Chapter 7(n.s): Mine~

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READ THIS FIRST:I created two chapter 7, one contains smut, one doesn't.If you wanna read the smut one, go to (s), if you don't continue reading.If you wanna read both, then continue reading too. XD
We were in the limo, preparing to go to school.....
3rd person's p.o.v

Yoshi sat beside Ayato and Yui sat beside Shuu.
"Oi, Chichinashi, come sit beside Ore-sama." said Ayato to Yui.
"Ehhh, you don't want me to sit beside you?"asked Yoshi while pouting.
"No, I want.....*pulls Yui to himself* both of you to sit beside Ore-sama.*grins*"said Ayato. "nfufufu~Ayato, you need to share. Yoshi-chan, come sit here. "said Laito while patting the sit beside him.
"Er.....No thanks, Mr. Pervy. I'd rather sit with Subaru." says Yoshi while taking a seat beside Subaru who said nothing and kept looking out the window...but you can see a slight blush on him. ;)
"Yoshi-chan, you'd usually sit with Shu. Why not today?"asked Laito. "because.....I sit with who I want and When I want. ok?" said Yoshi while taking out her phone.
"Yo-chan, what are you doing?"asked Kanato while tilting his head.
"Mm...I'm texting...." said Yoshi tapping the screen repeatably.
"Who are you texting?" asked Ayato.
"A friend..." said Yoshi.
"Name?" asked Reiji.
"Ki-chan des~" said Yoshi while still texting.
"Ki-chan?Do you perhaps mean Kiyo Toshiro? The guy you always talk to in class?" asked Subaru wh turned to look at what she's typing.
"Yup, hevs the one." said Yoshi still typing while pushing Subaru away to stop him from watching.
"Nfufufu~Is Kiyo-kun, Yoshi-chan's boyfriend?"asked Laito and at that moment everyone except Shuu, turned to look at Yoshi who was still typing away in her typing world.
"Nnnnope." said Yoshi while typing.
"What are you typing?"asked Ayato.
"Stuff." said Yoshi.
"What stuff?" asked Subaru next.
"School stuff!"said Yoshi.
"You sure it's not some livey dopey stuff like, 'I Love You' and 'I Can't Wait To See You' and stuff?" asked Laito while tilting his fedora.
Yoshi stopped typing and glared at Laito.
" NO! HE WAS JUST ASKING ME ABOUT THE SCIENCE PROJECT!!" said Yoshi and Laito raised his hand up in surrender as he noticed her eyes glowing a slight red.
"Yoshi, calm down." said Subaru while patting her back, sweat dropping, Yoshi sighed.
The whole ride to school was filled with Ayato teasing Yoshi and Subaru calming her, which is actually kinda fun, considered the ride to school was always silent.

They reached school...

Just like any other days, the fan girls will swarm over and would give out a strong scent of different kinds if perfume and when different kinds of perfumes mix, they give out different kinds of smell, some are nice while some.....they kinda smell like garbage.
So, before the path is blocked, Yoshi quickly got out of the crowd, gasping for air.

"Yoshi!"called Kiyo from far away, waving his hand.
Yoshi looked out to him and waved back panting.
"You okay?" asked Kiyo and in return received a small nod from Yoshi.
"Okay, there was something you said that you wanna talk to me, what is it?"asked Yoshi.
"Uh.....Can we go someplace private?Just the two if us." asked Kiyo while rubbing the back if his neck.
"Sure." said Yoshi and they heading to the rooftop, not aware of a pair of ocean blue eyes, watching them from the crowd.

At the rooftop...

"I...I..I love you!" said Kiyo with his eyes closed blushing.
Yoshi just stood there dumbfounded.
""asked Yoshi.
"I've being in love with you since I've met you for the first time...."said Kiyo blushing.
"I...I don't know what to say..."said Yoshi.
" my girlfr...?Before Kiyo could finish his sentence, he was cut off by a loud thud.
"Shu-nii, why are you here?"ask Yoshi who was shocked to see his older brother here.
"I can be anywhere and anytime I want, Yoshi! Now, come!" said Shu while pulling Yoshi away with him.
"Shu-nii, wait!Ki-ch..."
And so, they left Kiyo alone on the rooftop thinking about what just happened....

Back to Shu and Yoshi ...

Shu pushed Yoshi into a unused classroom and locked the door.
"Shu-nii, What is the meaning of this?!?!"asked Yoshi much annoyed.
"It's obvious, I will not let Kiyo take you away from me, you're mine." said Shu.
"I'm not yours!I don't belong to anyone!"yelled Yoshi almost bursting into tears.
"Tsk, you're mine!" said Shu while pinning her to a wall and bit into her neck causing her to whimper.
"Shu-nii......., it... hurts!"said Yoshi in pain.
Shu just smirked and bit into the other side of her neck causing her to wince in pain. Suddenly, the door flew open and reveal Yuma standing there with a angry face.
"Oi, Neet. What are you doing to her?!?!?"asked Yuma, his voice clearly filled with rage.
"Yu-nii....."said Yoshi softly as she had lost too much blood.
"Yuma, wanna join the fun?"asked Shu.
"Come on, I know you want to." said Shu.
Yuma thought for a while and clicked his tongue when he saw Shu bit into Yoshi once again.
"Damn you!" said Yuma, grabbing Yoshi's wrist and bit into her left shoulder, Yoshi screamed a little in pain as Yuma's bite were painful than Shu's.

Yoshi's p.o.v
It was a sweet and bloody session.
I can hear my blood being sucked from my left and from my right, I can feel my blood slowly drained away from me as I grew more tired and dizzy... I tried to speak, but no words came out from my mouth as if I've lost the power to speak anymore. I tried harder and finally words came out of me. "A..Anii-chan....S..stop."I was already too weak to stand and was only supported by Shu's arm around my waist and Yuma's wrist graping. As if they were absorbed into the flavouring taste of my sweet blood, they ignored me. I tried once more to speak but instead I fainted, the darkness plunging me in.

3rd person's p.o.v
Shu and Yuma stopped sucking her blood a few seconds after Yoshi fainted. They both looked at each other, grinning.
"Oh my, did we give her too much pleasure?"
"Heh, maybe."
"Tsk, what a bother. I'll take her home."
Yuma rubbed the back of his head and Shu smirked while sucking on Yoshi's neck creating a hickey, Yuma clicked his tongue again as he understood Shu had already claimed Yoshi as his.

To be continued...

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