Chapter 5: Bitterblue

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Unknown POV
"Mummy? Daddy? It's time to wake up now! You have got to wake!" Help. I need to get help. I started running, out the door, through the flower field, until I got to the place Mommy talked about. The Mansion. It was on fire. I have to warn them.
Stella's POV
I watched from behind Erin's back. "Who is she?" I whispered, narrowing my eyes.
"Calm down, Stells. She's just a mortal. She is like 6." Erin whispered back, trying to calm me down. I smirked.
"She's mortal? Good. Only room for one little demon here." Erin laughed.
"Just don't kill her, or else we will have to make room for two."
River's POV
Obviously, Stella doesn't like her. I didn't blame her. Who was she? How did she find us? There weren't any towns within at least 100 kilometers... Something was wrong. This was bad. I walked up to her, and knelt down. "Hello, little one. Are you okay?" She shook her head.
"Mummy and Daddy are hurt. Your house is on fire. I'm bad..."

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