Chapter Two-There Is A Man In The Girls Washroom

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Chapter 2! Yay! Okay, so we are going to start to get into the more charmed stuff. But not by much, by chapter 3 definitely. Just not so fast. Okay, hope you enjoy!!!


Already half way through the day. Not to bad, met a nice boy, sit beside my best friend, and even started to get on my teacher's good side by complimenting him. Janet and I are in science right now getting to know our science teacher.

"Nice last name, Mr. Chip." Janet says

"Um.. Thanks  Janet." Mr. Chip replies a little confused.

"So... What are we learning in the first unit?" I ask trying to steer away from the awkwardness.

"Particle Theory." He states proudly.

"Oh yeah, the 5 states of matter and stuff." I blurt out.

"Yes, that is correct." He said impressed. "Okay, class, pick your seats and let's get started."

"Okay, who can tell me the 5 states of matter?" He questions. "Yes, Justin."

"Sir there are only 3 states of matter, solids, liquid, and gas." Justin explains.

"Hum, can anyone else tell me the other 2?" Mr. Chip asked as he ignores Justin. When nobody rises their hand, he picks on someone. That someone just so happened to be me. "Courtney, I believe you might know the answer." Dang it, I should have just shut my month earlier.

"Um. T-the other 2 a-are. Um. Plasma, and Bose-Einstein Theory." I mumble.

"Yes, that is correct. Now," He turns his attention back to Justin. "What are the FIVE states of matter Justin."

"Solids, liquids, gases, plasma, and Bose-Einstein Theory." He answers with his head down.

"Very good Justin." Mr. Chip smiles. "Okay, now class I realize it is our first day back, but we need to get down to work. Pick a partner and let's begin." Janet and I instantly look at each other and nod. As people start to scramble for a partner, I start to chat with Janet. "So you never told me about your summer." I say.

"Courtney!" I look over to see Bryan behind me. "Would you like to be my partner?" He asks shyly.

"Um.. That's so sweet Bryan, but Janet and I are already partners. I'm sorry." I respond.

"Oh, um. That's okay." He says, as he starts to look hurt when he walks away.

"Ohhhhhh." Janet squeals. "Someone has a crush on you."

"What?! Psh. I laugh at that." I say.

"Ohhhhh. And from my expert people skills, someone has a crush on him as well." She glows.

"Whaaaaattt?! No I don't! You're delusional." I defend myself.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." She taunts.

"Okay, class." Mr. Chip announces. "I hope you have found a partner. Now discuss what you know about each phase of matter. You have 5 minutes. Your time starts..... NOW."

"Okay, you go first." I tell Janet.

"Okay just one question first. What are the phases of matter?" She asks with a dumbfounded smile on her face.

"It's another word that means the same thing a state."

"Ohhhhh. Okay, well..."


The bell rings for 2nd break.

"I'll meet you guys in the cafeteria. I have to use the washroom." I say.

"Okay, have fun." Teresa jokes.

"Yeah, yeah. See ya later weirdos." I reply.

I just entered the washroom expecting it to be packed and busy as usual, but nobody was there. Completely empty. That was nice for a change. I did my business, washed my hands, and started to make sure I looked fine in the mirror. I look down, urg, my shoe is untied. I bend down to tie it up. Once I'm done I look up back in the mirror for one last check. OMG. There is this random man standing behind me, staring at me. I turn around wide eyed.

"Who are you? And why are you in the freaking GIRLS washroom!" I demand.

"Um.. Hi, I'm Leo."


That's the end of chapter 3! For anyone who doesn't know who Leo is, (SPOILER ALERT AND THERE WILL BE MANY MORE SPOILERS FROM HERE ON OUT) He is The Charmed Ones's WhiteLighter. Why is he there? You'll find out in the next chapter. Hope you enjoyed!


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