Chapter 2:School

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My p.o.v
"Yoshi-chan,wake up!"
"Mmmm..."I woke up to the voice of someone calling me.
"What time is it?"I asked with a yawn.
"It's already 5.45p.m.,we've got school at 7p.m. and Reiji-san wants us ready by 6p.m."replied Yui."I look up to meet her pinkish red orbs,"I'll be ready in 5......minutes...."I said while taking the school uniform from her and shooing her out. I changed into the white button-up shirt,tied a red necktie instead of the two red and white ribbons, tied the jacket around my waist ,put on my skirt and brown boots. Then,I put on my hoodie and headed towards the limousine where Reiji was waiting with his pocket watch."Hmmm,just on time."He said while closing his pocket watch and glaring at me."Like I said, 5 minutes..."I said with a smirk."hmm.....just get in the car."said Reiji while adjusting his glasses."Sure thing, Re-nii." And I entered the car, everyone was already there, I took the seat beside Ayato who was bickering about 'Yui is mine!'.Brothers.....They can be so noisy at times,especially those Sadistic,centuries old 'teenager' vampires...gosh! I rolled my eyes, earning a 'What are you looking at?!?' loud voice from Mr Ayato."Nothing, I just remembered something."I lied. Then I remembered the potion I made for Yui, I took out the potion."Yui,here." I said while handing her the potion."Ano.....What's this?asked Yui."It's a potion especially made for you to heal your bite marks and regain your strength, health and blood. Ahh....I almost forgot,for 1 hour it'll be poison for vampires, so remember not to let them near you."I said while smirking, receiving glares from my dear brothers."Thanks but I don't think I will be needing it."replied Yui shuddering, "You'll be needing it."I said. "No, she won't!"yelled Ayato while throwing the potion in front, where Shu was sitting and he caught it glaring at Ayato which made him flinch."Ja, tell me. How long did all the sacrificial brides from before lived?"I asked and they were silent."Not as long as Yui, right?So how would you know how long she'll survive?Not long in her current condition in my opinion,best she drink it,right?I continued smirking again and again they were silent."Drink it."said Shu while tossing the potion to Yui but Ayato caught it."Ore-sama said she won't be needing it daro?!?You too,there wouldn't be any problem right?!?" yelled Ayato once again while looking at me."Hai hai,there wouldn't be any problem for me."I replied, while putting on my earphones and closing my eyes."Then, I'm destroying it!" He said while readying himself to toss it outside after winding down the window."Stop!"shouted Shu, everyone looked at him."As long as I hate to admit it, Yoshi's right, Yui must drink the potion." continued Shu. "Shu!"Ayato yelled but was cut off by Shu who looked pissed.
The journey to school continued with the brothers all staying silent like a statue and Yui staring at the potion,while I was still listening to music.

~timeskip~ school...
After the limo stopped, I can hear the squealing of girls. Yup, the Sakamakis are very popular for their looks, wealth and other things such as, 'owning the school's music room', 'Being strict and mature like', 'Troublemaker', 'Cute guy with doll', 'Mr pervy' and last but not least 'Mr. Lonewolf or Violence'. The squealing became screaming after they left the limo which was quite annoying, no offense. I stepped out the limo and walked towards class, their gaze following me, I can also hear some whispering,
"Who's she?"
"Why is she with the Sakamakis?"
"She's such an eyesore!"
"Is she related to them?"
"She kinda looks cute."
"Who's girlfriend is she?"
.....Yup,use your imagination to think of others,mine's kinda limited to these.
"And where do you think you're going?"asked Reiji and the whole crowd fell silent. I stopped at my tracks and turned to face him with a smile, "Class, after all I'll be in their way blocking your fans view,right?"I said and he didn't reply."Don't worry, I know where I'm heading to. See ya later, Re-nii!" I said, waving my hand while walking away. I reached class and sat down on my seat, (don't ask me how I know which seat's mine)which is by the window,I looked out admiring the view while the students kept chatting happily by themselves. Suddenly, the door popped open and in came a guy who is 178cm, white silverish hair, crimson red mesmerising eyes and pale skin...know who I mean?Bingo!My brother, Subaru Sakamaki. He walked in with his usual angry, 'I don't care' face and sat in his seat in front of me. Oo yeah~I'm lovin it!Mr Subaru sitting in front of me, staring-at-the-person-behind-him.Wait what?!? Ok...ahem...He stared at me."What do you want?"I asked him with a smile." Nothing."He said and turned around. Weird...The time passed by quickly, school ended and we got home.(short cause I'm too lazy to write about how Ayato pranked his teacher and had to attend detention class for 2 days.
-at the living room(where the Sakamakis are having their 'meeting'-
3rd person p.o.v
"Shu!Why did you stop me just now?!?"shouted Ayato."You're so noisy..."said Shu."Answer me!"shouted Ayato."She even said there's no problem!"continued Ayato." down."Laito tried calming Ayato."Yoshi said it wouldn't be a problem for her, but it will be a problem for us. That person said not to kill Yui,which means he wants her alive and if she died, it'll be us to blame."explained Reiji. "But, if we don't drink her blood, she won't need to drink that freakin' potion, right?"asked Ayato."Yes,but can we keep our thirst for who knows how long until she fully recovers?"asked Reiji adjusting his glasses and looking at Ayato. "I know..."said Ayato."I'm gonna find Chichinashi! "continued him and he teleported out along with Laito and Kanato as well. Reiji turned to Subaru and asked" Subaru, Yoshi's behavior?."
Earlier at the limo....
"Don't worry, I know where I'm heading to. See ya, Re-nii!"
The Sakamakis stood there watching Yoshi leave. "Subaru, she's in the same class with you..."said Reiji. "What do you want me to do?" Asked Subaru knowing Reiji too well."Observe her behaviour."said Reiji and Subaru left with a slight nod.
~end of flashback
"Subaru?"asked Reiji again.
"She seems to enjoy studying and already made some friends at school, she also saved a boy from been bullied..." answered Subaru. "I see...thank you,you may leave."and with that Subaru left the room and now only Shu and Reiji are left in the room.
"That potion contains Yoshi's blood and it is not poisonous to us, vampires."
"Just as I thought, "said Shu with a smirk.
"So, what are you gonna do?" Asked Reiji.
"It's obvious, right?"said Shu, smirking.
"It's punishment time."continued Shu and he teleported out to search for Yoshi.

Chapter 2 end...So do you like it?

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