Chapter 8:The unsuspected

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(Ok, I was too lazy to make a split chapter so I made the one according to the most view and that is the smut one ;) Enjoy~)

3rd person p.o.v
The Staring contest has begun, their eyes staring at each other like daggers, their stare so sharp that could slice through someone if it were possible, they stood their ground, the atmosphere tense, The Sakamakis and the Mukamis were standing in the hallway while the students quickly scattered away from them after they saw the eerie aura around them. Suddenly, it stopped, their eyes widen, their Eerie aura disappeared in just a split second,they looked to the hallway just to their right. A girl standing there, with her arms by her side, a tick mark clearly visible at her forehead, her breath hard but steady, around her was the creepiest aura you can never imagine, she took a step forward as her brothers sweat dropped and their mouths widen.
"Yo-yoshi, calm d..down" Kou managed to speak out at last. But what he got as a reply was....
A gush of wind followed by a shriek, they turned their head to other side and saw her twisting Shuu and Yuma's ear while heading towards the stairs up to the rooftop, their sweat dropped again.

At the rooftop...
"Ittai, what the hell?!?!?" Yuma asked while rubbing his ear.
"Yoshi, what is the meaning of this?"
Asked Shuu sitting on the floor with his red ear.
"Sae nee, I wonder what happened yesterday, Shuu, Yuma!?"
Shuu smirked.
"Oh that, I was surprised you could still walk after last night, I was thinking of sitting you in a wheelchair just now."
"Oi, oi, but you gotta be honest, you enjoyed it, didn't you?"asked Yuma smirking.
"NO I DIDN'T!!!"Yoshi yelled while punching the wall beside her and a tick mark appeared.
"Eh?Then tell me, what was that I heard last night?I believe it was you moaning and screaming our names, right?" Shuu said while smirking.
"Yup, exactly as Shuu said. Your eyes were definitely filled with lust too . Don't tell me you didn't enjoy yourself ." Continued Yuma.
Yoshi's cheeks were flushed red.
"I..I...My body enjoyed it, but heart didn't!"said Yoshi.
"Really!Plus you guys are my brothers, so you shouldn't do that to your sister!" said Yoshi.
"Adopted sister"
"It's still sister!"
Yoshi looked to the side.
"*sigh Come on, let's go home, shall we?"asked Shuu while putting his arm around Yoshi. She pouted and nodded, while Yuma just stood there.
"Bai bai, Yu-nii~"

At the Sakamakis' mansion...

"nrufufu~"Laito laughed while looking at his oldest brother.
"Nani?"asked Shuu who was sleeping on the couch.
"I never though that a lazy person like you would do that to our sister...nrufufu~"said Laito.
"So?"asked Shuu smirking.
"Did know, feel good?"asked Laito.
A slight cough was heard, they turned to face Reiji who was reading his book while sitting on an armchair.
"We are not talking about that here."said Reiji.
"mou, Reiji is no fun" said Laito while fake pouting.
Reiji's eyebrow twitched.
"fine, fine"

Out of the blue, the window was smashed and in came smokes and a pair of glistering eyes, continued by a an evil laughter, the brothers quickly stood up and look at the cloud of smoke"Who's there?" asked Ayato tensing up.
"I'm me and only me, If you don't know me, then I shall forever remain mystery to you~"it was a male's voice.
"Tsk, show yourself!" Subaru shouted but was only replied by another laugh.
"Foolish princes thinking everyone must obey them, always thinking that the demon world is theirs to share"He said while wandering around the living room. The door creaked open and in came Yui shocked.
"Wha...what's that?"she asked.
"Chichinashi,get out of here!"ordered Ayato.
Yui was about to close the door but it threw her inside the living room and shut the door, Ayato managed to her before she fall to the ground.
"No one's getting anywhere~"
"Tsk, who the hell are you and what do you want?" asked Reiji.
"I want...A red dye to dye the sky red, the sweet aroma of it can make a vampire crave."
"You are not getting Chichinashi's blood!" shouted Ayato while hiding Yui behind his back.
He laughed and said:" Foolish Red-head, I do not wish for this mere human' blood for I wish for something more~"
"Oi, who are yo-Shit, Yoshi!Where is she?" asked Subaru.
"She's upstairs in her bedroom"said Laito.
"What's wrong?"asked Kanato.
"He wants Yoshi's blood!"
He laughed, "Smart, I thought you guys forgot about her."
"Yeah, you're dumb, you're here with us.So how are you gonna get Yoshi?"asked Ayato.
"You really think I'd be this dumb?This is just a mere illusion~The real me is probably in Yoshi's bedroom now. "
"What the-?"
A table was tossed at him and he dodged, the brothers took this as a chance to leave the living room and teleport to Yoshi.

A slight shuffling sound was heard, Yoshi twitched. The shuffling sound grew louder, she stopped reading her book and headed towards the door and opened it.
"Hello?" She called out into the dark and empty hallways.
"Hmm, no one?" she asked herself and closed the door.
Just as she turned around, she saw him, she was shocked.
"Ki-"she inhaled the puff of smoke he blew at her and fainted before she could finish, he caught her and carried her bridal style in his arms.
He was going to teleport out but the thing Yoshi had prevented him from doing so.
"Damn this stupid thing!"he said and broke the thing by stepping on it, breaking it and teleported out.
Bam!The door was knocked open and in came the six brothers.
"Yoshi!"They called but there was no reply.
"Goddamnit!We were too late!"Subaru said while hitting the wall.
"They couldn't have gone far, let's search for them"said Laito and they agreed.

To be continued...

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