Chapter Three-Everything Is Happening So Fast

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Chapter 3 already! Everything is happening so fast. I was sick today, so I thought I would take to opportunity to write some more. Okay, HERE is when we get into the more CHARMED side of things. So SPOILER ALERTS coming up.


"Hi. I'm Leo." The man, er, Leo states calmly.

"Hi, I'm confused. Why the hell are you in the GIRLS washroom? And when did you come in. I didn't hear you walk in." I question harshly.

"Listen, Courtney-"

"HOW DO YOU KNOW MY NAME?! I HAVE NEVER MEET YOU BEFORE." I begin to get a little frightened but I hold my ground.

"No you haven't. I know this might be a bit confusing, but everything will make sense soon. Please take my hand." He seems so calm.

"Okay, wait. Let me get this straight. A strange man, no offence, randomly appears in the girls washroom. I have never met you before, and you expect me to take your hand." I stare blankly at him.

"Um. Yes." He replies.

"No way!"

"Come on, Courtney. Please, this is very important." Leo pleads. I look at him questioningly.

"Fine, lets compromise. A least give me a high five." He smiles.

"Then will you leave me alone?" I ask.

"Yes, then, I will kind of leave you alone."

"What do you mean by kind of?" I exclaim.

"Come on, I don't have a lot of time Courtney. They will find us. They are catching up!" He blurts out.

"Who? Who will find us? Who is catching up? Leo what the heck are you talking about?" I start to worry.

"Just high five me, and I will explain everything later!" He says getting impatient.

"Fine." I high five him and that is when things get weird.

First I see white, blue dots, hum, how do I explain them... Oh! They are like, um, orbs, is the first word that comes to mind. Then, they start to swirl all around us, forming into one huge light. I feel like I'm floating. All I see is my hand still against Leo's, and light all around us. Soon things start come back into focus.

"Whoa." I say as we land, and I start to lose my balance. Before I blank out, I see 5 blurry figures. Then darkness, as the floor rushes up to meet me.


I wake up on a couch. I wake up suspecting to be alone. I wake up with with 5 people around me. Startled, I jerked to a sitting position.

"Whoa." I say as my head instantly fulls with pain.

"Wow, careful there. Lay back down, take it easy. You're okay." Someone says reassuringly as they lightly touch my shoulder to lay me back down.

"Wh-hats hap-pening?" I stutter.

"Hi, sweetly. I'm Phoebe," The lady, or I guess, Phoebe says. A nice looking woman with 2 brown pigtails. "This is Piper," She points at another lady with long brown hair. "Paige," She gestures at a person with short reddish-brownish hair. "Prue," She points a lady with her brown hair in a ponytail. "and this is Leo-"

"Yeah, we met already." He states.

"Right." Phoebe says. "Okay, Courtney. I know this is all so confusing right now-"

"Yeah, yeah. That's what he, er, Leo said." I mention.

"Yes, and well.. That fact is, you're in danger Courtney." Phoebe says looking worried about how I would react.

"Danger. What kind of danger. What is this so called 'danger.'" I say. They all look at each other, looking for a way to explain it.

"A demon." Piper says blankly.

"A demon." I question.

"Yes. Um.. You see. We are, um, witches, and we fight demon and anything bad. We also protect innocents in trouble. In danger." Paige says.

"Oh. Am I one of the innocents?"

"Yeah..." Piper says.

"We are the good ones. We want to help you from getting killed, and end up dead." Prue says bluntly.

"PRUE!" Everyone but me says.

"You don't just say that!" Paige explains.

"Oh.. Right. Sorry guys. It's just my first innocent since I got brought back to life." Prue states.

"BROUGHT BACK TO LIFE?!" I yell. "You mean to tell me that you were dead, and now you're, um, not? Are you like a zombie, or a ghost?"  Everyone got this random smirk on there face like they knew something I didn't. Which was probably the case.

"Um.. Honey, we are witches. We do magic. I'm a person again, not dead, but defiantly not a zombie." Prue says.

"Oh okay. Makes sense." I say sarcastically. "Damn it." I whisper to myself.

"What? What's wrong Courtney? Leo asks.

"Well let's see. I still have school! Everyone will be wondering where I am." I check my watch. "Break ends in 15 minutes!"

"Oh right. We still have 15 minutes right? Leo will bring you back then, but right after school you have to come back with Leo or else you're screwed!" Prue explains.

"Okay, that's reassuring." I say. "Wait, what about the demons. Won't they attack me in class of something?"

"No, demons don't attack in the day most of the time. Especially if there are people around." Phoebe says.

"Okay. Hold up. Why are they after me?" I ask nervously, not wanting to know the answer.

Look around at each other. "We aren't entirely sure yet." Piper answers.

"We know they need you for something, or else they wouldn't have been after you." Prue says. I nod.

"10 minutes." I say. "Okay, well since I'm here now. Is there anyway we can figure some more stuff out before I have to leave?"

"Hum. Maybe just more about yourself. That could lead us to more clues about why they are after you." Phoebe says.

"Okay, what do you need to know?" I ask.


Okay. Hold up. Let's think about how long that was. It might have not felt that long, but it was just under 1,000 words! Okay okay. So explaining. As you know if you have watched all of charmed. SPOILER ALERT Prue is suppose to be dead, but, here is how and why she is alive. So people will be like "Wait, they weren't even aloud to see Prue in the show when she died!" I know, I know, but, what you don't remember is that Grams pretty much said that it was just to early from them to see Prue. That if they saw Prue, it would trick their minds into thinking and believing that she was still alive. So since they are witches, and this story is suppose to be in today's day, (2016) I thought that they have waited long enough to see Prue, so, I let them bring her back to life to help them. Okay, here is why. I always missed Prue and thought that it was to early for her to leave. I thought that she should be in a story of Charmed. She is one of the Charmed Ones btw! So that is my reasoning. This is my book! I can do whatever I want with it. So there.

Well I hope you enjoyed chapter 3!


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