yoshi from beneath the covers."But, imouto-chan I think this suits you so perfectly."said Laito while tugging on the covers. "No!" Yelled Yoshi again."Please?"asked Laito. Suddenly, the door burst open. "What's taking you guys so long?!?" Shouted Subaru while storming into the room with Shu behind him. "Oi Subaru, quiet down..."said Shu.
"Subaru-kun, come here and help me persuade imouto-chan to wear the dress she's wearing to the ball."said Laito.
"Huh?!?Why should I?"shouted Subaru. "Please?"asked Laito. "Tsk...Oi, come out from the covers now!"said Subaru. "No!"shouted Yoshi. "Come out!"yelled Subaru while pulling the covers off the bed."Gahh!"cried Yoshi. Subaru took a glimpse of Yoshi and blushed while looking away from her. "Ah~ As expected it looks great on you, imouto-chan."said Laito while blushing a little. Yoshi was wearing a sexy black mini tight dress, black boots, a pair of black lacy gloves and twin tails with a rose clip in her bang. She was blushing and tears formed in her eyes, which made her cuter. "S..Shut up!" Screamed Yoshi while covering her upper part. As of now, the eldest brother is scanning her sister from head to toe, smirking. "Ehh...Laito, as expected from your taste in 'sexiness'."said Shu. "I know right."said Laito while smirking. "*ahem Anyway, we must get going before Reiji comes." Said Subaru walking out of the room with Shu trailing behind him. "Imouto-chan, let's get going, shall we?" Said Laito while putting out his right hand, receiving a pout from Yoshi before taking his hand. Suddenly, she let go of his hand, "Wait!"screamed Yoshi and Laito looked at her. Yoshi went to her closet and pulled out a white jacket, she put it on and looked at her own reflection in the mirror." DONE!" said Yoshi and she ran out of the room while laughing, leaving the poor pervert in the room questioning himself what happened.
At the party
The walls were covered in silver and gold, the floor clean and spotless, the food decorated so elegantly, and the guests all dressed up in their best clothes, just a look of it can make you feel the grandness of the host, the vampire king. "Yoshi-chan, nice outfit." A voice complimented from behind Yoshi, she turned around and saw her Father. "Father!" She screamed while hugging him, smiling widely and caused the king to chuckle. "Nice to see you too, Yoshi-chan." He said while patting her head. "Did anything happened during your stay there?" Asked Karlheiz as he looked at the brothers, which cause them to flinch. "Nope, nothing at all!" Said Yoshi while smiling brightly. "I see...then is everything prepared?" Whispered Karlheinz, but still loud enough for the brothers to hear, causing the brothers to wonder to themselves what did he mean. "Yes,Father!" Said Yoshi silently, still smiling brightly. "Good, then let the ball begin!" He said while all the guests bowed.

Sorry if this chapter sucked. I tried my best to finish this chapter in time. >~<
Also, I've been wifi-less and that's what caused the late update. Other than that, I won't be updating frequently because 2016 is a very busy year for me. SORRY FOR ANY INCONVENIENCE CAUSED *bows

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